
List of New Skills in Palworld

A bunch of new skills were added in the Feybreak update in Palworld. Read on for a list of all the new active, passive, and partner skills added in the game, as well as skills added in previous updates!

List of New Skills in Feybreak Update

Jump to a Skill Type
Active Skills Passive Skills Partner Skills

New Active Skills

New Non-Exclusive Active Skills

Skill Element Power CT
All Range Thunder Palworld - Electric Type Icon 125 40
Charge Cannon Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 140 50
Diamond Rain Palworld - Ice Type Icon 160 60
Poison Shower Palworld - Dark Type Icon 90 22
Stone Beat Palworld - Ground Type Icon 170 60
Thunder Rail Palworld - Electric Type Icon 200 60
Wind Edge Palworld - Grass Type Icon 90 22

New Exclusive Active Skills

Skill Element Power CT
Aegis Charge Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 170 50
Astral Ray Palworld - Dark Type Icon 170 45
Beam Slash Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 120 28
Beckon Lightning Palworld - Electric Type Icon 65 9
Blizzard Claw Palworld - Ice Type Icon 85 14
Bolt Blink Palworld - Electric Type Icon 200 45
Cosmic Meteor Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 180 50
Crash Dash Palworld - Ground Type Icon 120 28
Daring Shadowstorm Palworld - Dark Type Icon 75 10
Firefist Breathstorm Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 130 30
Flame Breath Palworld - Fire Type Icon 90 15
Frost Talon Palworld - Ice Type Icon 95 17
Glacial Impact Palworld - Ice Type Icon 190 52
Grudge Barrage Palworld - Dark Type Icon 130 31
Holy Nova Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 200 45
Lawn Bowling Palworld - Grass Type Icon 100 20
Lethal Step Palworld - Dark Type Icon 140 35
Lightning Dive Palworld - Electric Type Icon 80 12
Lightning Gale Palworld - Electric Type Icon 60 8
Magma Serpent Palworld - Fire Type Icon 145 30
Needle Spear Palworld - Grass Type Icon 55 7
Omega Laser Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 200 55
Phoenix Tide Palworld - Water Type Icon 135 28
Rush Beak Palworld - Fire Type Icon 85 14
Satellite Bit Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 80 12
Slither Slam Palworld - Water Type Icon 145 30
Snow Bowling Palworld - Ice Type Icon 100 20
Snow Claw Palworld - Ice Type Icon 55 7
Soul Drain Palworld - Dark Type Icon 100 30
Spinning Roundhouse Palworld - Grass Type Icon 90 15
Spirit Dash Palworld - Dark Type Icon 90 15
Stone Claw Palworld - Ground Type Icon 95 17
Tempest Blizzard Palworld - Ice Type Icon 90 15
Thunder Tempest Palworld - Electric Type Icon 90 15
Volcanic Fang Palworld - Fire Type Icon 125 30
Webstrike Impact Palworld - Dark Type Icon 85 14

List of Active Skills

New Passive Skills

Passive Skill Positive Effect Negative Effect Tier
Demon God Attack +30%, Defense +5%
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Diamond Body Defense +30%
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Eternal Engine Max stamina +75%, This effect is only valid for rideable pals
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Heart of the Immovable King SAN drops +20.0% slower
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Invader 30% increase in Dark attack damage. 30% increase in Dragon attack damage
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Mastery of Fasting Hunger decreases +20.0% slower
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Remarkable Craftsmanship Work Speed +75%
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Vampiric Absorbs a portion of the damage dealt to restore. Does not sleep at night and continues to work.
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier

Palworld Passive Skills List

Updated Passive Skills

Passive Skill Positive Effect Negative Effect Tier
Eternal Flame 30% increase to Fire attack damage, 30% increase to Lightning attack damage
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Legend Attack +20%, Defense +20%, and Movement Speed +15%
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Lucky Work Speed +15% and Attack +15%
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Siren of the Void 30% increase to Dark attack damage, 30% increase to Ice attack damage
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Swift 30% increase to movement speed
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier

With the Feybreak update came a new tier for passives and several pre-existing passive skills moved to this tier.

New Partner Skills

Partner Skill Description Pal
Aegis Shield Can be ridden. Increases the duration of the shield when using Aegis Charge while mounted Palworld - Aegis Shield Weapon Silvegis
Blade of Uncontrolled Passion While in possession, the amount of items obtained from using the Meat Cleaver increases. Palworld - Blade of Uncontrolled Passion Weapon Splatterina
Blessing of Purification Can be ridden. Increases the player's auto recovery speed while mounted. Palworld - Blessing of Purification Weapon Celesdir
Blizzard Crash Can be ridden. While mounted, delivers crushing blows with a Ice-forged hammer. Palworld - Blizzard Crash Weapon Bastigor
Dig, Dog! Dig! When activated, uses its sharp sense of smell to detect nearby Chromite. While fighting together, a large amount of Chromite is obtained. Palworld - Dig, Dog! Dig! Weapon Smokie
Electro Hunter While fighting together, Electric Pals drop more items when defeated. Palworld - Electro Hunter Weapon Cryolinx Terra
Fogged Mind Can be ridden. Applies Dark damage to the player's attacks while mounted. Palworld - Fogged Mind Weapon Kitsun Noct
Fortified Shell When fighting together, increases the player's defense and reduces damage received from Fire. Palworld - Fortified Shell Weapon Warsect Terra
Frozen Gleam Strike When activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Snow Claw. Palworld - Frozen Gleam Strike Weapon Loupmoon Cryst
Grass Weaver While in team, increases attack power of Grass Pals. While at a base, increases work efficiency if working at Weapon Workbench. Palworld - Grass Weaver Weapon Ribbuny Botan
Huggy Frost When activated, equips to the player and attacks using frigid air. Palworld - Huggy Frost Weapon Foxparks Cryst
Lady of Dark Lightning While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with dark lightning bolts. Palworld - Lady of Dark Lightning Weapon Dazzi Noct
Masquerade Dance While in team, the Pals in the team gain more experience points. Palworld - Masquerade Dance Weapon Omascul
Meteor Wings Can be ridden as a flying mount. Greatly increases movement speed while flying. Palworld - Meteor Wings Weapon Xenolord
Night Dancer Can be ridden. Increases movement speed while mounted at night. Palworld - Night Dancer Weapon Starryon
Plasma Dash Can be ridden. Also allows dashing in the air and moving at high speed. Palworld - Plasma Dash Weapon Azurmane
Prayer for Abundant Harvest While at a base, Prunelia's prayers bless the crops, increasing their harvest. Palworld - Prayer for Abundant Harvest Weapon Prunelia
Sandstorm's Blessing Can be ridden. Applies Ground damage to the player's attacks while mounted. Palworld - Sandstorm Gildane
Shot-Nyan Mode When activated, Nyafia will fire a shotgun at nearby enemies for a limited time. Palworld - Shot-Nyan Mode Weapon Nyafia
Soul Collector While fighting together, Pals drop more Pal Souls when defeated. Palworld - Soul Collector Weapon Nitemary
Stormcloud Can be ridden. Can double jump while mounted. While fighting together, Water Pals drop more items when defeated. Palworld - Stormcloud Weapon Fenglope Lux
Tarantriss’s Web Can be ridden. While mounted, shoots spider silk to grapple and enable rapid movement. Palworld - Tarantriss’s Web Weapon Tarantriss
Tidal Predator Can be ridden as a flying mount. While fighting together, Fire Pals drop more items when defeated. Palworld - Tidal Predator Weapon Faleris Aqua
Venom Picker Sometimes drops Venom Gland from its back when assigned to Ranch. Palworld - Venom Picker Weapon Caprity Noct

All Partner Skills Effects

Added in the Feybreak Update

Palword - Feybreak

The skills listed above were all added in the Feybreak update to Palworld.

The Feybreak update includes more Pals, bosses, equiment, a new island, and so much more!

Feybreak Update

List of New Skills in Sakurajima Summer Update

Jump to a Skill Type
Active Skills Passive Skills Partner Skills

New Active Skills

New Non-Exclusive Active Skills

Skill Element Power CT
Air Blade Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 85 20
Beam Slicer Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 130 45
Blast Cannon Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 100 30
Circle Vine Palworld - Grass Type Icon 120 40
Comet Strike Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 110 35
Curtain Splash Palworld - Water Type Icon 120 40
Flame Funnel Palworld - Fire Type Icon 120 40
Flame Wall Palworld - Fire Type Icon 100 30
Holy Burst Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 120 30
Icicle Bullet Palworld - Ice Type Icon 110 35
Icicle Line Palworld - Ice Type Icon 120 40
Multicutter Palworld - Grass Type Icon 60 12
Rockburst Palworld - Ground Type Icon 130 35
Sand Twister Palworld - Ground Type Icon 160 60
Splash Palworld - Water Type Icon 90 22
Star Mine Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 110 55
Thunder Rain Palworld - Electric Type Icon 135 45
Thunderstorm Palworld - Electric Type Icon 160 60
TriSpark Palworld - Electric Type Icon 110 35
Volcanic Rain Palworld - Fire Type Icon 130 45

New Exclusive Active Skills

Skill Element Power CT
Bountiful Protection Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 0 240
Brawn Impact Palworld - Fire Type Icon 150 38
Divine Disaster II Palworld - Dark Type Icon 170 45
Earth Dash Palworld - Ground Type Icon 100 21
Evil Slash Palworld - Dark Type Icon 95 17
Ground Cutter Palworld - Ground Type Icon 145 35
Heavy Thunder Tank Palworld - Electric Type Icon 160 42
Jumping Stinger Palworld - Ground Type Icon 110 24
Magna Crush Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 160 42
Moonlight Beam Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 170 40
Polykeraunos Palworld - Electric Type Icon 180 50
Raging Flame Wave Palworld - Fire Type Icon 145 38
Rocket Slam Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 50 6
Seigetsu Blade Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 110 24
Upper Smash Palworld - Dark Type Icon 110 24
Wholehearted Stance Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 170 30

List of Active Skills

New Passive Skills

Passive Skill Positive Effect Negative Effect Tier
Easygoing Active skill cooldown extension -15%
Palworld - Negative Tier One
Tier -1
Eternal Flame 30% increase to Fire attack damage, 30% increase to Lightning attack damage
Palworld - Rainbow Tier
Rainbow Tier
Fine Furs Sale price 3%
Palworld - Positive Tier One
Tier +1
Fit as a Fiddle Max Stamina +25% (This effect is only valid for rideable pals.)
Palworld - Positive Tier One
Tier +1
Impatient Active skill cooldown reduction 15.0%
Palworld - Positive Tier One
Tier +1
Infinite Stamina Max Stamina +50% (This effect is only valid for rideable pals.)
Palworld - Positive Tier Three
Tier +3
Noble Sale Price +5%
Palworld - Positive Tier Three
Tier +3
Nocturnal The Pal does not sleep at night and continues to work.
Palworld - Positive Tier One
Tier +1
Otherworldly Cells Attack +10.0%, Fire damage reduction 15.0%, Lightning damage reduction 15.0%
Palworld - Positive Tier One
Tier +1
Philanthropist When assigned to a Breeding Farm, egg production time is reduced by 100%
Palworld - Positive Tier Three
Tier +3
Serenity Active skill cooldown reduction 30.0%. Attack +10.0%
Palworld - Positive Tier Three
Tier +3
Shabby Sale price -10%
Palworld - Negative Tier One
Tier -1
Sickly Max Stamina -25% (This effect is only valid for rideable pals.)
Palworld - Negative Tier One
Tier -1

Palworld Passive Skills List

New Partner Skills

Partner Skill Description Pal
Birds of a Feather Can be ridden. When fighting together, it becomes easier to encounter pals with the same passive skill as this Pal. Palworld - Birds of a Feather Weapon Yakumo
Black Fox Lord When fighting together, applies Dark damage to the player's attacks. Palworld - Black Fox Lord Weapon Wixen Noct
Botanical Atlas While fighting together, Grass Pals drop more items when defeated. Palworld - Botanical Atlas Weapon Katress Ignis
Celestial Darkness Can be ridden as a flying mount. Enhances Fire and Dark attacks while mounted. Palworld - Celestial Darkness Weapon Selyne
Crater Enthusiast Can be ridden. While in the team, you can obtain more Meteorite Fragments and Pure Quartz. Palworld - Crater Enthusiast Weapon Xenogard
Dragon Kaiser Can be ridden. Enhances Dragon attacks while mounted. Palworld - Dragon Kaiser Weapon Blazamut Ryu
Flash Blade When activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Iaigiri. Palworld - Flash Blade Weapon Bushi Noct
Floral Boost While at a base, the Lullu infuses the farm with energy, increasing the growth rate of crops. Palworld - Floral Boost Weapon Lullu
Grass Dragon's Affection Can be ridden as a flying mount. Enhances Grass attacks while mounted. Palworld - Grass Dragon Quivern Botan
Grave Robber Sometimes digs up Bone when assigned to Ranch. Palworld - Grave Robber Weapon Sootseer
Homeward Prayer When activated, moves to the closest base. Cannot be used within dungeons, etc. Palworld - Homeward Prayer Weapon Dogen
Leap Stance When activated, Croajiro swells its abdomen and channels its loyalty to build up energy, preparing to propel the player high into the air. Palworld - Leap Stance Weapon Croajiro
Master of Unlocking When near a treasure chest, Mimog can open the chest without using a key. They type of treasure chest that can be opened depends on the skill level. Palworld - Master of Unlocking Weapon Mimog
Meteor Mania While in the team, increases damage dealt to ores, and it's easier to obtain Meteorite Fragment. Palworld - Meteor Mania Weapon Xenovader
Rollin' Full Oil While in team, Kikit helps carry supplies, decreasing the weight of crude oil in the player's Inventory. Palworld - Rollin Kikit
Sand Sprint Can be ridden. Runs faster over sand. Palworld - Sand Sprint Weapon Dazemu
Scorpion Sonar When activated, it can analyze airborne particles and find a dungeon's exit. Palworld - Scorpion Sonar Weapon Prixter
Sparkling Weasel Can be ridden. Applies Fire damage to the player's attacks while mounted. Palworld - Sparkling Weasel Weapon Chillet Ignis
Steel Guardian Mode When activated, a steel resolve increases Knocklem's attack and defense. Palworld - Steel Guardian Mode Weapon Knocklem
Swooshy Spores While at a base, the mysterious spores of the Shroomer reduce the rate at which the SAN value of allies at the base decreases. Palworld - Swooshy Spores Weapon Shroomer
Palworld - Swooshy Spores Weapon Shroomer Noct
Wings of Thunder Can be ridden as a flying mount. Applies Electric damage to the player's attacks while mounted. Palworld - Wings of Thunder Weapon Helzephyr Lux

All Partner Skills Effects

Added in the Sakurajima Summer Update

Palworld - Sakurajima Summer Update

The skills listed above were all added in the Sakurajima update to Palworld.

The Sakurajima Summer update includes more Pals and equipment, along with additional features such as new dungeons and the well-awaited PVP combat!
Sakurajima Summer Update

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Skills Banner.png

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2 Lance9 months

Found another new one

1 Anonymous9 months

New passive skill on a Selyne I caught you guys didn't mention, Serenity (active skill CDR 30%, atk 10%)


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