
Best Armor Tier List (March 2025)

Palworld - Best Armor Tier List
This is Game8's Palworld Tier List for the best armor and accessories in the game! Read on to find out what armor and accessories to equip and why you should use them.

Best Armor in Palworld

Best Armor Tier List

Best Armor Tier List
Tier Armor
SS Tier
S Tier
Palworld - Ring of Neutral Resistance Ring of Neutral Resistance and other Resistance Rings
A Tier
B Tier

Ranked Based on the Same Rarity

The armor and accessories on this page are rated, assuming they have the same rarity. Some equipment have Legendary versions, which are always superior to their Common variants, so always equip the highest rarity possible to maximize stats and effects.

All Legendary Armors and Armor

Best Armor Ranking Explained

SS Tier

Game8's Palworld Armor Tier List
SS Tier Icon Dark S Tier A Tier B Tier

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Armor Reason
Palworld - Lightweight Hexolite Armor Weapon Lightweight Hexolite Armor ・A variant of the Hexolite armor that performs in a very similar manner.
・The increased carrying capacity of this armor makes it the best standard armor for most situations. ・Can be used alongside +2 Multiclimate Undershirt to cover both heat and cold resistances.
Palworld - Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Weapon Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor
Palworld - Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor Weapon Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor
・Tied with Hexolite Armor for the highest HP and Defense values in the game.
・Required to explore some areas of the game, to be used in conjunction with Thermal or Heat Resistant undershirts.
Palworld - Hexolite Helmet Weapon Hexolite Helmet ・Strongest head armor in the game.
・Provides a significant upgrade from the plasteel helmet.
Palworld - Hexolite Armor Weapon Hexolite Armor ・The strongest armor in the game, with the best base stats.
・Still a good viable option, though superseded by its variants.
Palworld - Advanced Shield Weapon Advanced Shield ・Strongest shield in the game.
・Provides 1800 Shield Points.
Palworld - Multiclimate Undershirt Weapon Multiclimate Undershirt ・Provides resistance to both heat and cold.
・+2 Variant provides more resistance and can be used alongside Light armor to cover both resistances.
Palworld - Life Pendant Weapon Life Pendant ・Provides additional health when equipped.
・Stacks with another Life Pendant.
Palworld - Defense Pendant Weapon Defense Pendant ・Gives additional defense when equipped.
・Stacks with another Defense Pendant.

Best Options in Every Slot

SS Tier armor are endgame gear and likewise have the highest HP, Defense, and Durability needed to survive. However, most of them require high levels and rare materials to craft. Higher-rarity accessories, which are marked with a +1 or +2, also tend to be harder to find, but Common variants will remain useful in most situations.

S Tier

Game8's Palworld Armor Tier List
SS Tier S Tier Icon Dark A Tier B Tier

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Armor Reason
Palworld - Lightweight Plasteel Armor Weapon Lightweight Plasteel Armor ・Has the same HP and Defense bonuses as the Cold and Heat versions.
・Provides extra carrying capacity, making it a good all-purpose armor.
Palworld - Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Weapon Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor
Palworld - Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Weapon Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor
・Tied with Lightweight Plasteel Armor for the highest HP and Defense values in the game.
・Still great options if heading into very cold or hot environments, unless one uses Thermal or Heat Resistant Undershirts respectively.
Palworld - Plasteel Armor Weapon Plasteel Armor ・Significantly better than the Pal Metal Armors, but is worse than the SS-tier equivalents.
・Becomes obsolete after gaining a few levels.
Palworld - Plasteel Helmet Weapon Plasteel Helmet ・Provides great protection that will serve as great auxiliary armor before transitioning to Hexolite.
Palworld - Ultra Shield Weapon Ultra Shield ・Strong shield with high defensive value that is still relevant late in the game until it is replaced by Advanced Shield.
Palworld - Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Weapon Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor
Palworld - Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Weapon Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor
・Will still be useful while waiting to unlock Cold and Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor.
・The Legendary versions have slightly less HP than Plasteel Armor, but have more or equal Defense depending on the type of armor.
Palworld - Pal Metal Helm Weapon Pal Metal Helm ・Similar to the armor, will still be useful until you get the Plasteel Helmet.
Legendary Pal Metal Helm is only slightly worse than the basic Plasteel Helmet.
Palworld - Hyper Shield Weapon Hyper Shield ・3rd strongest shield in the game.
・Provides 1045 Shield Points.
Palworld - Attack Pendant Weapon Attack Pendant ・Increases player attack when equipped.
・Raising attack isn't as important for the player. Worth equipping if defense or HP are adequate.
Palworld - Ring of Neutral Resistance Weapon Ring of Neutral Resistance ・The game has Rings of Resistance for every element.
・Useful when used against the right Pal matchup, but requires switching equipment.
・Dropped by some Alpha Bosses, so no crafting is needed.

Strong Armor in the Late Game

S tier armor are useful in the late game, but get are worse than those in the SS tier once you reach the max level. However, these are still perfectly acceptable options until you can get armor from the higher tier.

A Tier

Game8's Palworld Armor Tier List
SS Tier S Tier A Tier Icon Dark B Tier

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Armor Reason
Palworld - Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Weapon Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor
Palworld - Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Weapon Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor
・Weaker than Pal Metal versions.
・More accessible due to lower crafting requirements.
Legendary versions have 800 HP and 288 Def.
Palworld - Refined Metal Helm Weapon Refined Metal Helm ・Weaker than Pal Metal Helm, but can be crafted earlier.
Legendary Refined Metal Helm has 400 HP and 160 Def, higher than Common Pal Metal Helm.
Palworld - Giga Shield Weapon Giga Shield ・3rd strongest shield in the game.
・Fairly accessible for midgame (requires Lv. 28).
Palworld - Ring of Freight +1 Weapon Ring of Freight +1 ・Increases carrying capacity when equipped.
・Can stack with other Rings of Freight.
Palworld - Pendant of Diligence Weapon Pendant of Diligence ・Increasing Work Speed has limited utility if your Pals are around.
・Raises work speed without having to increase stats so you can allocate them to others.

Decent All-Around Armor

The armor in the A tier are decent options while the top armor pieces aren't available yet. The accessories on this tier are also useful, but don't provide combat bonuses, leading to their lower ranking compared to the top-tier equivalents.

B Tier

Game8's Palworld Armor Tier List
SS Tier S Tier A Tier B Tier Icon Dark

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Armor Reason
Palworld - Cold Resistant Metal Armor Weapon Cold Resistant Metal Armor
Palworld - Heat Resistant Metal Armor Weapon Heat Resistant Metal Armor
・Decent HP and defense for midgame.
・Legendary schematic not dropped by Alpha Bosses, making their stronger versions less accessible.
Palworld - Metal Helm Weapon Metal Helm ・Decent head armor for midgame.
Legendary Metal Helm is weaker than Refined Metal Helm, making it not as worth crafting.
Palworld - Mega Shield Weapon Mega Shield ・Usable shield with more than double the power of a common shield.
Palworld - Thermal Undershirt Weapon Thermal Undershirt ・Useful for fighting off the cold without the need for a heat source.
・Stacks with other sources of cold resistance.
Palworld - Heat Resistant Undershirt Weapon Heat Resistant Undershirt ・Great for surviving hot areas such as volcanoes.
・Stacks with other sources of heat resistance.

Usable in Some Situations

The armor in the B-tier are good options for players about to hit Lv. 30. Their materials are relatively more accessible, but their defensive power can become lacking later on. The accessories here aren't always the best picks to equip, but will shine when needed.

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