
All Work Suitabilities Explained

Palworld - Work Suitabilities Banner.png

This is a guide for Work Suitabilities and what each of them do in Palworld. Read on to learn what jobs Pals can do and what Structures are used with each Work Suitability, at and how to improve the work speed of your Base Pals with boosting Structures.

Work Suitabilities Guides
Work Suitabilities Explained All Pals by Work Suitability Best Pals for Every Job
List of Pals for Each Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Each Work Suitability Explained


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Kindling

Palworld - Kindling

List of Technology
Palworld- CampfireCampfire Palworld- Cooking PotCooking Pot Palworld- Electric FurnaceElectric Furnace
Palworld- Electric HeaterElectric Heater Palworld- Electric KitchenElectric Kitchen Palworld- Flame CauldronFlame Cauldron
Palworld- Gigantic FurnaceGigantic Furnace Palworld- HeaterHeater Palworld- Improved FurnaceImproved Furnace
Palworld- Large-Scale Stone OvenLarge-Scale Stone Oven Palworld- Primitive FurnacePrimitive Furnace

Kindling allows for a Pal to perform any task that requires heating. Some of these tasks for example are cooking food, refining ingots, and lighting torches.


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Watering

Palworld - Watering

List of Technology
Palworld- CrusherCrusher Palworld- MillMill Palworld- Water FountainWater Fountain

Watering allows for a Pal to perform any task that requires water. Some of these tasks for example are watering plants and powering water wheels.


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Planting

Palworld - Planting

List of Technology
Palworld- SiloSilo

Planting allows for a Pal to plant crops, which will then be harvested by Pals with Gathering to supply food for the base.

Generating Electricity

Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Generating Electricity

Palworld - Generating Electricity

List of Technology
Palworld- Electric PylonElectric Pylon Palworld- Large Power GeneratorLarge Power Generator Palworld- Power GeneratorPower Generator

Generating Electricity allows for a Pal to supply energy to a Power Generator, which in turn distributes electricity to machines around the base.


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Handiwork

Palworld - Handiwork

List of Technology
Palworld- Advanced Sphere Assembly LineAdvanced Sphere Assembly Line Palworld- Gold Coin Assembly LineGold Coin Assembly Line Palworld- High Quality WorkbenchHigh Quality Workbench
Palworld- Large ToolboxLarge Toolbox Palworld- Mounted CrossbowMounted Crossbow Palworld- Mounted Machine GunMounted Machine Gun
Palworld- Mounted Missile LauncherMounted Missile Launcher Palworld- Pal Gear WorkbenchPal Gear Workbench Palworld- Primitive WorkbenchPrimitive Workbench
Palworld- Production Assembly LineProduction Assembly Line Palworld- Production Assembly Line IIProduction Assembly Line II Palworld- Sphere Assembly LineSphere Assembly Line
Palworld- Sphere Assembly Line IISphere Assembly Line II Palworld- Sphere WorkbenchSphere Workbench Palworld- Weapon Assembly LineWeapon Assembly Line
Palworld- Weapon Assembly Line IIWeapon Assembly Line II Palworld- Weapon WorkbenchWeapon Workbench

Handiwork allows for a Pal to build structures around the base and craft items on a workbench.


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Gathering

Palworld - Gathering

List of Technology
Palworld- Flower BedFlower Bed

Gathering allows for a Pal to harvest crops and supply food for the base.


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Lumbering

Palworld - Lumbering

List of Technology
Palworld- Logging SiteLogging Site Palworld- Stump and AxeStump and Axe

Lumbering allows for a Pal to chop down Trees and work at a Logging Site to supply Wood and Fiber to the base.


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Mining

Palworld - Mining

List of Technology
Palworld- Coal MineCoal Mine Palworld- Ore Mining SiteOre Mining Site Palworld- Ore Mining Site IIOre Mining Site II
Palworld- Pickaxe and HelmetPickaxe and Helmet Palworld- Pure Quartz MinePure Quartz Mine Palworld- Stone PitStone Pit
Palworld- Sulfur MineSulfur Mine

Mining allows for a Pal to destroy mining nodes including Stone, Paldium Fragments, and Ore, dropping their respective resources, and work at a Stone Pit creating Stone. Note that Ore can only be mined by Pals with Mining Lv. 2 and above.

Medicine Production

Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Medicine Production

Palworld - Medicine Production

List of Technology
Palworld- Advanced Medicine WorkbenchAdvanced Medicine Workbench Palworld- Electric Medicine WorkbenchElectric Medicine Workbench Palworld- Medieval Medicine WorkbenchMedieval Medicine Workbench
Palworld- Witch CauldronWitch Cauldron

Medicine Production allows for a Pal to create Medicine and Consumables, used to heal and enhance Pals, at a Medicine Workbench.


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Cooling

Palworld - Cooling

List of Technology
Palworld- CoolerCooler Palworld- Cooler BoxCooler Box Palworld- Electric CoolerElectric Cooler
Palworld- Refrigerated CrusherRefrigerated Crusher Palworld- RefrigeratorRefrigerator Palworld- SnowmanSnowman

Cooling allows for a Pal to power Storage Units, like a Refrigerator, that prevent food from spoiling.


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Palworld - Transporting

Transporting allows for a Pal to move items harvested and generated around the base into different Storage Units.


Jump to a Specific Work Suitability
Kindling Watering Planting
Generating Electricity Handiwork Gathering
Lumbering Mining Medicine Production
Cooling Transporting Farming

Structures That Require Farming

Palworld - Farming

List of Technology
Palworld- RanchRanch

Farming allows for a Pal to drop their respective resources when they're assigned to a Ranch.

Work Suitability: Farming

Farming is a unique Work Suitability since there's only Work Suitability Lv. 1, and that each Pal has a unique resource that they drop while working at a Ranch.

All Farming Pals and Drops
Palworld - Lamball Lamball
Palworld - Cremis Cremis
Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi
Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina
Palworld - Beegarde Beegarde
Palworld - Caprity Caprity
Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop
Palworld - Flambelle Flambelle
Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx
Palworld - Mau Mau
Gold Coins
Palworld - Mau Cryst Mau Cryst
Gold Coins
Palworld - Vixy Vixy

Structures That Boost Work Speed

Individual Structures That Boost a Specific Work Suitability

Level Technology Points Description

These structures will give a boost to the speed of their respective Work Suitabilities. Do note that putting multiple down does not multiply the boost that it gives, so it's only worth putting one of each inside your base.

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