
Crafting Guide and Best Crafting Pals

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Crafting is essential in Palworld in order to get better gear, structures, items, and even food! See how to craft, what to craft, and the best pals for crafting in our guide.

Crafting Guide for Palworld

  1. How to Craft
  2. How to Craft Better Items
  3. How to Get New Recipes for Crafting

How to Craft

Palworld - Select Recipes at the Workbench

Interact with Production Structures

You need to build a Workbench and other similar structures in order to Craft in Palworld. Approach the structure and then press the default F key (PC) or the X button (Controller) in order to access that workspace's Crafting Menu.

The crafting menu will show you items that can be crafted along with their material requirements. Gather materials for crafting them. Once they are ready to be crafted, select them and their quantity, then proceed with the crafting.

Crafting may be done manually by holding down the default F key (PC) or X button (PC) by yourself, or automatically by other Pals with the Handiwork Work Suitability. A timer will appear indicating the crafting progress, which can be paused at any time by releasing the button.

Best Structures for Your Base

List of Technology
Palworld- Advanced Sphere Assembly LineAdvanced Sphere Assembly Line Palworld- Gold Coin Assembly LineGold Coin Assembly Line Palworld- High Quality WorkbenchHigh Quality Workbench
Palworld- Large ToolboxLarge Toolbox Palworld- Mounted CrossbowMounted Crossbow Palworld- Mounted Machine GunMounted Machine Gun
Palworld- Mounted Missile LauncherMounted Missile Launcher Palworld- Pal Gear WorkbenchPal Gear Workbench Palworld- Primitive WorkbenchPrimitive Workbench
Palworld- Production Assembly LineProduction Assembly Line Palworld- Production Assembly Line IIProduction Assembly Line II Palworld- Sphere Assembly LineSphere Assembly Line
Palworld- Sphere Assembly Line IISphere Assembly Line II Palworld- Sphere WorkbenchSphere Workbench Palworld- Weapon Assembly LineWeapon Assembly Line
Palworld- Weapon Assembly Line IIWeapon Assembly Line II Palworld- Weapon WorkbenchWeapon Workbench

How to Craft Better Items

Palworld - Primitive Workbench

Upgrade Facilities and Get High-Quality Materials

Certain items like higher tier Pal Spheres and guns require their specialized structures (the Sphere Workbench and Weapon Workbench, respectively) in order to be crafted.

You need to build the structure first before you are able to craft the item even if you have the recipe.

All Workbenches and Production Technology

How to Get New Recipes for Crafting

Unlocked via Technology Points

Palworld - Unlock from the Technology Tree at Level 3.png

The main method of obtaining recipes is by unlocking them with Technology Points or Ancient Technology Points in the Technology Menu.

You can bring up the menu by pressing the T Key (PC) or open up the Menu and navigate to the Technology Tab.

Best Ancient Technology and How to Unlock

Obtained in Dungeons

Palworld - Volcanic Cavern Dungeon Entrance

After completing a dungeon, the chests near the Leave Crystal have a chance to drop Schematics. These recipes can range from higher rarity Armor to tools you have not yet unlocked in the game.

Make sure to pay attention on dungeon timers at the entrance, since these usually indicate that only some dungeons are accessible at different times.

All Dungeon Locations

Bought from Merchants

Palworld - Wandering Merchant

Some merchants (such as the Wandering Merchant at the Small Settlement) have Schematics that they can sell to the Player for Gold Coins.

You can add them to your base by weakening and capturing them with a Pal Sphere. This ensures that you always have access to their shop.

Schematics Locations

Best Pals for Crafting

Best Crafting Pals

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
4 Lifmunk ImageLifmunk Palworld - Grass Icon
PlantingPlanting Lv. 1
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 1
LumberingLumbering Lv. 1
Medicine ProductionMedicine Lv. 1
GatheringGathering Lv. 1
63 Lunaris ImageLunaris Palworld - Neutral Icon
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 3
TransportingTransporting Lv. 1
GatheringGathering Lv. 1
69 Lovander ImageLovander Palworld - Neutral Icon
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 2
Medicine ProductionMedicine Lv. 2
TransportingTransporting Lv. 2
MiningMining Lv. 1
100 Anubis ImageAnubis Palworld - Ground Icon
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 4
TransportingTransporting Lv. 2
MiningMining Lv. 3

The Pals above are some examples for progression in Handiwork Suitability, with Anubis having the highest (Level 4.)

The best Pals for crafting would be those that posses the Handiwork Work Suitability. These Pals will assist you in building structures and items on workbenches.

For early game, look into acquiring Lamball, Cattiva, and Lifmunk to help you out in building your base!

Best Base Pals

Best Crafting Pals for Early Game

No. Pal Element Work Suitability
2 Cattiva ImageCattiva Palworld - Neutral Icon
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 1
TransportingTransporting Lv. 1
GatheringGathering Lv. 1
MiningMining Lv. 1
4 Lifmunk ImageLifmunk Palworld - Grass Icon
PlantingPlanting Lv. 1
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 1
LumberingLumbering Lv. 1
Medicine ProductionMedicine Lv. 1
GatheringGathering Lv. 1
8 Tanzee ImageTanzee Palworld - Grass Icon
PlantingPlanting Lv. 1
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 1
LumberingLumbering Lv. 1
TransportingTransporting Lv. 1
GatheringGathering Lv. 1
10 Pengullet ImagePengullet Palworld - Water Icon Palworld - Ice Icon
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 1
TransportingTransporting Lv. 1
WateringWatering Lv. 1
CoolingCooling Lv. 1

Above are some recommended starting Pals for building your base and maintaining production.

When you start off your base, try to get Pals with Handiwork as their Work Suitability to get the ball rolling in building more Pal Spheres and raise that Base and Technology levels. These Pals will transition well once you get the Stone Pit and Logging Site structures.

For location, make sure to position your base near valuable nodes for resource gathering, like Ore chunks. These can save you item in crafting higher grade materials needed to make more advanced gear.

Best Base Locations and How to Move

Best Items to Craft

Technology Items
Early Game Mid Game
Late Game End Game

Break your way into Palworld by levelling up and progressing through the Technology Tree.

In each stage of the game, it is crucial that you invest into getting better gear and tools to succeed in harder challenges, such as stronger Alpha Pals and Tower Bosses.

Best Technology to Unlock First

Early Game Technology Items

Workbench Technology
Palworld - Stone Pickaxe Weapon Stone Pickaxe Palworld - Stone Axe Weapon Stone Axe Palworld - Hand-held Torch Weapon Hand-held Torch Palworld - Wooden Club Weapon Wooden Club
Palworld - Common Shield Weapon Common Shield Palworld - Cloth Outfit Weapon Cloth Outfit Palworld - Pal Sphere Icon Pal Sphere Palworld - Normal Parachute Icon Normal Parachute
Palworld - Old Bow Weapon Old Bow Palworld - Arrow Weapon Arrow - -
Equippable Ancient Technology
Palworld - Grappling Gun Weapon Grappling Gun
Early Game Materials
Palworld - Paldium Fragment Material Paldium Fragment Palworld - Wood Material Wood Palworld - Stone Material Stone Palworld - Fiber Material Fiber
Palworld - Wool Material Wool Palworld - Leather Material Leather Palworld - Cloth Material Cloth -

Mid Game Technology Items

Workbench Technology
Palworld - Metal Pickaxe Weapon Metal Pickaxe Palworld - Metal Axe Weapon Metal Axe Palworld - Crossbow Weapon Crossbow Palworld - Stun Baton Weapon Stun Baton
Palworld - Mega Shield Weapon Mega Shield Palworld - Pelt Armor Weapon Pelt Armor Palworld - Mega Sphere Icon Mega Sphere Palworld - Mega Glider Icon Mega Glider
Palworld - Makeshift Handgun Weapon Makeshift Handgun Palworld - Coarse Ammo Weapon Coarse Ammo Palworld - Metal Helm Weapon Metal Helm -
Mid Game Materials
Palworld - Ore Material Ore Palworld - Ingot Material Ingot Palworld - High Quality Pal Oil Material High Quality Pal Oil Palworld - Cement Material Cement
Palworld - Ice Organ Material Ice Organ Palworld - Flame Organ Material Flame Organ Palworld - Charcoal Material Charcoal Palworld - Sulfur Material Sulfur
Palworld - Gunpowder Material Gunpowder Palworld - Nail Material Nail - -
Equippable Ancient Technology
Palworld - Hip Lantern Icon Hip Lantern Palworld - Mega Grappling Gun Weapon Mega Grappling Gun

Late Game Technology Items

Workbench Technology
Palworld - Handgun Weapon Handgun Palworld - Stone Axe Weapon Stone Axe Palworld - Refined Metal Pickaxe Weapon Refined Metal Pickaxe Palworld - Refined Metal Axe Weapon Refined Metal Axe
Palworld - Giga Shield Weapon Giga Shield Palworld - Metal Armor Weapon Metal Armor Palworld - Giga Sphere Icon Giga Sphere Palworld - Frag Grenade Weapon Frag Grenade
Palworld - Single-shot Rifle Weapon Single-shot Rifle Palworld - Double-barreled Shotgun Weapon Double-barreled Shotgun - -
Mid Game Materials
Palworld - Electric Organ Material Electric Organ Palworld - Refined Ingot Material Refined Ingot Palworld - High Quality Cloth Material High Quality Cloth Palworld - Circuit Board Material Circuit Board
Palworld - Carbon Fiber Material Carbon Fiber Palworld - Polymer Material Polymer Palworld - Pal Metal Ingot Material Pal Metal Ingot Palworld - Sulfur Material Sulfur
Palworld - Gunpowder Material Gunpowder - - -
Equippable Ancient Technology
Palworld - Scatter Sphere Launcher Weapon Scatter Sphere Launcher Palworld - Lily Lily's Spear Palworld - Giga Grappling Gun Weapon Giga Grappling Gun -

End Game Technology Items

Workbench Technology
Palworld - Rocket Launcher Weapon Rocket Launcher Palworld - Assault Rifle Weapon Assault Rifle Palworld - Pump-action Shotgun Weapon Pump-action Shotgun Palworld - Sword Weapon Sword
Palworld - Hyper Shield Weapon Hyper Shield Palworld - Pal Metal Armor Weapon Pal Metal Armor Palworld - Pal Metal Helm Weapon Pal Metal Helm Palworld - Legendary Sphere Icon Legendary Sphere
Palworld - Single-shot Rifle Weapon Single-shot Rifle Palworld - Double-barreled Shotgun Weapon Double-barreled Shotgun - -
Equippable Ancient Technology
Palworld - Hyper Grappling Gun Weapon Hyper Grappling Gun Palworld - Homing Sphere Launcher Weapon Homing Sphere Launcher

Endgame items are crafted also from materials gathered in the late game.

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