
Palworld Element Type Chart Matchups Explained

Palworld - Element Type Matchup Chart

A Pal's element type can be weak, strong, or neutral against other element types in Palworld. Learn more about element type effectiveness, damage output, how Palworld's elements are different to Pokemon's Type Chart and more!

Element Type Matchup Chart

Palworld - Element Match Up Chart

Fire Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Effective Palworld - Effective
Water Palworld - Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective
Grass Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Effective
Electric Palworld - Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective
Ice Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Effective
Ground Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective
Dark Palworld - Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective
Dragon Palworld - Not Very Effective Palworld - Effective Palworld - Not Very Effective

Type Chart Symbols

Chart Symbol Effectiveness
Palworld - Effective Super Effective
The attacker deals twice as much damage to the defending Pal.
Palworld - Not Very Effective Not Very Effective
The attacker deals half as much damage to the defending Pal.
No Symbol Regular Damage
The attacker deals the regular amount of damage to the defending Pal.

Element Type Effectiveness and Damage Output

Element Type Effectiveness and Damage Output
Increased or Reduced Damage Element Resistance Two-Element Type Multiplier
STAB Damage Fire Against Grass and Ice

Increased or Reduced Damage

The damage dealt by a Pal's skills can depend on its elemental effectiveness against opposing Pal. It is possible for your Pal do deal twice as much damage, only half as much, or just the regular amount of damage against another Pal. Conversely, your Pals can also receive double, half, or regular amount of damage against enemy Pal attacks.

Element Resistance

Some Elemental Types resist themselves and will only deal half of the damage when attacked. These include Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Ground, and Dark Elemental Types.

However, both the Dragon and Neutral Elemental Typings deviate from this norm. The Dragon typing is weak to itself and thus making it receive twice the damage when attacked by its own element.

In contrast, Neutral typing lacks weaknesses and strengths, resulting in normal damage from any element.

Resistance Mechanics Explained

Two-Element Type Multiplier

Type 1 Type 2 Damage Output
Strong Strong 4x
Strong Weak 1x
Weak Weak 0.25x

There are also some Pals that have two element typings. Due to this, it can further increase, further decrease, or negate the changes depending on how its elements interact with the opposing Pal. If both elements are strong, then it can deal 4x as much damage. On the other hand, it can deal 0.25x reduced damage if both elements are weak against the enemy.

Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks to Get Started

STAB Damage

Palworld - Kingpaca STAB

STAB is an abbreviation for Same Type Attack Bonus. This means that Pals who use active skills that match their elemental typing will give additional offensive damage.

STAB works regardless of element type effectiveness so it is highly advisable that you equip your Pals with skills in line with their own element.

Through testing, we've found that STAB damage yields an additional 20% boost. Furthermore, it synergizes with the Pal's Attack Boosting Partner Skills, offering even greater offensive potential.

STAB Explained

FireAgainst Grass and Ice

The only element to ever be strong against two other elements is Fire. Fire Type Pals are super effective against Ice and Grass Type Pals and therefore rendering them invaluable additions to any combat-oriented party.

List of Fire Element Type Pals

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1 Anonymousabout 1 year

there is also a damage decrease against the same type of damage.


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