
All Breeding Combos List

Palworld - Best Breeding Combos

Here's a guide for the best breeding combos in Palworld! See a list of the best pals to breed, the best breeding combinations, a breeding chart for all pals, as well as a list of all the breeding combos available in Palworld.

Breeding Guides
Breeding Calculator Best Breeding Combos

Best Breeding Combinations

Best Breeding Combos
Best Base Pals to Breed Best Mount Pals to Breed

Use Game8's Breeding Calculator for Every Breeding Combo!

Breeding Calculator

Use our Palworld Breeding Calculator to easily find which Parents to breed to make the Pal you are looking for! Every Pal Combo is included, making it easier than ever to work out which pals to breed!

Palworld Breeding Calculator

Best Base Pals to Breed

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Bushi Bushi Palworld - Anubis Anubis
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Katress Katress Palworld - Anubis Anubis
Palworld - Broncherry Broncherry Palworld - Mammorest Mammorest Palworld - Anubis Anubis
Palworld - Swee Swee Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa Palworld - Digtoise Digtoise
Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Digtoise Digtoise
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx
Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Verdash Verdash
Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Tombat Tombat Palworld - Verdash Verdash
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Verdash Verdash
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Wumpo Botan Wumpo Botan
Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee Palworld - Bushi Bushi Palworld - Wumpo Botan Wumpo Botan
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Wixen Wixen
Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Wixen Wixen
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Wixen Wixen
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Lunaris Lunaris
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Tombat Tombat Palworld - Lunaris Lunaris
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Croajiro Croajiro Palworld - Lunaris Lunaris
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer Palworld - Shroomer Shroomer
Palworld - Nyafia Nyafia Palworld - Croajiro Croajiro Palworld - Shroomer Shroomer
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Dumud Dumud Palworld - Blazehowl Blazehowl
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Blazehowl Blazehowl
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Helzephyr Helzephyr Palworld - Jormuntide Jormuntide
Palworld - Relaxaurus Relaxaurus Palworld - Warsect Warsect Palworld - Jormuntide Jormuntide
Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Petallia Petallia
Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Azurobe Azurobe Palworld - Petallia Petallia
Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Beegarde Beegarde
Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina Palworld - Daedream Daedream Palworld - Beegarde Beegarde
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina
Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Kelpsea Kelpsea Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina
Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Helzephyr Helzephyr Palworld - Astegon Astegon
Palworld - Relaxaurus Relaxaurus Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Astegon Astegon
Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Relaxaurus Lux Relaxaurus Lux Palworld - Helzephyr Helzephyr
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Quivern Quivern Palworld - Helzephyr Helzephyr

Anubis: Excellent Mining and Handiwork Pal

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
100 Anubis ImageAnubis Palworld - Ground Icon
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 4
TransportingTransporting Lv. 2
MiningMining Lv. 3

Anubis is a great Pal to obtain from breeding due to its available Work Suitabilities. In particular, Anubis is a valuable Mining Pal thanks to its Mining Level 3 and Handiwork Level 4 Work Suitabilities. This makes this Pal excellent for working in your base from the mid-game onwards.

Digtoise: Best Mining Pal

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
67 Digtoise ImageDigtoise Palworld - Ground Icon
MiningMining Lv. 3

Digtoise has Mining level 3 and has no other Work Suitabilities, so it can focus on mining without getting distracted by other tasks. It is the strongest pal for ore mining when placed at a base.

Sibelyx: Produces High Quality Cloth

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
79 Sibelyx ImageSibelyx Palworld - Ice Icon
Medicine ProductionMedicine Lv. 2
CoolingCooling Lv. 2
FarmingFarming Lv. 1 - High Quality Cloth

Sibelyx automatically produces High Quality Cloth at your base when assigned to a Ranch. She's also pretty decent in producing medicine items to cure sicknesses and injuries.

Verdash: All-Around Worker

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
77 Verdash ImageVerdash Palworld - Grass Icon
PlantingPlanting Lv. 2
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 3
LumberingLumbering Lv. 2
TransportingTransporting Lv. 2
GatheringGathering Lv. 3

Verdash is a well-rounded Pal due to having high levels in base management tasks such as Gathering, Lumbering, Handiwork, and Transporting.

Wumpo Botan: Best Transporting Pal

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
91B Wumpo Botan ImageWumpo Botan Palworld - Grass Icon
PlantingPlanting Lv. 1
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 2
LumberingLumbering Lv. 3
TransportingTransporting Lv. 4

Wumpo Botan has a Transporting level of 4 and is one of the best Pals to have for transferring large stacks of items around your base.

Wixen: Easy to Breed, Great for Handiwork and Kindling

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
76 Wixen ImageWixen Palworld - Fire Icon
KindlingKindling Lv. 2
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 3
TransportingTransporting Lv. 2

Wixen is an easy-to-breed Pal that is adept at crafting items, as well as being decent enough in cooking food and firing up furnaces to produce ingots. She can also transport items and resources, which makes her a must-have Pal to have at your base.

Lunaris: Increases Carrying Weight

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
63 Lunaris ImageLunaris Palworld - Neutral Icon
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 3
TransportingTransporting Lv. 1
GatheringGathering Lv. 1

While Lunaris is in your party, your maximum carrying capacity increases, making her one of the best Pals to have as you can pack more items in your inventory while venturing around the world!

Blazehowl: Efficient at Cooking and Refining Ores

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
84 Blazehowl ImageBlazehowl Palworld - Fire Icon
KindlingKindling Lv. 3
LumberingLumbering Lv. 2

Blazehowl is highly efficient at cooking and refining ores with a Kindling level of 3. When not tending to fire-related tasks, it can also farm and stock up wood for your base with its Level 2 Lumbering.

Faleris Aqua: Best at Watering Tasks

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
105B Faleris Aqua ImageFaleris Aqua Palworld - Water Icon
TransportingTransporting Lv. 3
WateringWatering Lv. 4

Faleris Aqua, introduced in the Feybreak Update, is highly efficient at Watering Crops and using the Crusher with a Watering level of 4. Faleris Aqua can also take up Transporting duties when not attached to Watering tasks.

Petallia: Best at Planting Tasks

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
87 Petallia ImagePetallia Palworld - Grass Icon
PlantingPlanting Lv. 3
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 2
Medicine ProductionMedicine Lv. 2
TransportingTransporting Lv. 1
GatheringGathering Lv. 2

Petallia has a lot of work suitabilities and can do all the work in a farm except Watering by herself. Additionally, since this pal is needed to breed into Lyleen for farm work, it is also recommended to breed this one with great substats so you can pass those down to Lyleen.

Astegon and Helzephyr: Night Workers

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
97 Helzephyr ImageHelzephyr Palworld - Dark Icon
TransportingTransporting Lv. 3
98 Astegon ImageAstegon Palworld - Dark Icon Palworld - Dragon Icon
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 1
MiningMining Lv. 4

Astegon and Helzyphyr are some of the best Pals you can use at your base when it is night. They can keep working through the night so the grind never stops.

Beegarde and Mozzarina: Cake Makers

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
29 Mozzarina ImageMozzarina Palworld - Neutral Icon
FarmingFarming Lv. 1 - Milk
50 Beegarde ImageBeegarde Palworld - Grass Icon
PlantingPlanting Lv. 1
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 1
LumberingLumbering Lv. 1
Medicine ProductionMedicine Lv. 1
TransportingTransporting Lv. 2
GatheringGathering Lv. 1
FarmingFarming Lv. 1 - Honey

Beegarde and Mozzarina are required to work in your farm if you want to get serious in breeding Pals. These are the few pals that gan get you Honey and Milk so you can start making Cakes.

Best Mount Pals to Breed

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Fenglope Fenglope
Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Fenglope Fenglope
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Galeclaw Galeclaw
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Chillet Chillet Palworld - Galeclaw Galeclaw
Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Rayhound Rayhound
Palworld - Nox Nox Palworld - Mammorest Mammorest Palworld - Rayhound Rayhound
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Kitsun Kitsun
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Chillet Chillet Palworld - Kitsun Kitsun

Fenglope and Rayhound: High-Speed Mount with Double Jump Ability

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
60 Rayhound ImageRayhound Palworld - Electric Icon
ElectricityElectricity Lv. 2
93 Fenglope ImageFenglope Palworld - Neutral Icon
LumberingLumbering Lv. 2

Fenglope and rayhound are great ride mounts as they can gallop at high speed and have the special ability to double jump—making them some of the best ride mounts in the game as you can easily pass through rough terrain!

Galeclaw: Alternative to a Glider

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
47 Galeclaw ImageGaleclaw Palworld - Neutral Icon
GatheringGathering Lv. 2

Galeclaw is an excellent alternative to a glider. You can soar through the air with this Pal a lot faster than both the Mega Glider and Giga Glider.

Kitsun: A Ride of Fire and Ice

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
61 Kitsun ImageKitsun Palworld - Fire Icon
KindlingKindling Lv. 2

Kitsun can be mounted on land at high speeds and is unaffected by heat or cold while riding. Use it when you go exploring volcanoes and snowy mountains.

List of All Breeding Combos

Lamball Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Lamball Lamball
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk
Palworld - Teafant Teafant Palworld - Cremis Cremis

Cattiva Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Teafant Teafant Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Cremis Cremis
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva

Chikipi Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi

Lifmunk Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks

Foxparks Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Hoocrates Hoocrates Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Fuack Fuack
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Fuack Fuack

Fuack Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Fuack Fuack
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Daedream Daedream

Sparkit Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Teafant Teafant
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Hoocrates Hoocrates

Tanzee Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee
Palworld - Kelpsea Kelpsea Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss
Palworld - Depresso Depresso Palworld - Leezpunk Leezpunk

Rooby Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Rooby Rooby
Palworld - Hoocrates Hoocrates Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina

Pengullet Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss

Penking Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Tombat Tombat Palworld - Mammorest Mammorest Palworld - Penking Penking
Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Surfent Surfent
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Grintale Grintale

Jolthog Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Jolthog Jolthog
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet

Jolthog Cryst Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Jolthog Jolthog Palworld - Jolthog Cryst Jolthog Cryst
Palworld - Jolthog Cryst Jolthog Cryst Palworld - Jolthog Cryst Jolthog Cryst

Gumoss Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Maraith Maraith
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar

Vixy Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Vixy Vixy
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk

Hoocrates Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Hoocrates Hoocrates
Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit Palworld - Jolthog Jolthog
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Cremis Cremis

Teafant Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Teafant Teafant Palworld - Teafant Teafant
Palworld - Teafant Teafant Palworld - Teafant Teafant
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Mau Mau

Depresso Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Depresso Depresso
Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Jolthog Jolthog

Cremis Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit Palworld - Cremis Cremis
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Vixy Vixy
Palworld - Cremis Cremis Palworld - Cremis Cremis

Daedream Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Daedream Daedream
Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar

Rushoar Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Chillet Chillet Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar
Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit Palworld - Celaray Celaray
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Caprity Caprity

Nox Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Teafant Teafant Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Nox Nox
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca

Fuddler Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop Palworld - Fuddler Fuddler
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Gobfin Gobfin
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Killamari Killamari

Killamari Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Killamari Killamari
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Rooby Rooby

Mau Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Mau Mau
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Teafant Teafant

Mau Cryst Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Mau Mau Palworld - Mau Cryst Mau Cryst
Palworld - Mau Cryst Mau Cryst Palworld - Mau Cryst Mau Cryst

Celaray Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Celaray Celaray
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Fuddler Fuddler
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth

Direhowl Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl
Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Celaray Celaray
Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca

Tocotoco Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Tocotoco Tocotoco
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet

Flopie Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Flopie Flopie
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Rooby Rooby
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar

Mozzarina Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina
Palworld - Caprity Caprity Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca
Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer

Bristla Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Bristla Bristla
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Teafant Teafant

Gobfin Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Caprity Caprity Palworld - Gobfin Gobfin
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer
Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Caprity Caprity

Gobfin Ignis Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Gobfin Gobfin Palworld - Gobfin Ignis Gobfin Ignis
Palworld - Gobfin Ignis Gobfin Ignis Palworld - Gobfin Ignis Gobfin Ignis

Hangyu Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Hangyu Hangyu
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Fuack Fuack
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Teafant Teafant

Hangyu Cryst Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Hangyu Hangyu Palworld - Swee Swee Palworld - Hangyu Cryst Hangyu Cryst
Palworld - Hangyu Cryst Hangyu Cryst Palworld - Hangyu Cryst Hangyu Cryst

Mossanda Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Warsect Warsect

Mossanda Lux Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt Palworld - Mossanda Lux Mossanda Lux
Palworld - Mossanda Lux Mossanda Lux Palworld - Mossanda Lux Mossanda Lux

Woolipop Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Caprity Caprity

Caprity Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Caprity Caprity
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda
Palworld - Caprity Caprity Palworld - Caprity Caprity

Melpaca Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina
Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca

Eikthyrdeer Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing

Eikthyrdeer Terra Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Hangyu Hangyu Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Terra Eikthyrdeer Terra
Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Terra Eikthyrdeer Terra Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Terra Eikthyrdeer Terra

Nitewing Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee

Ribbuny Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Ribbuny Ribbuny
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Rooby Rooby
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Jolthog Jolthog

Incineram Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee Palworld - Incineram Incineram
Palworld - Celesdir Celesdir Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Arsox Arsox

Incineram Noct Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Maraith Maraith Palworld - Incineram Noct Incineram Noct
Palworld - Incineram Noct Incineram Noct Palworld - Incineram Noct Incineram Noct

Cinnamoth Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Surfent Surfent
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Surfent Terra Surfent Terra

Arsox Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Arsox Arsox
Palworld - Maraith Maraith Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing

Dumud Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Caprity Caprity Palworld - Dumud Dumud
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer
Palworld - Jolthog Jolthog Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda

Cawgnito Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Killamari Killamari Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Cawgnito Cawgnito
Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Flopie Flopie

Leezpunk Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Jolthog Jolthog Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Leezpunk Leezpunk
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina

Leezpunk Ignis Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Leezpunk Leezpunk Palworld - Flambelle Flambelle Palworld - Leezpunk Ignis Leezpunk Ignis
Palworld - Leezpunk Ignis Leezpunk Ignis Palworld - Leezpunk Ignis Leezpunk Ignis

Loupmoon Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Loupmoon Loupmoon
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Penking Penking
Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit Palworld - Penking Penking

Galeclaw Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop Palworld - Galeclaw Galeclaw
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Incineram Incineram
Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar Palworld - Caprity Caprity

Robinquill Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Robinquill Robinquill
Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Arsox Arsox

Robinquill Terra Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Fuddler Fuddler Palworld - Robinquill Robinquill Palworld - Robinquill Terra Robinquill Terra
Palworld - Robinquill Terra Robinquill Terra Palworld - Robinquill Terra Robinquill Terra

Gorirat Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Fuddler Fuddler Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Gorirat Gorirat
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Caprity Caprity
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer

Beegarde Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Beegarde Beegarde
Palworld - Fuddler Fuddler Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Arsox Arsox

Elizabee Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Pyrin Noct Pyrin Noct
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Astegon Astegon

Grintale Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Grintale Grintale
Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Azurobe Azurobe

Swee Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Swee Swee
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar
Palworld - Jolthog Jolthog Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss

Sweepa Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Mossanda Lux Mossanda Lux Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa
Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee
Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa

Chillet Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Chillet Chillet
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Gobfin Gobfin
Palworld - Nox Nox Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda

Univolt Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Univolt Univolt
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Caprity Caprity
Palworld - Caprity Caprity Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx

Foxcicle Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Caprity Caprity Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Foxcicle Foxcicle
Palworld - Gobfin Gobfin Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda
Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa

Pyrin Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin
Palworld - Beakon Beakon Palworld - Azurobe Azurobe
Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx

Pyrin Noct Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin Palworld - Katress Katress Palworld - Pyrin Noct Pyrin Noct
Palworld - Pyrin Noct Pyrin Noct Palworld - Pyrin Noct Pyrin Noct

Reindrix Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Reindrix Reindrix
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda

Rayhound Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Surfent Terra Surfent Terra Palworld - Caprity Caprity Palworld - Rayhound Rayhound
Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Incineram Incineram
Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing

Kitsun Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Kitsun Kitsun
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee

Dazzi Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Teafant Teafant Palworld - Caprity Caprity Palworld - Dazzi Dazzi
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Caprity Caprity
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl

Lunaris Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Lunaris Lunaris
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Celaray Celaray
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca

Dinossom Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop Palworld - Dinossom Dinossom
Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth
Palworld - Fuddler Fuddler Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing

Dinossom Lux Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Rayhound Rayhound Palworld - Dinossom Dinossom Palworld - Dinossom Lux Dinossom Lux
Palworld - Dinossom Lux Dinossom Lux Palworld - Dinossom Lux Dinossom Lux

Surfent Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Surfent Surfent
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Univolt Univolt
Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Surfent Surfent

Surfent Terra Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Dumud Dumud Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Surfent Terra Surfent Terra
Palworld - Surfent Terra Surfent Terra Palworld - Surfent Terra Surfent Terra

Maraith Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Maraith Maraith
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca
Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl

Digtoise Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop Palworld - Digtoise Digtoise
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda
Palworld - Killamari Killamari Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing

Tombat Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Tombat Tombat
Palworld - Eikthyrdeer Eikthyrdeer Palworld - Incineram Noct Incineram Noct
Palworld - Cawgnito Cawgnito Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing

Lovander Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Lovander Lovander
Palworld - Vixy Vixy Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda
Palworld - Cremis Cremis Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing

Flambelle Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Flambelle Flambelle
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Cremis Cremis

Vanwyrm Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx Palworld - Vanwyrm Vanwyrm
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca
Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing

Vanwyrm Cryst Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Foxcicle Foxcicle Palworld - Vanwyrm Vanwyrm Palworld - Vanwyrm Cryst Vanwyrm Cryst
Palworld - Vanwyrm Cryst Vanwyrm Cryst Palworld - Vanwyrm Cryst Vanwyrm Cryst

Bushi Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Digtoise Digtoise Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Bushi Bushi
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa
Palworld - Caprity Caprity Palworld - Quivern Quivern

Beakon Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut Palworld - Beakon Beakon
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing [db_element:30312&title=Suzaku
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku

Ragnahawk Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee Palworld - Ragnahawk Ragnahawk
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin

Katress Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Katress Katress
Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth
Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee

Wixen Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Wixen Wixen
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Celaray Celaray
Palworld - Cremis Cremis Palworld - Celaray Celaray

Verdash Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Verdash Verdash
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Penking Penking
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Cremis Cremis

Vaelet Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Daedream Daedream Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Vaelet Vaelet
Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop
Palworld - Tanzee Tanzee Palworld - Digtoise Digtoise

Sibelyx Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin
Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa

Elphidran Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Elphidran Elphidran
Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Bushi Bushi

Kelpsea Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lamball Lamball Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Kelpsea Kelpsea
Palworld - Cattiva Cattiva Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl
Palworld - Foxparks Foxparks Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar

Kelpsea Ignis Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Teafant Teafant Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Kelpsea Ignis Kelpsea Ignis
Palworld - Pengullet Pengullet Palworld - Woolipop Woolipop
Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar

Azurobe Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Azurobe Azurobe
Palworld - Chillet Chillet Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Surfent Surfent

Cryolinx Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx
Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Astegon Astegon
Palworld - Beakon Beakon Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku

Blazehowl Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Elphidran Elphidran Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca Palworld - Blazehowl Blazehowl
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Dumud Dumud
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Mozzarina Mozzarina

Blazehowl Noct Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Blazehowl Blazehowl Palworld - Felbat Felbat Palworld - Blazehowl Noct Blazehowl Noct
Palworld - Blazehowl Noct Blazehowl Noct Palworld - Blazehowl Noct Blazehowl Noct

Relaxaurus Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Relaxaurus Relaxaurus
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku

Relaxaurus Lux Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Sparkit Sparkit Palworld - Relaxaurus Relaxaurus Palworld - Relaxaurus Lux Relaxaurus Lux
Palworld - Relaxaurus Lux Relaxaurus Lux Palworld - Relaxaurus Lux Relaxaurus Lux

Broncherry Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Gumoss Gumoss Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Broncherry Broncherry
Palworld - Killamari Killamari Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda
Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Digtoise Digtoise

Broncherry Aqua Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Fuack Fuack Palworld - Broncherry Broncherry Palworld - Broncherry Aqua Broncherry Aqua
Palworld - Broncherry Aqua Broncherry Aqua Palworld - Broncherry Aqua Broncherry Aqua

Petallia Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Petallia Petallia
Palworld - Rushoar Rushoar Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing
Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth

Reptyro Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Reptyro Reptyro
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Beakon Beakon
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Beakon Beakon

Reptyro Cryst Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Foxcicle Foxcicle Palworld - Reptyro Reptyro Palworld - Reptyro Cryst Reptyro Cryst
Palworld - Reptyro Cryst Reptyro Cryst Palworld - Reptyro Cryst Reptyro Cryst

Kingpaca Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Kingpaca Kingpaca
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Grintale Grintale
Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx

Kingpaca Cryst Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Reindrix Reindrix Palworld - Kingpaca Kingpaca Palworld - Kingpaca Cryst Kingpaca Cryst
Palworld - Kingpaca Cryst Kingpaca Cryst Palworld - Kingpaca Cryst Kingpaca Cryst

Mammorest Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut Palworld - Mammorest Mammorest
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Paladius Paladius
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Necromus Necromus

Mammorest Cryst Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mammorest Mammorest Palworld - Wumpo Wumpo Palworld - Mammorest Cryst Mammorest Cryst
Palworld - Mammorest Cryst Mammorest Cryst Palworld - Mammorest Cryst Mammorest Cryst

Wumpo Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Wumpo Wumpo
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa
Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee

Wumpo Botan Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Wumpo Botan Wumpo Botan
Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx

Warsect Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin Palworld - Warsect Warsect
Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Menasting Menasting

Fenglope Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Lifmunk Lifmunk Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Fenglope Fenglope
Palworld - Direhowl Direhowl Palworld - Melpaca Melpaca
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Vixy Vixy

Felbat Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Rooby Rooby Palworld - Celaray Celaray Palworld - Felbat Felbat
Palworld - Chikipi Chikipi Palworld - Penking Penking
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Teafant Teafant

Quivern Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Relaxaurus Relaxaurus Palworld - Quivern Quivern
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Relaxaurus Lux Relaxaurus Lux
Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Orserk Orserk

Blazamut Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut
Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut Palworld - Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Aqua

Helzephyr Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut Palworld - Helzephyr Helzephyr
Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku
Palworld - Beakon Beakon Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx

Astegon Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Elizabee Elizabee Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut Palworld - Astegon Astegon
Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt
Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Helzephyr Helzephyr

Menasting Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Sibelyx Sibelyx Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Menasting Menasting
Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx
Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut

Anubis Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Incineram Incineram Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Anubis Anubis
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Rayhound Rayhound
Palworld - Penking Penking Palworld - Bushi Bushi

Jormuntide Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Cinnamoth Cinnamoth Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Jormuntide Jormuntide
Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa Palworld - Beakon Beakon
Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt

Jormuntide Ignis Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Blazehowl Blazehowl Palworld - Jormuntide Jormuntide Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis
Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis

Suzaku Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku
Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku
Palworld - Cryolinx Cryolinx Palworld - Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Aqua

Grizzbolt Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Rayhound Rayhound Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt
Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt

Lyleen Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Mossanda Mossanda Palworld - Petallia Petallia Palworld - Lyleen Lyleen
Palworld - Lyleen Lyleen Palworld - Lyleen Lyleen

Faleris Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Vanwyrm Vanwyrm Palworld - Anubis Anubis Palworld - Faleris Faleris
Palworld - Faleris Faleris Palworld - Faleris Faleris

Orserk Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Relaxaurus Relaxaurus Palworld - Grizzbolt Grizzbolt Palworld - Orserk Orserk
Palworld - Orserk Orserk Palworld - Orserk Orserk

Shadowbeak Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Kitsun Kitsun Palworld - Astegon Astegon Palworld - Shadowbeak Shadowbeak
Palworld - Shadowbeak Shadowbeak Palworld - Shadowbeak Shadowbeak

Paladius Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Paladius Paladius Palworld - Paladius Paladius Palworld - Paladius Paladius

Necromus Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Necromus Necromus Palworld - Necromus Necromus Palworld - Necromus Necromus

Frostallion Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Frostallion Frostallion Palworld - Frostallion Frostallion Palworld - Frostallion Frostallion

Jetragon Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Jetragon Jetragon Palworld - Jetragon Jetragon Palworld - Jetragon Jetragon

Suzaku Aqua Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Jormuntide Jormuntide Palworld - Suzaku Suzaku Palworld - Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Aqua
Palworld - Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Aqua Palworld - Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Aqua

Lyleen Noct Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Menasting Menasting Palworld - Lyleen Lyleen Palworld - Lyleen Noct Lyleen Noct
Palworld - Lyleen Noct Lyleen Noct Palworld - Lyleen Noct Lyleen Noct

Frostallion Noct Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Helzephyr Helzephyr Palworld - Frostallion Frostallion Palworld - Frostallion Noct Frostallion Noct
Palworld - Frostallion Noct Frostallion Noct Palworld - Frostallion Noct Frostallion Noct

Elphidran Aqua Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Surfent Surfent Palworld - Elphidran Elphidran Palworld - Elphidran Aqua Elphidran Aqua
Palworld - Elphidran Aqua Elphidran Aqua Palworld - Elphidran Aqua Elphidran Aqua

Special Flower Gumoss Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
TBA TBA Palworld - Special Flower Gumoss Special Flower Gumoss

Pal IV Stat Checker

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18 Anonymous10 days

Frost stallion & Anubis

17 Anonymous13 days

maybe petallia and gumoss is the special flower gumoss. don't know, just guessing.


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