
Egg Hatch List

Palworld - Egg Hatch List Banner
Pals can be hatched from Pal eggs, and the result depends on the type and size of the egg in Palworld. Check out all the possible outcomes by hatching Pal eggs in our Egg Hatch List, how to get and hatch them, and incubation speed in this guide!

Palworld - LamballAttention! This Page is a Work in Progress
We're working on adding more data to our Egg Hatch List. Let us know in the comments section what Pal hatched from your egg!

Egg Hatch List

Jump to a Specific Egg Type
Palworld - Scorching EggScorching Egg Palworld - Damp EggDamp Egg Palworld - Verdant EggVerdant Egg
Palworld - Frozen EggFrozen Egg Palworld - Electric EggElectric Egg Palworld - Rocky EggRocky Egg
Palworld - Dark EggDark Egg Palworld - Dragon EggDragon Egg Palworld - Common EggCommon Egg

Scorching Egg Pals

Egg Size Pals
Palworld - Scorching EggScorching Egg
Palworld - Scorching EggLarge Scorching Egg
Palworld - Scorching EggHuge Scorching Egg

All Scorching Egg Pals

Damp Egg Pals

Egg Size Pals
Palworld - Damp EggDamp Egg
Palworld - Damp EggLarge Damp Egg
Palworld - Damp EggHuge Damp Egg

All Damp Egg Pals

Verdant Egg Pals

Egg Size Pals
Palworld - Verdant EggVerdant Egg
Palworld - Verdant EggLarge Verdant Egg
Palworld - Verdant EggHuge Verdant Egg

All Verdant Egg Pals

Frozen Egg Pals

Egg Size Pals
Palworld - Frozen EggFrozen Egg
Palworld - Frozen EggLarge Frozen Egg
Palworld - Frozen EggHuge Frozen Egg

All Frozen Egg Pals

Electric Egg Pals

Egg Size Pals
Palworld - Electric EggElectric Egg
Palworld - Electric EggLarge Electric Egg
Palworld - Electric EggHuge Electric Egg

All Electric Egg Pals

Rocky Egg Pals

Egg Size Pals
Palworld - Rocky EggRocky Egg
Palworld - Rocky EggLarge Rocky Egg
Palworld - Rocky EggHuge Rocky Egg

All Rocky Egg Pals

Dark Egg Pals

Egg Size Pals
Palworld - Dark EggDark Egg
Palworld - Dark EggLarge Dark Egg
Palworld - Dark EggHuge Dark Egg

All Dark Egg Pals

Dragon Egg Pals

Egg Size Pals
Palworld - Dragon EggLarge Dragon Egg
Palworld - Dragon EggHuge Dragon Egg

All Dragon Egg Pals

Common Egg Pals

Egg Size Pals
Palworld - Common EggCommon Egg
Palworld - Common EggLarge Common Egg
Palworld - Common EggHuge Common Egg

All Common Egg Pals

How to Get Pal Eggs

Pick Up Eggs from Nests in the Open World

Palworld - Find Eggs by Exploring

You can find Pal eggs can scattered across the lands of Palworld. These elusive items usually spawn in secluded areas like cliffs, mountain tops, or any elevated, hard-to-reach areas like spires.

To make your egg-farming journey more convenient, ride a flying mount to pick up eggs in hard-to-reach places.

Eggs, like chests and other items, respawn periodically. Feel free to go back and visit areas where you have found eggs!

Palworld Interactive Map

Alpha Pals May Hatch from Eggs in the Wild

Palworld - Alpha Icon

As of Version, Alpha Pals now have a low chance to be hatched from eggs found in the wild.

Alpha Pals hatched this way are the same with those wild Alpha Bosses, they have a bigger size but have the same potential stats as regular Pals. You will know it's an Alpha through the red icon shown in the image above.

All Egg Locations

Breed Pals to Lay Eggs

Palworld - Breeding

Structure Requirements
Palworld - Breeding Farm Icon Breeding Farm Tech Level: 19
Points: 2
Palworld - Wood Material Wood (x100)
Palworld - Stone Material Stone (x20)
Palworld - Fiber Material Fiber (x50)
Breeding Guides
How to Chain Breed Passive Skills IV Breeding Guide
Pal Min-Maxing and Meta Guides Breeding Exclusive Pals and Special Breeding Combos

Breeding is a high-investment game mechanic that gives you control on the traits and stats of your Pals.

Breeding two Pals of the opposite gender will result in an egg that you can incubate through an Egg Incubator. The resulting egg will inherit the parent's passives and will always be a specific Pal depending on the combination of the parents.

Aside from the Pal parents, you also need a Breeding Farm and Cake to start the Pal breeding process.

Breeding Combos and Guide

Alpha Pals Can Hatch From Eggs

Eggs picked up from the overworld, and those obtained via breeding has a small chance to produce Alpha Pals, as of Version

The chance is low, but hatching an Alpha Pal from a wild egg at any point in the game can provide a substantial increase to your damage, and having an Alpha Pal in your collection definitely won't hurt!

List of Alpha Bosses and Locations

How to Hatch Pal Eggs

Incubate Eggs in the Egg Incubator

Palworld - Egg Incubator

Structure Requirements
Palworld - Egg Incubator Icon Egg Incubator Tech Level: 7
Ancient Technology Pts: 1
Palworld - Stone Material Stone (x30)
Palworld - Cloth Material Cloth (x5)

Hatch eggs by incubating them in the Egg Incubator. To incubate an egg, interact with an Egg Incubator, then place any Pal egg. A timer will show how long it would take for the egg to hatch.

The Egg Incubator will accept any egg size (only one at a time). The larger the egg, the greater the reward (stronger, rarer pals) and the longer the incubation time.

How to Hatch Palworld Eggs

Wild Eggs Can Hatch Alpha Pals

As of, eggs obtained from nests in the wild has a low chance to hatch Alpha Pals instead of regular ones. Do note that you won't be able to get Alpha offsprings from breeding to Pals via the Breeding Farm.

Egg Incubation Speed and Time

How to Shorten Egg Incubation Time

Egg Incubation Structures Requirements
Palworld - Campfire Icon Campfire
Egg Heating
Tech Level: 2
Technology Pts: 1
Palworld - Wood Material Wood (x10)

Work Suitabilities:
Palworld - Heater Icon Heater
Egg Heating
Tech Level: 17
Technology Pts: 2
Palworld - Ingot Material Ingot (x20)
Palworld - Charcoal Material Charcoal (x10)

Work Suitabilities:
Palworld - Electric Heater Icon Electric Heater
Egg Heater
Tech Level: 41
Technology Pts: 3
Palworld - Ingot Material Ingot (x30)

Work Suitabilities:
Palworld - Cooler Icon Cooler
Egg Cooling
Tech Level: 17
Technology Pts: 2
Palworld - Ingot Material Ingot (x20)
Palworld - Charcoal Material Charcoal (x10)

Work Suitabilities:
Palworld - Electric Cooler Icon Electric Cooler
Egg Cooling
Tech Level: 42
Technology Pts: 3
Palworld - Ingot Material Ingot (x30)

Work Suitabilities:

Build structures that will help shorten your egg incubation times near the egg incubator. Different egg types have differing conditions for speeding up the hatching process. This is indicated as an additional text at the incubator.

For example, Scorching Eggs will have a faster incubation process when a nearby heat source (such as a Heater) is present.

How to Hatch Eggs Fast

Egg Incubation Speed and Time Tables

Palworld - Egg Incubation Timer

Egg Size Time (h) and Incubation Speed (+100%)
(h) = 2
(h) = 4
Normal 5:00 10:00
Large 30:00 1:00:00
Huge 1:00:00 2:00:00
ⓘ Time (h) stands for the value set in the World Settings's egg incubation time.
ⓘ The time listed above factors in the +100% speed increase from incubation's "comfortable" status (achieved when the egg is at a proper temperature).

Egg Incubation speed is determined by its size and the value of the egg incubation time (h) set in the World Settings. Here are important points to remember about incubation time:

  • Day Time and Night Time World Setting speeds do not affect the incubation time of eggs.
  • Taking out and placing an egg back in the Egg Incubator will reset the incubation timer.
  • The timer of eggs already in incubation will be unaffected when the incubation speed is changed in the World Settings (unless you swap eggs in and out).

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Paldeck Banner

Complete Paldeck and List of All Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals
Palworld - XenolordXenolord Palworld - NitemaryNitemary Palworld - StarryonStarryon
Palworld - SilvegisSilvegis Palworld - SmokieSmokie Palworld - CelesdirCelesdir
Palworld - OmasculOmascul Palworld - SplatterinaSplatterina Palworld - TarantrissTarantriss
Palworld - AzurmaneAzuremane Palworld - BastigorBastigor Palworld - PruneliaPrunelia
Palworld - NyafiaNyafia Palworld - GildaneGildane Palworld - Gorirat TerraFoxparks Cryst
Palworld - Dazzi NoctDazzi Noct Palworld - Cryolinx TerraCryolinx Terra Palworld - Fenglope LuxFenglope Lux
Palworld - Caprity Noct IconCaprity Noct Palworld - Loupmoon CrystLoupmoon Cryst Palworld - Faleris AquaFaleris Aqua
Palworld - Ribbuny BotanRibbuny Botan Palworld - Warsect TerraWarsect Terra Palworld - Kitsun NoctKitsun Noct

Feybreak Update New Features Guide

All Pals by Element Types

All Pal Element Types
Fire Type Water Type Grass Type
Ice Type Electric Type Ground Type
Dark Type Dragon Type Neutral

All Pals by Work Suitability

All Pal Work Suitabilities
Palworld - Kindling Diamond IconKindling Palworld - Watering Diamond IconWatering Palworld - Planting Diamond IconPlanting
Palworld - Generating Electricity Diamond IconElectricity Palworld - Handiwork Diamond IconHandiwork Palworld - Gathering Diamond IconGathering
Palworld - Lumbering Diamond IconLumbering Palworld - Mining Diamond IconMining Palworld - Medicine Production Diamond IconMedicine
Palworld - Cooling Diamond IconCooling Palworld - Transporting Diamond IconTransporting Palworld - Farming Diamond IconFarming

All Pals by Stats

All Pal Stats
List of Pals by HP List of Pals by Attack
List of Pals by Defense All Pals by Max IV Stats

Pal Lists

All Pal Lists
All Pals by Work Suitability All Night Exclusive Pals
All Fusion Pals All Alpha Bosses and Locations
All Mount Pals All Legendary Pals
All Mineshaft Field Bosses All Wildlife Sanctuary Pals
List of Rare Pals All Dungeon Exclusive Pals
New and Upcoming Pals List of Pals that Improve Carry Capacity
All Predator Pal Locations -

Pal Egg Lists

All Pal Egg Lists
Normal Egg Pals Large Egg Pals Huge Egg Pals
Pal Eggs by Element
Palworld - Scorching EggScorching Egg Palworld - Damp EggDamp Egg Palworld - Verdant EggVerdant Egg
Palworld - Frozen EggFrozen Egg Palworld - Electric EggElectric Egg Palworld - Rocky EggRocky Egg
Palworld - Dark EggDark Egg Palworld - Dragon EggDragon Egg Palworld - Common EggCommon Egg


30 Anonymous4 days

i got 4 from 6 huge eggs

29 Anonymous4 days

Elizzabee from a huge Verdent egg!


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