
Palworld New Pals

Palworld - Upcoming Pals

Upcoming updates will add new Pals in Palworld! Check out all new Pals added throughout the game's updates, as well as all upcoming Pals in the game!

All New Pals in Feybreak Update

List of Pals
Palworld- XenolordXenolord Palworld- NitemaryNitemary Palworld- StarryonStarryon Palworld- SilvegisSilvegis
Palworld- SmokieSmokie Palworld- CelesdirCelesdir Palworld- OmasculOmascul Palworld- SplatterinaSplatterina
Palworld- TarantrissTarantriss Palworld- AzurmaneAzurmane Palworld- BastigorBastigor Palworld- PruneliaPrunelia
Palworld- NyafiaNyafia Palworld- GildaneGildane Palworld- Foxparks CrystFoxparks Cryst Palworld- Dazzi NoctDazzi Noct
Palworld- Cryolinx TerraCryolinx Terra Palworld- Fenglope LuxFenglope Lux Palworld- Caprity NoctCaprity Noct Palworld- Loupmoon CrystLoupmoon Cryst
Palworld- Faleris AquaFaleris Aqua Palworld- Ribbuny BotanRibbuny Botan Palworld- Warsect TerraWarsect Terra Palworld- Kitsun NoctKitsun Noct

These new Pals, along with lots of new features has been added as part of the Feybreak Update, which is now live!

Feybreak Update Guide

Upcoming and Unreleased Pals


Palworld - Boltmane.png

Boltmane has previously been featured in Palworld's videos, but it didn't seem to make it into the early access version of the game.

It's possible that this Electric Element Pal will be added in a future update instead.



Palworld - Dragostrophe

Dragostrophe, which appears to be a Dragon Element Pal, has also been featured in Palworld promotional materials in the past but is currently unavailable in the game.

Like many other Dragon Pals, it looks like it could be a possible Alpha Boss (or even a Legendary Pal) if ever it gets added in a future update of the game.


Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Paldeck Banner

Complete Paldeck and List of All Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals
Palworld - XenolordXenolord Palworld - NitemaryNitemary Palworld - StarryonStarryon
Palworld - SilvegisSilvegis Palworld - SmokieSmokie Palworld - CelesdirCelesdir
Palworld - OmasculOmascul Palworld - SplatterinaSplatterina Palworld - TarantrissTarantriss
Palworld - AzurmaneAzuremane Palworld - BastigorBastigor Palworld - PruneliaPrunelia
Palworld - NyafiaNyafia Palworld - GildaneGildane Palworld - Gorirat TerraFoxparks Cryst
Palworld - Dazzi NoctDazzi Noct Palworld - Cryolinx TerraCryolinx Terra Palworld - Fenglope LuxFenglope Lux
Palworld - Caprity Noct IconCaprity Noct Palworld - Loupmoon CrystLoupmoon Cryst Palworld - Faleris AquaFaleris Aqua
Palworld - Ribbuny BotanRibbuny Botan Palworld - Warsect TerraWarsect Terra Palworld - Kitsun NoctKitsun Noct

Feybreak Update New Features Guide

All Pals by Element Types

All Pal Element Types
Fire Type Water Type Grass Type
Ice Type Electric Type Ground Type
Dark Type Dragon Type Neutral

All Pals by Work Suitability

All Pal Work Suitabilities
Palworld - Kindling Diamond IconKindling Palworld - Watering Diamond IconWatering Palworld - Planting Diamond IconPlanting
Palworld - Generating Electricity Diamond IconElectricity Palworld - Handiwork Diamond IconHandiwork Palworld - Gathering Diamond IconGathering
Palworld - Lumbering Diamond IconLumbering Palworld - Mining Diamond IconMining Palworld - Medicine Production Diamond IconMedicine
Palworld - Cooling Diamond IconCooling Palworld - Transporting Diamond IconTransporting Palworld - Farming Diamond IconFarming

All Pals by Stats

All Pal Stats
List of Pals by HP List of Pals by Attack
List of Pals by Defense All Pals by Max IV Stats

Pal Lists

All Pal Lists
All Pals by Work Suitability All Night Exclusive Pals
All Fusion Pals All Alpha Bosses and Locations
All Mount Pals All Legendary Pals
All Mineshaft Field Bosses All Wildlife Sanctuary Pals
List of Rare Pals All Dungeon Exclusive Pals
New and Upcoming Pals List of Pals that Improve Carry Capacity
All Predator Pal Locations -

Pal Egg Lists

All Pal Egg Lists
Normal Egg Pals Large Egg Pals Huge Egg Pals
Pal Eggs by Element
Palworld - Scorching EggScorching Egg Palworld - Damp EggDamp Egg Palworld - Verdant EggVerdant Egg
Palworld - Frozen EggFrozen Egg Palworld - Electric EggElectric Egg Palworld - Rocky EggRocky Egg
Palworld - Dark EggDark Egg Palworld - Dragon EggDragon Egg Palworld - Common EggCommon Egg


1 Anonymous8 months

you forget Warsect Terra number 92b


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