
List of Rare Pals

List of Rare Pals Palworld

Rare Pals in Palworld are Pals that might need a certain time to catch, are found in higher-level places, in dungeons, or act as field bosses. Read on to know what the rare pals are and how to get them!

List of Rare Pals

Special Flower Gumoss

Special Flower Gumoss

Special Flower Gumoss is a rare variant of the Gumoss Pal. Its appearance is notable for featuring a striking red flower emerging from its head.

How To Get Special Flower Gumoss

Map Location Overworld Location

The Special Flower Gumoss was captured by our team in the southern coastal region of Windswept Hills. The nearest fast travel points to this area are the Plateau of Blessings or the Small Settlement locations.

Spawn points for the Special Flower Gumoss have not been precisely confirmed, but it is reasonable to assume that this unique variant may appear in any Gumoss habitat, albeit infrequently.

Gumoss Location, Skills and Special Flower Gumoss Form

Legendary Pals

No. Pal Element Partner Skill
108 Paladius ImagePaladius Palworld - Neutral Icon Holy Knight of the Firmament
109 Necromus ImageNecromus Palworld - Dark Icon Dark Knight of the Abyss
110 Frostallion ImageFrostallion Palworld - Ice Icon Ice Steed
111 Jetragon ImageJetragon Palworld - Dragon Icon Aerial Missile

Legendary Pals are formidable enemies in the game presenting a challenge in both combat and capture due to their exceptional stats. They appear as Alpha Field Bosses in fixed locations.

During battle with Legendary Pals, you must ensure that you are fully equipped, well-stocked, and levelled up as Legendary Pals are Level 50.

List of All Legendary Pals and Locations

Fusion Pals

Palworld - Fusion Pal DIfferences Palworld

Fusion Pals represent alternative versions of the standard Pals that roam the wild.

Distinguished by unique appearances and Elemental attributes, these variants are typically located in distant areas on the map, separate from the habitats of their original counterparts.

List of All Fusion Pals and How to Get

Get Fusion Pals By Breeding and Hatching Eggs

Palworld - Breeding Different Species Palworld

You can get fusion pals as a result of breeding and hatching the resulting egg from the pals.

Do note that this requires you to unlock the Breeding Farm Structure in the Technology tab.

Breeding Guide and Best Breeding Combos

Catch Fusion Pals in the Wild

Palworld - Fusion Pals in the Wild Palworld

Some Fusion Pals roam in the wild, the dungeons, and you can also encounter them as field bosses.

How to Catch Pals

Alpha Boss Exclusive Pals

Palworld - Elphidran Alpha Boss Palworld

Alpha Boss Exclusive Pals are Pals that have a red Alpha mark beside their name, these are Pal Bosses that appear larger than its normal counterpart.

You can find these inside dungeons, or as boss enemies marked in the map.

List of Alpha Bosses and Locations

Capturing Alpha Bosses

When Alpha Bosses are captured, they will preserve their size and have an Alpha mark on their icon. Alpha Pals will usually have higher stats than their standard counterparts.

Dungeon Exclusive Pals

Palworld - All Dungeon Locations Palworld

Dungeon Exclusive Pals are exclusive pals that are only encountered inside dungeons.

Currently, there are 2 Dungeon Exclusive Pals: Killamari and Mau. Felbat is also exclusive to dungeons, but an Alpha can be found as an Alpha boss.

All Dungeon Exclusive Pals


Killamari Details
Element 1 Element 2
Palworld - Dark Icon -
Partner Skill
Fried Squid
Allows Killamari to be used as a glider. Each level increases the base gliding speed, and decreases stamina drain and the rate at which you fall while gliding.
Work Suitability

Killamari appears as a purple octopus that hovers on the ground. You can only find Killamari on dungeons, sometimes fighting with Syndicate Thugs.

Killamari Location, Skills, and Drops


Mau Details
Element 1 Element 2
Palworld - Dark Icon -
Partner Skill
Gold Digger
When assigned to the Ranch, Mau produces Gold Coins.
Work Suitability

Mau appears as an Egyptian-like cat. You can find Mau exclusively inside the dungeons and successfully defeating it rewards you with a valuable drop of gold coins.

These coins can be utilized for purchases from both the Wandering Merchant and the Pal Merchant.

Mau Location, Skills, and Drops


Felbat Details
Element 1 Element 2
Palworld - Dark Icon -
Partner Skill
Life Steal
Felbat and the player heals a portion of the damage they deal while fighting together.
Work Suitability
Medicine Production Medicine Lv. 3

The Dark Element Felbat is another Pal whose regular version can only be encountered inside dungeons.

An Alpha version of Felbat can be encountered inside the Sealed Realm of the Abyssal Nights at the coordinates -411, 59. It is found southeast of the Forgotten Island Church Ruins teleport point.

Alpha Felbat Overworld Image Alpha Felbat
Map Image

Felbat Location, How to Breed, and Drops

Wildlife Sanctuary Pals

Palworld - Wildlife Sanctuary 1 Location

There are three Wildlife Sanctuary islands in Palworld where you can encounter rare Pals, which you can reach with the help of flying or surfing Pals.

All Wildlife Sanctuary Pals and Locations

Dragostrophe and Boltmane

Currently, there are 2 unreleased Pals which are yet to be in the game, but no further information have been reported.

However, these pals may be released as new Pals or Raid Bosses as part of Pocketpair's future update roadmap.

These two Pals are Dragostrophe and Boltmane.

Upcoming Pals

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Paldeck Banner

Complete Paldeck and List of All Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals
Palworld - XenolordXenolord Palworld - NitemaryNitemary Palworld - StarryonStarryon
Palworld - SilvegisSilvegis Palworld - SmokieSmokie Palworld - CelesdirCelesdir
Palworld - OmasculOmascul Palworld - SplatterinaSplatterina Palworld - TarantrissTarantriss
Palworld - AzurmaneAzuremane Palworld - BastigorBastigor Palworld - PruneliaPrunelia
Palworld - NyafiaNyafia Palworld - GildaneGildane Palworld - Gorirat TerraFoxparks Cryst
Palworld - Dazzi NoctDazzi Noct Palworld - Cryolinx TerraCryolinx Terra Palworld - Fenglope LuxFenglope Lux
Palworld - Caprity Noct IconCaprity Noct Palworld - Loupmoon CrystLoupmoon Cryst Palworld - Faleris AquaFaleris Aqua
Palworld - Ribbuny BotanRibbuny Botan Palworld - Warsect TerraWarsect Terra Palworld - Kitsun NoctKitsun Noct

Feybreak Update New Features Guide

All Pals by Element Types

All Pal Element Types
Fire Type Water Type Grass Type
Ice Type Electric Type Ground Type
Dark Type Dragon Type Neutral

All Pals by Work Suitability

All Pal Work Suitabilities
Palworld - Kindling Diamond IconKindling Palworld - Watering Diamond IconWatering Palworld - Planting Diamond IconPlanting
Palworld - Generating Electricity Diamond IconElectricity Palworld - Handiwork Diamond IconHandiwork Palworld - Gathering Diamond IconGathering
Palworld - Lumbering Diamond IconLumbering Palworld - Mining Diamond IconMining Palworld - Medicine Production Diamond IconMedicine
Palworld - Cooling Diamond IconCooling Palworld - Transporting Diamond IconTransporting Palworld - Farming Diamond IconFarming

All Pals by Stats

All Pal Stats
List of Pals by HP List of Pals by Attack
List of Pals by Defense All Pals by Max IV Stats

Pal Lists

All Pal Lists
All Pals by Work Suitability All Night Exclusive Pals
All Fusion Pals All Alpha Bosses and Locations
All Mount Pals All Legendary Pals
All Mineshaft Field Bosses All Wildlife Sanctuary Pals
List of Rare Pals All Dungeon Exclusive Pals
New and Upcoming Pals List of Pals that Improve Carry Capacity
All Predator Pal Locations -

Pal Egg Lists

All Pal Egg Lists
Normal Egg Pals Large Egg Pals Huge Egg Pals
Pal Eggs by Element
Palworld - Scorching EggScorching Egg Palworld - Damp EggDamp Egg Palworld - Verdant EggVerdant Egg
Palworld - Frozen EggFrozen Egg Palworld - Electric EggElectric Egg Palworld - Rocky EggRocky Egg
Palworld - Dark EggDark Egg Palworld - Dragon EggDragon Egg Palworld - Common EggCommon Egg


1 Anonymousabout 1 year

It says that the pals do not retain the large size but I have caught 3 pals with the boss mark. One in open world and 2 in dungeons and all 3 are significantly larger then the original types in the wild. They kept the large size ( x box series S)


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