
List of New Items and Materials

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Several new items, materials, and consumables are added in Palworld's Feybreak update. Read on to learn more about the new items, what they do, and how to use them!

List of New Items in Feybreak Update

Jump to an Item Type
Slab Fragments Consumables Materials

New Slab Fragments

Item Description
Palworld - Xenolord (Ultra) SlabXenolord (Ultra) Slab Slab depicting Xenolord. Offer to a Summoning Altar to summon an exceptionally powerful Lv ?? Xenolord.
Palworld - Xenolord SlabXenolord Slab Slab depicting Xenolord. Offer to a Summoning Altar to summon an exceptionally powerful Lv 60 Xenolord.
Palworld - Xenolord Slab FragmentXenolord Slab Fragment Fragment depicting Xenolord. Combine all of them to create a Slab.

New Consumables

Item Description
Palworld - Advanced Recovery MedsAdvanced Recovery Meds Medicine that heals wounds over time. Extremely high quality, it rapidly restores HP before your eyes.
Palworld - Broncherry Fried NoodlesBroncherry Fried Noodles A dish made by stir-frying noodles with vegetables and meat. The rich seasoning pairs perfectly with the thick cuts of meat. Eating it will increase your Attack by 20% for a period of time.
Palworld - CarrotCarrot A vibrant, nutrient-rich root vegetable. Not suitable for raw consumption.
Palworld - Carrot SeedsCarrot Seeds Seeds that produce Carrot. Necessary for starting a farm.
Palworld - French FriesFrench Fries A dish made by deep-frying Potato. Once you start eating, you can't stop. Eating it will make it harder for your SAN value to decrease for a period of time.
Palworld - Galeclaw NikujagaGaleclaw Nikujaga A dish made by simmering meat and potatoes in a sweet and savory sauce. It has a mysteriously nostalgic taste. Eating it will increase your Defense by 25% for a period of time.
Palworld - GratinGratin A dish made by coating potatoes with sauce and baking them to perfection. Best enjoyed hot and fresh. Eating it will provide lasting fullness and increase your Defense by 10% for a period of time.
Palworld - Mammorest CurryMammorest Curry A dish made by simmering vegetables and meat with spices. The rich flavor is highlighted by large chunks of tender meat. Eating it will increase your Attack by 25% for a period of time.
Palworld - MinestroneMinestrone A soup simmered with a variety of vegetables. Drinking it warms you to the core. Eating it will increase your work speed for a period of time.
Palworld - Mushroom QuicheMushroom Quiche A dish made by baking a pastry crust filled with eggs, vegetables, mushrooms, and cream. It’s delicious even when cooled. Eating it will help you stay fuller for a while and make it harder for your SAN value to decrease for a period of time.
Palworld - OnionOnion A cherished and easy-to-grow vegetable with a rich history. Not suitable for eating raw.
Palworld - Onion SeedsOnion Seeds Seeds that produce Onion. Necessary for starting a farm.
Palworld - PotatoPotato A hardy and filling crop that grows in any terrain. Not suitable for raw consumption.
Palworld - Potato SeedsPotato Seeds Seeds that produce Potato. Necessary for starting a farm.
Palworld - Revival PotionRevival Potion A potion that revives a Pal that has been injured and is unable to move.
Palworld - Rushoar GyozaRushoar Gyoza A dish made by wrapping a filling of mushrooms and meat in wheat flour and boiling it. The chewy texture is irresistible. Eating it improves your Attack by 10% for a period of time.
Palworld - Spring RollsSpring Rolls A dish made by wrapping vegetables and mushrooms in a thin skin and deep-frying them. The crispy texture is delightful. Eating it will make it harder for your SAN value to decrease and increase your Attack by 10% for a period of time.
Palworld - Stir-Fried VegetablesStir-Fried Vegetables A dish made by stir-frying Carrot and Onion. A simple and delicious way to enjoy vegetables. Eating it will slightly increase your work speed and improve your Defense by 10% for a period of time.

All Consumables and Locations

New Materials

Item Description
Palworld - Ancient Pal ManuscriptAncient Pal Manuscript An ancient manuscript written on Pal hide. It may be found by Pals during expeditions. Required for advancing research.
Palworld - ChromiteChromite A type of metal buried underground. It can be detected with a Metal Detector on certain islands.
Palworld - Dark FragmentDark Fragment Dropped by some powerful Dark Pals. Used as material for crafting powerful accessories and other items.
Palworld - Giant Pal SoulGiant Pal Soul The soul left behind by a highly trained Pal. It can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a Statue of Power.
Palworld - HexoliteHexolite An alloy of Chromite, Ingot, and Hexolite Quartz. Used as materials for advanced equipment and structures.
Palworld - Hexolite QuartzHexolite Quartz A rare crystal found only in Feybreak. Over many years, Paladium has condensed and transformed, now shining with a rainbow-like glow.
Palworld - Nightstar SandNightstar Sand Sand that can be found in the desert at night. Used as material for crafting certain accessories and other items.
Palworld - Predator CorePredator Core Core dropped by Predator Pals. It is filled with mysterious energy.
Palworld - Successful Bounty TokenSuccessful Bounty Token A token of having defeated a bounty target. By giving it to a Vigilante Bounty Officer in villages or towns, it can be exchanged for a reward.

All Materials and Locations

List of New Items in Sakurajima Summer Update

Several new items, materials, and consumables are available in Palworld's Sakurajima Summer update.

Sakurajima Summer Update New Features Guide

New Slab Fragments

Item Description
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) SlabBlazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab Slab overflowing with Blazamut Ryu's energy. Offer to a Summoning Altar to summon an inconceivably powerful (Lv 55) Blazamut Ryu.
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu SlabBlazamut Ryu Slab Slab depicting Blazamut Ryu. Offer to an Summoning Altar to summon a very powerful Lv. 55 Blazamut Ryu
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Slab FragmentBlazamut Ryu Slab Fragment A fragment of a stone tablet with Blazamut Ryu on it. You can create stone tablets by combining them.

New Consumables

Item Description
Palworld - Burden ElixirBurden Elixir Extremely valuable elixir that permanently raises carrying capacity when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.
Palworld - Burden RemedyBurden Remedy Extremely valuable potion that permanently raises carrying capacity by a slight amount when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.
Palworld - Concentrated All-Purpose Pal ExtractConcentrated All-Purpose Pal Extract A mysterious extract that can be injected into pals to unlock their potential. Raises Pal's rank by one. For some reason, a resentful voice can be heard from within...
Palworld - Might ElixirMight Elixir Extremely valuable elixir that permanently raises attack when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.
Palworld - Might RemedyMight Remedy Extremely valuable potion that permanently raises attack by a slight amount when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.
Palworld - Mysterious MushroomMysterious Mushroom Mushrooms that are not suitable for eating raw. Eating makes one more prone to feeling hungry.
Palworld - Mysterious Mushroom JuiceMysterious Mushroom Juice Mushroom juice known for its incredibly uplifting effect. Drinking it significantly boosts work speed for a period of time, but greatly decreases SAN value.
Palworld - Speed ElixirSpeed Elixir Extremely valuable elixir that permanently raises work speed when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.
Palworld - Speed RemedySpeed Remedy Extremely valuable potion that permanently raises work speed by a slight amount when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.
Palworld - Stamina ElixirStamina Elixir Extremely valuable elixir that permanently raises stamina when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.
Palworld - Stamina RemedyStamina Remedy Extremely valuable potion that permanently raises stamina by a slight amount when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.
Palworld - Vital ElixirVital Elixir Extremely valuable elixir that permanently raises Health when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.
Palworld - Vital RemedyVital Remedy Extremely valuable potion that permanently raises Health by a slight amount when consumed. Ineffective when used by Pals.

All Consumables and Locations

New Materials

Item Description
Palworld - Carrying Lotus (L)Carrying Lotus (L) Large purple flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Carrying Elixirs.
Palworld - Carrying Lotus (S)Carrying Lotus (S) Small purple flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Carrying Remedies.
Palworld - Crude OilCrude Oil A material that can be processed into various products. Obtained by installing a Crude Oil Extractor in an oil field.
Palworld - Dog CoinDog Coin A mysterious coin. Apparently there are people who collect these. Mimog has it, but for some reason, it cannot be obtained by dismantling it.
Palworld - Life Lotus (L)Life Lotus (L) Large green flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Life Elixirs.
Palworld - Life Lotus (S)Life Lotus (S) Small green flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Life Remedies.
Palworld - Meteorite FragmentMeteorite Fragment Fragment of a rock from outer space. Contains large amounts of Paldium Fragment, which can be extracted by placing it in a Crusher.
Palworld - Power Lotus (L)Power Lotus (L) Large red flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Power Elixirs.
Palworld - Power Lotus (S)Power Lotus (S) Small red flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Power Remedies.
Palworld - Speed Lotus (L)Speed Lotus (L) Large orange flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Speed Elixirs.
Palworld - Speed Lotus (S)Speed Lotus (S) Small orange flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Speed Remedies.
Palworld - Stamina Lotus (L)Stamina Lotus (L) Large yellow flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Stamina Elixirs.
Palworld - Stamina Lotus (S)Stamina Lotus (S) Small yellow flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Stamina Remedies.
Palworld - Swee HairSwee Hair Hair dropped from a Swee. Fluffy and soft, it is used to make clothing.

All Materials and Locations

List of New Items in Version

New Items

Material Description
Palworld - Ancient Civilization Core Icon Ancient Civilization Core Core from technology that was lost long ago. Nearly impossible to find on the Palpagos Islands, it contains a wealth of forgotten knowledge.
Palworld - Dazzi Cloud Icon Dazzi Cloud Cloud dropped from a Dazzi. Soft and fluffy, it is used to make clothing.

Slab Fragments

Material Description
Palworld - Bellanoir Bellanoir's Slab Fragment Fragment depicting Bellanoir. Combine all of them to create a Slab.
Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment Fragment depicting Bellanoir Libero. Combine all of them to create a Slab.

Combine four of the same Slab Fragments at a workbench in order to obtain that Pal's Slab.

List of New Consumables

New Recovery Items

Item Description
Palworld - Cavern Mushroom Icon Cavern Mushroom Mushroom that grows prolifically in caves. Can be made into healing medicine.
Palworld - Low Quality Recovery Meds Icon Low Quality Recovery Meds Medicine that heals wounds over time. Low quality, but restores some Health.
Palworld - Recovery Meds Icon Recovery Meds Medicine that heals wounds over time. Restores a decent amount of Health.
Palworld - High Quality Recovery Meds Icon High Quality Recovery Meds Medicine that heals wounds over time. High quality, restores a lot of Health.

New Pal Consumables

Item Description
Palworld - Training Manual (S) Icon Training Manual (S) Training manual that grants 100 EXP when read by a Pal.
Palworld - Training Manual (M) Icon Training Manual (M) Training manual that grants 1,000 EXP when read by a Pal.
Palworld - Training Manual (L) Icon Training Manual (L) Training manual that grants 10,000 EXP when read by a Pal.
Palworld - Training Manual (XL) Icon Training Manual (XL) Training manual that grants 100,000 EXP when read by a Pal.
Palworld - Ancient Technical Manual Icon Ancient Technical Manual A book that contains long-lost secrets of technology from a forgotten era. Use it to obtain 1 Ancient Technology Point.
Palworld - Training Crystal Icon Training Crystal Strange crystal that when given to a Pal, raises its level by one.
Palworld - Life Fruit Icon Life Fruit Precious fruit that is extremely difficult to obtain. Slightly increases a Pal's health.
Palworld - Power Fruit Icon Power Fruit Precious fruit that is extremely difficult to obtain. Slightly increases a Pal's attack.
Palworld - Stout Fruit Icon Stout Fruit Precious fruit that is extremely difficult to obtain. Slightly increases a Pal's defense.

Pal Slabs

Item Description
Palworld - Bellanoir Bellanoir's Slab Slab depicting Bellanoir. Offer to a Summoning Altar to summon a powerful Lv 30 Bellanoir.
Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Bellanoir Libero's Slab Slab depicting Bellanoir Libero. Offer to a Summoning Altar to summon a powerful Lv 50 Bellanoir Libero.
Palworld - Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab Icon Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab Slab overflowing with Bellanoir Libero's energy. Offer to a Summoning Altar to summon an inconceivably powerful (Lv ??) Bellanoir Libero.

Pal Slabs allow you to encounter the specified Pal as a Raid Boss when used at the Summoning Altar.

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Inventory Banner

List of All Materials, Consumables and Drops

All Materials, Consumables and Drops

List of Inventory Guides
How to Get Skill Fruits How to Get High Quality Pal Oil
List of All Pal Spheres and How to Farm List of All Food
How to Farm Pal Souls Best Food Tier List
All Craftable Items and How to Unlock All Materials and Locations
All Consumables and Locations List of New Materials and Consumables


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