
Combat Mechanics

Palworld - Combat Mechanics Top Banner
Combat is a necessity in Palworld as it is the only way to progress through the game. You need to be able to fight in order to catch more Pals, progress through the game, and defeat the Tower Bosses. Read on for more information on how to fight Pals yourself, how to use Pals to fight each other, and how to dodge when you're attacked.

How to Fight Pals Yourself

Use Weapons to Fight Pals

Palworld - Using Weapons
You can craft Weapons that can be used to take out weaken Pals for Capture or just mow them down for loot, like for Food or Materials. More weapons can be unlocked by leveling up or by using Schematics.

Aim for Weakspots

Palworld - Aim for Weakspots
Ranged weapons can deal extra damage when you aim for a Pal's weak spots. These are usually the head, so make sure to aim for the jugular!

Wear Armor and Shields to Mitigate Damage

Palworld - Utilize Equipment
As you get stronger you will get access to Armor, Shields, Headgear, and Accessories. These can all help you in mitigating damage dealt by Pals and Humans alike.

Pal Fighting and Behaviors

Using Caught Pals to Fight

Palworld - Pal Fighting
By catching Pals in Pal Spheres, you can use Pals to fight in your stead. They have moves which they can use to mow down anyone that dares stand in your way!
How to Catch Pals

Control Pals to Attack

Mounting Pals

Palworld - Pal Mounting Fight
By crafting saddles, you are able to ride certain Pals and either Shoot, Catch, and even attack with the Pal you are riding on.

Pals as Wearables

Palworld - Pal Wearing Fight
By crafting certain wearable items, you are able to equip certain Pals and use them to attack as weapons. Some even allow you to have more than one Pal out at a time.

Pals as Weapons

Palworld - Pal Fight Ammo
Certain craftables let you equip weapons onto your Pals or even use the Pals themselves as ammo.

Toggle with the Pal Commands Wheel

Palworld - Pal Command Wheel
The AI for Pals can be modified by hovering over the Pal Commands Wheel. This will allow then to focus on an enemy you're targeting, stop attacking, and even go wild and just attack anything that's attacking you.
The Command Wheel can be pulled up by pressing 4 on Keyboard or pressing the Right Stick on Controller.

Dodging Pal Attacks

Dodge Roll Mechanic

Palworld - Dodge Roll
You can roll out of danger's way by using some stamina. use this to dodge attacks and duck out of harm's way. Press the Ctrl Key on your Keyboard or press the Left Stick on controller to roll.

Send Out Your Own Pals as a Distraction

Palworld - Use Your Pal as Distraction
Be sending out your own Pal to fight, you can divert the attention of your enemies into your Pals letting them take the brunt of the damage. Send out pals by using the Left Shoulder Button on controller or the E Key on Keyboard.

Get Other Wild Pals Involved

Palworld - Get Other Pals Involved
If you notice other Pals just minding their own business while you're being attacked, you can bait your attacker into attacking a random Pal making them fight each other.

Use The Terrain to Your Advantage

Palworld - Hide Behind Pillars.png
For some fights, you can make use of your surroundings to block attacks of your enemies. The fight against Zoe and her Grizzbolt is a great way that uses this mechanic.

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Game Mechanics

Game Mechanics

Game Mechanics

List of Game Mechanics Guides
Element Type Matchup Chart Combat Mechanics
Day and Night Cycle Crafting Guide and Best Crafting Pals
Rarity Explained List of Sicknesses and Injuries
Guilds Explained: Should You Join a Guild? Dungeon Guide
STAB Explained Attack Stat Explained
HP Stat Explained Defense Stat Explained
Weight Explained Work Speed Explained
Stamina Explained Super Effectiveness and Resistances Explained


3 Anonymous12 months

Deploying just means throwing out your pals. It’s usually whatever the throw/interact buttons are at default settings (ex. F to deploy, E to interact). You can easily see this on your Options then Controls settings.

2 Anonymousabout 1 year

Not a word on how to deploy your pals. How do you do that? Seriously...step by step... from your party. What do you do???


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