
Palworld Update Patch Notes (4/4)

Palworld - Version Patch Notes
Version Patch Update (4/4) is now out for the Steam and Xbox versions of Palworld. This is a huge update with several new features including the first Raid Boss and brand new items. See the full details of the Version patch notes, new features, known issues, bug fixes, and release details here!

Palworld Update New Features

Multiplayer Save Load Issue for Xbox Players

A statement has been issued advising players not to load old save data (pre- Patch) in Multiplayer, as there is currently a bug preventing it from being loaded correctly. A fix is expected to be coming soon. As of writing this issue is not stated to affect PC Steam Palworld Players.

Palworld Xbox Update Today! (4/9)

Egg Incubator Bug Fixed

Palworld Steam Version

Those who have downloaded the version update may encounter a bug that prevents you from using the Egg Incubator.

A new patch has been released that is dedicated on fixing this bug.

Palworld Steam Version Patch Notes and Updates

Dedicated Server Timeout Issues Fixed

A fix for players who have been experiencing timeout issued when playing on dedicated servers has been released. Players are adviced to update their servers if they are unable to connect.

Do note that this does not affect other servers or those playing in single player.

Raid Bosses Added

Palworld - Bellanoir Update
The long-awaited Raid Boss feature has now been added in Palworld, with the debut of the brand new Pal Bellanoir!

To battle Bellanoir in its own raid boss battle, offer Bellanoir's Slab at the Summoning Altar, which can be unlocked using 3 Ancient Technology points at level 33.

Bellanoir Raid Boss

New Items

Several new items were added in this patch, notably consumables that lets you check and increase your Pal's IVs or talent points.

Item Description
Pal Slabs Used to start Raid Boss battles.
Training Manual Grants experience points to Pals.
Available in different sizes: S, M, L, XL
Ancient Technical Manual Gives you ancient technology points.
Recovery Meds Gradually restores health over time after use.
Homeward Thundercloud Instantly moves you to your nearest base.
Ability Glasses Equip to check you Pals' talent points (IVs).
Life Fruit Increases a Pal's HP talent point (IV).
Power Fruit Increases a Pal's Attack talent point (IV).
Stout Fruit Increases a Pal's Defense talent point (IV).
Ring of Mercy When worn, prevents you from reducing enemy HP below 1.
Multiclimate Undershirt Protects against both heat and cold.

All Craftable Items and How to Unlock

New Weapons

New Legendary Schematics were also added as part of this patch, to help players progress through the early and mid-game, by making these schematics drop from mid-game Alpha bosses.

Weapon Dropped By
Legendary Musket Quivern Alpha Boss
Single-shot Rifle Verdash Alpha Boss
Double-Barreled Shotgun Vaelet Alpha Boss

List of New Weapons and Armor

New Structures

A bunch of new structures were also added in the game, notably the Summoning Altar which allows you to start Raid Boss battles, and the Antique Dresser which finally adds the option to remake your character's appearance.

Item Description
Summoning Altar Used to start Raid Boss battles. Needs a slab to start battle.
Antique Dresser Used to change character appearance.
Ore Mining Site Can produce metal ores at a base.
Electric Egg Incubator Automatically adjusts temperature for optimal egg hatching. Requires electricity.

List of Base Structures

New Pal Passive Skill

A new Passive Skill is added, which lets you capture Pals easier. The Mercy Hit passive forces your Pals to leave their target with 1 HP, which is useful to prevent any wild Pal that you're aiming to capture getting accidentally knocked out.

Passive Skill Description
Mercy Hit Prevents a Pal from defeating an enemy and leaves it with 1 HP while attacking.

Pal Improvements

Several Pals also received changes; some of which make them more useful in your base or as members of your party.

Pal Changes
Palworld - Kelpsea Kelpsea Can now produce Pal Fluids while assigned in a Ranch
Palworld - Kelpsea Ignis Kelpsea Ignis Can now produce Flame Organs while assigned in a Ranch
Palworld - Dumud Dumud Can now produce High-Quality Pal Oil while assigned in a Ranch
Palworld - Surfent Terra Surfent Terra Can now reduce the weight of Ores while riding on it.
Palworld - Astegon Astegon Now increases drop rate of Ore when mining while riding on it.
Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis Now has a more unique pattern

Base Improvements

Palworld - Monitoring Stand

There are also a few improvements added when managing bases and building structures.

Notably, you will now be able to delegate tasks for every Pal assigned in your base via the Monitoring Stand. This change is very useful for players who want certain Pals to only do certain tasks, instead of jumping from one task to another.

Transport Pals will also now be able to move crafted items from a workbench to a chest in your base, so you don't have to transport it by yourself.

Base Improvements
・You can now allow/disallow individual tasks for base Pals in the Monitoring Stand.
・Chest filters have been implemented, allowing selection of item types for each chest.
・Finished products from crafting facilities will now be transported. If you check 'Allow Transportation' when crafting, transport Pals will automatically take the finished products to chests.
・Building and building piece placement rules have been relaxed.
┗ You can now connect stairs facing upwards.
┗ Roof pieces can now directly connect to foundations.
┗ Triangular walls can now be connected to stairs.

UI Improvements

Several user interface improvements were made in order to make the game feel smoother, easier to follow, and more immersive.

UI Improvements
・While aiming a sphere, it will now display how many of the target Pal has already been captured.
・You can now check the cooldowns on partner skills for all your Pals on the main screen.
・Equipment and item stats are now visible on the technology screen, even if you have not unlocked them first.
・The tutorial has been improved and renamed to "Journey".
・You can now show/hide the "Journey" in the game options
・Damage number display size can be changed in the game options.
(In Raid Boss battles, the damage numbers tend to overlap a lot and it may be difficult to see, so we recommend adjusting the size)

Balance Adjustments

Various gameplay changes were also added in this update, along with new Legendary Schematics for some weapons in the game.

Additionally, it is also now possible to hatch Alpha Pals from wild Eggs found in the wild.

Balance Adjustments
・Minimum heat and cold resistance have been added to various armour. You will no longer need to take off your heat-resistance armour when it is cold at night in the starting areas!
・Reduce the button press time in the egg incubator.
・Added legendary blueprints for some firearms (Dropped from specific enemies)
・Corrected the selling price of diamonds
・In single-player mode, it is no longer possible to select the initial spawn point for multiplayer.
・Blocked the back of the starting area with rocks to prevent players from getting lost or stuck.
・The increased attack power multiplier of partner skills that increase the player's attack power while riding has been uniformly reduced from 2.0 to 1.2.
・Eggs now have a small chance to produce Alpha Pals.
・Flying and floating Pals are now immune to falling damage.
・Shop price adjustments.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

This update also fixed certain bugs and added other miscellaneous changes for the game.

Bug Fixes
・Fixed a bug where treasure chests would become empty when dying in a dungeon, etc.
・Fixed an issue where the effect that increases player attack power while riding was being duplicated and accumulated under certain conditions.
・Fixed an issue where players were not receiving loot when capturing Pals while mounted.
・Adjusted the HP of the Legendary Pal and fixed an issue where the difference in HP between the captured Legendary Pal and the bred Legendary Pal was too large.
・Fixed an issue where Pal would eat while riding.
・Fixed an issue where spheres thrown close to wild pals would not hit and be lost.
Other Changes
・Improved various Pal models and textures.
・Added and adjusted some sound effects.
・Fixed many other minor bugs.
・One new song has been added to the soundtrack. If you have already purchased the soundtrack, please update and enjoy the new song!

Dedicated Server Fixes

Those who play Palworld on dedicated servers will be pleased to know that improvements have been made to make the dedeicated server experience easier.

For more information regarding Palworld dedicated servers and the new REST API, you can visit the Palworld tech guide.

Balance Adjustments
・Fixed an issue where sorting did not work in the server list
・Improved the server list to allow page transitions
・Dedicated servers now support various log outputs
・Implemented REST API

How to Set Up a Dedicated Server

Palworld Patch Notes

v0.2.0.6 Patch Notes
April 4, 2024
▼ New Content
・Implemented the first Raid Boss
┗ You can summon Raid Boss Pals by using slabs at the new Summoning Altar
┗ Raid Boss Pals summoned by slabs are very powerful and can not be captured. Work alongside your base Pals to take on these powerful foes.
┗ Pals Eggs can drop after defeating Raid Boss Pals.
┗ The "extreme" version of the Raid Boss is incredibly powerful and difficult to defeat.
・New "Training Manual" items have been added. These manuals allow you to give experience points to Pals.
・New item "Ancient Technical Manual" has been added. This manual gives you ancient technology points and can be randomly found inside dungeon chests.
・New "Recovery Meds" items have been added. Using these meds will slowly recover your HP over time.
・New item "Homeward Thundercloud" has been added. When used, this item will instantly move you to your nearest base.
・New item "Ability Glasses" has been added. When equipped, you can see Pal's stats.
・New stat boosting items have been added: "Power Fruit, Life Fruit, Stout Fruit". These items will boost Pal's stats when used.
・Added a new passive "Mercy Hit". Pals with this passive cannot reduce enemy HP below 1 when attacking.
・New item "Ring of Mercy" has been added. When wearing this ring, you cannot reduce enemy HP below 1 when attacking.
・New armour "Multiclimate Undershirt" has been added. Protect yourself against both the heat and the cold with just one slot!
・New building "Electric Egg Incubator" has been added. This incubator consumes electricity to automatically adjust the temperature to the optimum temperature for each egg.
・New building "Ore Mining Site" has been added. This mining site allows you to produce ores from the comfort of your base!

▼ Pal Improvements
・Kelpsea can now produce Pal Fluids at the ranch.
・Dumud can now produce High-Quality Pal Oil at the ranch.
・You can now reduce the weight of metal ore while riding Surfent Terra.
・Increased the amount of ore dropped while riding Astegon.
・You can now raise Pal's rank to the maximum with a single synthesis using the Pal Essence Condenser.
(Condensation progress is now accumulated in the individual Pal)
・Negative Pal status will now be resolved after spending some time in the Pal Box

・While aiming a sphere, it will now display how many of the target Pal has already been captured.
・You can now check the cooldowns on partner skills for all your Pals on the main screen.
・Equipment and item stats are now visible on the technology screen, even if you have not unlocked them first.
・The tutorial has been improved and renamed to "Journey".
・You can now show/hide the "Journey" in the game options
・Damage number display size can be changed in the game options.
(In Raid Boss battles, the damage numbers tend to overlap a lot and it may be difficult to see, so we recommend adjusting the size)

・Items dropped by players after death on a dedicated server can now be picked up by anyone after 24 hours of real-time have passed.
・Added a new "sleeping" player emote (edited).

▼ Base Improvements
・You can now allow/disallow certain work for base Pals at the Monitoring Stand.
・Chest filters have been added. Select item types to allow or disallow inside chests.
・Crafted items are now transported from crafting facilities. Selecting "allow transport" when crafting will result in Pals transporting those items to chests when finished.
・You can now edit your character's appearance at any time by using the "Antique Dresser".
・Building and building piece placement rules have been relaxed.
┗ You can now connect stairs facing upwards.
┗ Roof pieces can now directly connect to foundations.
┗ Triangular walls can now be connected to stairs.
・You can now force a Pal to work and cancel their break by picking them up and throwing them towards a facility.
(Pals recover their SAN while taking a break, so be careful!)
・Fixed assignments remain fixed, even after bad events occur. Previously, some assignments would change due to certain conditions, but now they will remain fixed unless the Pal is placed inside the Pal Box.

▼ Balance Adjustments
・Minimum heat and cold resistance have been added to various armour. You will no longer need to take off your heat-resistance armour when it is cold at night in the starting areas!
・Reduce the button press time in the egg incubator.
・Change the pattern for Jormuntide Ignis to something more unique.
・Added legendary blueprints for some firearms (Dropped from specific enemies)
・Corrected the selling price of diamonds
・In single-player mode, it is no longer possible to select the initial spawn point for multiplayer.
・Blocked the back of the starting area with rocks to prevent players from getting lost or stuck.
・The increased attack power multiplier of partner skills that increase the player's attack power while riding has been uniformly reduced from 2.0 to 1.2.
・Eggs now have a small chance to produce Alpha Pals.
・Flying and floating Pals are now immune to falling damage.
・Shop price adjustments.

▼ Bug Fixes
・Fixed a bug where treasure chests would become empty when dying in a dungeon, etc.
・Fixed an issue where the effect that increases player attack power while riding was being duplicated and accumulated under certain conditions.
・Fixed an issue where players were not receiving loot when capturing Pals while mounted.
・Adjusted the HP of the Legendary Pal and fixed an issue where the difference in HP between the captured Legendary Pal and the bred Legendary Pal was too large.
・Fixed an issue where Pal would eat while riding.
・Fixed an issue where spheres thrown close to wild pals would not hit and be lost.

▼ Other Changes
・Improved various Pal models and textures.
・Added and adjusted some sound effects.
・Fixed many other minor bugs.

▼Dedicated Server
・Fixed an issue where sorting did not work in the server list
・Improved the server list to allow page transitions
・Dedicated servers now support various log outputs
・Implemented REST API
※ Please check the tech guide for details

▼Cheat Prevention
・Fixed a vulnerability that allowed Steam account spoofing
・Fixed 7 other critical vulnerabilities

・One new song has been added to the soundtrack. If you have already purchased the soundtrack, please update and enjoy the new song!
※ Please note that the soundtrack may take a few days to update

Palworld Release Date

April 9, 2024 for Xbox (Game Pass)

Xbox players finally received this major update on April 9, 5 days after Steam Players. With version, Xbox Players are now able to enjoy the myriad of new features including new Raid Bosses, Items, Technology and Quality of Life upgrades!

Palworld Xbox Patch Update (4/9)

April 4, 2024 for Steam (PC)

Palworld was released for Steam players on April 4, 2024.

Palworld Steam Update Patch Notes (4/4)

Palworld Download

How to Download Palworld Patch

How to Download Palworld Updates

The Palworld update version is available for Steam and Xbox Game Pass services. Both services feature automatic and manual downloading of game updates.

Steam Manual Download

Palworld - Steam Manual Update
When an update is available, Steam will usually schedule the update later. You can bypass this scheduled date by manually downloading the update from the Library Menu. Press the blue Update button to start the update download and installation.

Enable Steam Auto-Update

Palworld - Activate-Deactivate Steam Auto-Update
Enable (or turn off) Palworld's auto-update from its Properties Menu. To do so, right-click Palworld from the Library Menu and click on Properties. Enter the Updates tab and select the setting that suits your preference.

Check Updates on Xbox Game Pass

Palworld - Check Updates on Xbox Game Pass
If the Update button is unavailable for the Palworld page in your library, access the Manage settings from the three-dot menu button. Enter the Files tab and select the Check for Updates button. You will be notified if an update is available and the option to start downloading and installing the update.

Enable Xbox Game Pass Auto-Update

Palworld - Enable or Disable Auto-Updates on Xbox Game Pass
To turn auto-updates for Palworld on or off, go to the Installation Queue menu and select the Install Options button. Select the Enable automatic updates checkbox from there to turn the auto-update feature on or off.

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - News and Events Partial Banner.png

News and Events

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Feybreak Release Date and New Content Palworld Available Platforms
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Pocketpair Exhibits at BitSummit 2024 How to Fix All Bugs and Error Codes

Patch Notes and Updates

Steam Version Xbox Version Release Date
0.5.0 0.5.0 March 19, 2025
0.4.14 0.4.14 January 24, 2025
0.4.13 0.4.13 January 15, 2025
0.4.12 0.4.12 December 26, 2024
0.4.11 0.4.11 December 23, 2024
0.3.12 0.3.12 December 3, 2024
0.3.11 0.3.11 November 30, 2024
0.3.10 0.3.10 October 30, 2024
0.3.9 0.3.9 October 1, 2024
0.3.8 0.3.8 September 25, 2024
- 0.3.7 Xbox Hotfix September 19, 2024
0.3.7 0.3.7 September 17, 2024
0.3.6 0.3.6 August 22, 2024
0.3.5 0.3.5 August 7, 2024
0.3.4 0.3.4 July 29, 2024
0.3.3 0.3.3 July 8, 2024
0.3.2 0.3.2 June 28, 2024
0.3.1 0.3.1 June 27, 2024 May 14, 2024 April 22/25, 2024 April 15, 2024 April 5/10, 2024 April 4/9, 2024
- March 8, 2024 February 29, 2024 February 27, 2024
Optimization Processing Hotfix February 8, 2024 February 7, 2024 January 31, 2024
- January 29, 2024
Infinite Loading Hotfix - January 27, 2024 January 25, 2024
- Black Screen Hotfix January 23, 2024
- January 23, 2024 - January 19, 2024

All Patch Notes and Updates

Palworld Error Codes

Palworld Error Codes
Not Found Session 91 Bug Fix Failed to Host Multiplayer Session Bug Fix
OnCreateSessionComplete Delegate bWasSuccessful == false Bug Fix UE-Pal Exception Access Violation Bug Fix

List of Error Codes

Palworld Bugs

Palworld Bugs
Black Screen on Launch Memory Reset Drug Bug
Guild Save File Deletion Bug Lifmunk Effigy Bug
Pal Pathfinding Bug Fix Pals Logging Trees Bug Fix
World Save Bug -

List of Bugs

Palworld Server Status

Palworld Server Status
Servers are Live and Running!


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