
Palworld Glitches and Exploits (March 2025)

As Palworld is still in Early Access, it has several useful exploits that may impact the player's experience. Here are all the significant glitches in Palworld.

Note Some exploits and glitches may have been patched out on previous updates.

All Exploits and Useful Glitches

All Exploits
Bellanoir Autokill Glitch Pal Sphere Boost
Infinite Pal Spheres Refresh Food Expiration
Rerolling Dungeon Alpha Bosses Catch Tower Bosses
Moving While Overweight Black Marketeer Gold Farming
Flying Pal Stamina Recovery on Water Egg Duplication
Instant Pal Revive and Heal Glitch Infinite Syndicate Thugs Glitch
Item Duplication Glitch Loot Duplication Glitch
Infinite Sweepa Boost Glitch 2 Combat Pals at a Time Glitch
Unraidable Base Glitch Clipping Glitch
Infinite Loot Glitch Freeze and Rocket Launcher Glitch
Fierce Fang Glitch Use Palbox As A Fast Travel Point
Skill Cooldown Reset Trick Infinite XP Glitch

Bellanoir Autokill Glitch

Palworld - Bellanoir Autokill Glitch Damage.png

The glitch makes use of a similar exploit to that of the Stacked Farms, but this time placing the Summoning Altar above ground, with a campfire below it to continously deal damage to the Raid Boss.

Bellanoir Autokill Glitch

Pal Sphere Boost

This exploit involves climbing on top of a Pal Sphere while catching a Pal, which launches the player high up.

This glitch only triggers when you successfully capture the Pal to which you threw the Pal Sphere.

Pal Sphere Gliding Glitch

Infinite Pal Spheres

Unlimited Legendary Spheres Glitch

Though the infinite pal sphere glitch has been patched out already, a new glitch that makes sure you having the capture rate of Legendary Spheres has surfaced. Use this on regular Pal Spheres that are easily craftable and you'd have virtually 'unlimited' Legendary Spheres to use.

Pal Sphere Glitches and Exploits

Infinite Pal Spheres Glitch Patched Out

Credits to the Youtuber Zytin for discovering this exploit!

You can glitch out your character by shooting a bow and then throwing a Pal Sphere in quick succession, all while riding a mount. Despite having no Pal Spheres in your inventory, your glitched character can throw Pal Spheres and capture pals.

This glitch has since been patched out and the team is unable to replicate the glitch again.

Refresh Food Expiration

Sorting your inventory easily refreshes the food expiration times on all food items in your inventory. Moving them to a chest or vice versa also refreshes the expiration.

Refresh Food Expiration Glitch

Rerolling Dungeon Alpha Bosses

Rerolling Dungeon Bosses may be an unintended mechanic where you can despawn the boss and have it spawn as another Pal.

Once you enter the Dungeon Boss Room, you can reroll the boss by moving away from the boss room to despawn the boss and then return.

How to Reroll Dungeon Bosses

Catch Tower Bosses

Palworld - Capturing Tower Boss

This glitch was inadvertently fixed on the Version Update due to several other changes.

If you get a wanted level, get chased by PIDF Guards, battle a Tower Boss, and have the guards damage the boss, you'll be able to catch the Pal along with the Tower Boss!

Caught Tower Boss Pals retain their HP from the boss fight, making them very tanky and useful in battles.

How to Catch Tower Bosses

Moving While Overweight

Grappling Gun Exploit

Even if you are unable to walk due to being overweight, there is a workaround to this by using the Grappling Gun.

While using a Grappling Gun, there is a cooldown period. Therefore, it is advisable to have two of these guns, allowing you to switch between them and use them continuously.

How to Craft Grappling Gun

Carry Weight Glitch

If you want to move a large stack of items that exceed your weight limit, click and hold the stack you want from the storage screen. Keep holding the stack while exiting the storage menu and going to whichever other storage space you want to transfer the stack in.

Take note that this glitch only works on PC when using keyboard and mouse controls. Xbox players, unfortunately, cannot do this Carry Weight glitch.

Palworld Carry Weight Glitch

Black Marketeer Gold Farming

Hanging Trap Exploit

The Hanging Trap is particularly effective in capturing the Black Marketeer, as well as other stationary NPCs like Pal Merchants and Wandering Merchants.

After trapping them, you have the opportunity to damage them and reduce their HP without them fleeing or initiating a fight, making the process of capturing or defeating them much easier. You can also place a Campfire right below the trapped Black Marketeer to easily defeat him and get his drops.

Pal Attacking From Behind Glitch

Send out your Pal, and when you notice it readying an attack, talk to the Black Marketeer. If done correctly, the Black Marketeer should freeze up and be unable to retaliate.

You can then wait for your Pal to finish him off, help your Pal out, or when he's at low HP, catch the Black Marketeer.

Talk and Attack Glitch

By pressing the attack button as you talk to the Black Marketeer, you should be able to damage him without him noticing. This is only effective when using melee weapons and bows. Guns and crossbows don't seem to trigger this glitch.

Black Marketeer Glitch for Gold Farming

Recover Flying Pal Stamina on Water Surface

You can recover your Flying Pal's Stamina on the water surface.

Flying Pals lose stamina while flying and recover them while on the ground. Interestingly, the game appears to recognize the water surface as a type of ground area for this purpose.

Fastest Flying Mount Pals Tier List

Egg Duplication Glitch

With proper timing, you can both hatch an egg you're incubating and keep the egg in your storage, duplicating it.

Similar to the Carry Weight glitch, this requires you to click and hold an egg from the incubator to a storage space right before an egg is set to hatch. The egg should hatch in the incubator while you're holding on to it and also end up in your storage when you deposit it.

Egg Duplication Glitch

Instant Pal Revive and Heal Glitch

A glitch in Palworld allows players to instantly revive and heal pals to full health.

The instant heal glitch is best utilized when dealing with the toughest bosses in the game!

Instant Pal Revive and Heal Glitch

Infinite Syndicate Thugs Glitch

A glitch allows players to spawn infinite human enemies such as Syndicate Thugs and Gunners and farm items such as spheres, gold coins, and materials.

Infinite Syndicate Thug Glitch

Item Duplication Glitch

The item duplication glitch works by moving quickly across the border of your base to trick the game into constructing a structure without using any materials.

Due to the timing required for the glitch, it may take several tries to execute precisely and consecutively.

Item Duplication Glitch

Loot Duplication Glitch

The loot duplication glitch works by killing and capturing a pal at the same time, tricking the game into providing the pal's loot twice.

This glitch is useful for farming rare materials that can only be acquired from rare pals.

Loot Duplication Glitch

Infinite Sweepa Boost Glitch

This exploit takes advantage of Sweepa's Partner Skill, which increases its Attack and Defense based on the number of Swee in the party.

Place a Sweepa and 4 Swee in your party, then ride on the Sweepa. Drop all four Swee, dismount, and pick them up again. Check your Sweepa's stats and you'll see that the Attack and Defense bonus for the 4 Swee has doubled onto itself. The best part is, you can do this as many times as you want to forge a Sweepa with astronomical stats!

Infinite Sweepa Boost Glitch

2 Combat Pals at A Time Glitch

This glitch allows you to summon 2 Combat Pals at once without requiring a Pal accessory.

The exploit is tricky as it requires you to summon one incapacitated Pal in your party, summon a mount, get off the mount, and summon another Pal in the correct order. You will need to have the perfect timing to properly execute the glitch.

2 Combat Pals at A Time Glitch

Unraidable Base Glitch

Palworld - Viewing Cage Glitch

This exploit guarantees an unraidable base with the use of partially built Viewing Cages to surround it.

It is required that you don't finish building the Viewing Cages as it will serve as an invisible barrier, making it impenetrable to enemy raids.

Unraidable Base Glitch

Clipping Glitch

You can exploit this glitch especially in dungeons where you can arrive at the chest room and get the treasures instantly without defeating the Dungeon Alpha boss as the clipping glitch will take you out of bounds.

Alternatively, you can easily fight the Alpha boss without taking any damage by using the glitch on the barrier located in the room.

Clipping Glitch

Infinite Loot Glitch

This glitch involves Mount Pals and butchering them. You have to press the mount button while simultaneously pressing the butcher button so that the Pal will not be butchered at all.

This is very useful when farming for Rare Drops from certain Pals as repeating the process will provide infinite loot!

Infinite Loot Glitch

Freeze and Rocket Launcher Glitch

This exploit is the best way to easily defeat any Alpha Bosses, Legendary Pals, and basically any Pals that are currently stronger than you.

The glitch involves freezing the enemy with the Cryst Breath skill and then immediately attacking them with a Rocket Launcher, this will launch them midair and die from the fall.

Freeze and Rocket Launcher Glitch

Fierce Fang Glitch

You can move faster while riding Direhowl by exploiting the Fierce Fang Glitch. This is easily done by timing the jump button with the Fierce Fang Skill.

This glitch will launch you midair allowing you to move much faster than any other accessible method without draining your or your mount's stamina.

Fierce Fang Glitch

Use Palbox As A Fast Travel Point

Palworld - Drop a Palbox.png

A helpful exploit in Palworld involves using the Palbox as a Fast Travel Point. You have the option to establish up to three bases, each requiring the assembly of a Palbox.

By utilizing an additional base slot, you can construct a Palbox anywhere on the map. This enables you to conveniently travel to desired locations using its Fast Travel feature.

How to Get Palbox

Pal Skill Cooldown Reset Trick

By dropping the Pal from your party and then picking it up again, you can reset your Pal's Partner Skill cooldown timer. Once retrieved, your Pal's skill will be fully charged and ready for use.

Repeating this process multiple times will effectively grant you infinite Pal Skill use!

Pal Skill Cooldown Reset Trick

Is there an XP Glitch?

Infinite XP Glitch

You can farm infinite XP via an elaborate glitch requiring you to have a Wanted Status which will provide you with unlimited guards following you and therefore unlimited XP.

You must build a tall tower within your base and ensure you possess a Gun as a weapon.

Infinite XP Glitch

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Tips and Tricks Partial Banner

Tips and Tricks

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General Palworld Tips

General Palworld Tips
Best Starter Pal How to Level Up Fast
Best Base Locations and How to Move Bases Best Stats to Upgrade
Best Ancient Technology Statue of Power Guide
How to Get a Gun Fast and Early in Palworld Day/Night Cycle
How to Get Ancient Technology Points Fast Pal Distillation Pod: How to Rank Up Pal
Base Building Guide Raid Guide
How to Remove Wanted Status List of Palworld Achievements
Best Palworld Team How to Destroy and Move Structures
When Do Items and Resources Respawn? Transferring Characters
Base Level Rewards and Requirements How to Attack Enemies on Water
Best Structures for Your Base How to Trade Pals
Best Type Combinations What to Do in Palworld
Can Pals Evolve in Palworld How to Mount and Ride Pals
How to Get More Base Storage When Do Bosses Respawn?
Benefits to Killing Syndicate Thugs All Black Marketeer Pals
How to Move Bases How to Create and Join a Guild
Story Walkthrough Guide Post Game Guide
Pal Buy and Sell Values Explained Post Game Raid Boss
Choices, Missables, and One-Time Events How to Fly
How to Handle Pals Not Working and Assign Pals to Jobs How to Get a Level 5 Work Suitability Pal
List of the Best Palworld Mods Rare Drops List and Best Rare Drops to Farm
How to Change Player and Pal Names Stats and IVs Explained
How to Change Your Character's Appearance How to Keep Items on Death
How Many Pals Are in Palworld How to Refresh Vendor Stock
Feed Box Optimal Positioning Pals That Don't Sleep
Level Cap All Pal Skins and How to Change
Palworld Halloween Skins How to Use Global Palbox

Pal Catching Tips

Pal Catching Tips
How to Catch Pals How to Catch and Sell Humans
How to Get Lucky Pals Pal Sphere Farming Guide
How to Reroll Dungeon Bosses

Survival and Exploration Tips

Survival and Exploration Tips
How to Cook Pals How to Farm Paldium Fragments
How to Heal Pals and Player HP How to Keep Pals Happy and Sane
How to Increase Carrying Capacity How to Increase Stamina
How to Upgrade Palbox How to Repair Tools
How to Fix Pal Injuries How to Revive Pals
How to Cancel Arrows How to Eat Food
How to Put Out and Avoid Fires How to Increase Movement Speed
How to Cure Depressed Pals How to Cure Weakened Pals
How to Cure Pals of Overfull How to Get Keys
Night Guide: How to Survive the Night How to Manage Food Expiration
Best Base Locations
Coal Base Paldium Fragment Base
Ore Base Sulfur Base
Skill Fruit Base -

Settings and Multiplayer Tips

Settings and Multiplayer Tips
How to Play Palworld on Mobile Devices Best World Settings for Palworld
How to Change World Settings Multiplayer Guide
Does Palworld Have Crossplay? Is There PvP in Palworld?
How to Save the Game How to Set Up Dedicated Server
Which Difficulty Settings to Choose How to Backup Save Data
All Controls and How to Change How to Drop Items and Pals
All Console Commands and Cheats Palworld PC System Requirements
How to Migrate Server Data How to Change Death Penalty Settings
Is There Splitscreen Local Co-Op in Palworld -

Glitches and Exploits

All Glitches and Exploits
Infinite Pal Sphere Exploit Guild Save File Deletion Bug
Pal Pathfinding Bug Fix How to Catch Tower Bosses
Refresh Food Expiration Glitch Infinite Sweepa Boost Glitch
Carry Weight Glitch Pal Sphere Gliding Glitch
Egg Duplication Glitch Instant Pal Revive and Heal Glitch
Infinite Syndicate Thug Glitch Black Marketeer Gold Glitch
Item Duplication Glitch 2 Combat Pals at A Time Glitch
Unraidable Base Glitch Clipping Glitch
How to Fix World Save Bug Infinite Loot Glitch
Infinite XP Glitch Freeze and Rocket Launcher Glitch
Pal Skill Cooldown Reset Trick Fierce Fang Glitch


3 Postmortemdecay5 months

Is this up to date for PS5 players?

2 Anonymous12 months

The butcher glitch has now been patched as of today


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