
Pal Min-Maxing and Meta Guides

Palworld - Best Pal Builds and Teams
These are the best teams and builds to min-max your Pals for the meta in Palworld. Here you'll find how to build and train strong endgame Pals for your team in the meta, what the meta is focused on, as well as the best builds and teams.

Best Pal Builds

List of Pal Builds

Pal Builds
Palworld- SelyneSelyne Palworld- BellanoirBellanoir Palworld- Bellanoir LiberoBellanoir Libero
Palworld- JetragonJetragon Palworld- FrostallionFrostallion Palworld- Frostallion NoctFrostallion Noct
Palworld- NecromusNecromus Palworld- PaladiusPaladius Palworld- ShadowbeakShadowbeak
Palworld- OrserkOrserk Palworld- FalerisFaleris Palworld- Lyleen NoctLyleen Noct
Palworld- LyleenLyleen Palworld- GrizzboltGrizzbolt Palworld- Suzaku AquaSuzaku Aqua
Palworld- SuzakuSuzaku Palworld- Jormuntide IgnisJormuntide Ignis Palworld- JormuntideJormuntide
Palworld- AnubisAnubis Palworld- MenastingMenasting Palworld- AstegonAstegon
Palworld- HelzephyrHelzephyr Palworld- BlazamutBlazamut Palworld- Blazamut RyuBlazamut Ryu
Palworld- QuivernQuivern Palworld- FelbatFelbat Palworld- WarsectWarsect
Palworld- Wumpo BotanWumpo Botan Palworld- WumpoWumpo Palworld- Mammorest CrystMammorest Cryst
Palworld- MammorestMammorest Palworld- Reptyro CrystReptyro Cryst Palworld- ReptyroReptyro
Palworld- PetalliaPetallia Palworld- Broncherry AquaBroncherry Aqua Palworld- Blazehowl NoctBlazehowl Noct
Palworld- BlazehowlBlazehowl Palworld- AzurobeAzurobe Palworld- Elphidran AquaElphidran Aqua
Palworld- SibelyxSibelyx Palworld- VaeletVaelet Palworld- VerdashVerdash
Palworld- WixenWixen Palworld- KatressKatress Palworld- RagnahawkRagnahawk
Palworld- BeakonBeakon Palworld- BushiBushi Palworld- Vanwyrm CrystVanwyrm Cryst
Palworld- VanwyrmVanwyrm Palworld- FlambelleFlambelle Palworld- TombatTombat
Palworld- DigtoiseDigtoise Palworld- MaraithMaraith Palworld- LunarisLunaris
Palworld- Pyrin NoctPyrin Noct Palworld- PyrinPyrin Palworld- UnivoltUnivolt
Palworld- ChilletChillet Palworld- SweepaSweepa Palworld- SweeSwee
Palworld- ElizabeeElizabee Palworld- BeegardeBeegarde Palworld- Robinquill TerraRobinquill Terra
Palworld- RobinquillRobinquill Palworld- RibbunyRibbuny Palworld- MelpacaMelpaca
Palworld- CaprityCaprity Palworld- WoolipopWoolipop Palworld- Mossanda LuxMossanda Lux
Palworld- MossandaMossanda Palworld- Gobfin IgnisGobfin Ignis Palworld- GobfinGobfin
Palworld- MozzarinaMozzarina Palworld- Mau CrystMau Cryst Palworld- MauMau
Palworld- DaedreamDaedream Palworld- CremisCremis Palworld- HoocratesHoocrates
Palworld- VixyVixy Palworld- Jolthog CrystJolthog Cryst Palworld- PenkingPenking
Palworld- ChikipiChikipi Palworld- LamballLamball

Check out our Best Builds for Combat, Base Workers, Mount Rides, PvP and more!

Best Pal Builds

Best Pal Teams

List of Pal Teams

Pal Teams
Palworld - Sweepa TeamSweepa + 4 Swee Team Palworld - Elizabee TeamElizabee + 4 Beegarde Team
Palworld - Gobfin TeamBest Gobfin Team Palworld - Daedream TeamHoocrates + 4 Daedream Team

Many Pals work together or with the Player to provide Buffs and other strong mechanics through Passive Skills and Partner Skills! Check out our Best Teams for Combat, Bases, Exploration and PvP here!

Palworld Best Teams

Tier Lists and Meta Guides

The Best Pals Overall
Combat Pals
Tier List
Base Pals
Tier List
All Mounts
Tier List
Ground Mounts
Tier List
Flying Mounts
Tier List
Water Mounts
Tier List
Best Glider Pals Tier List

Use Game8's IV Stat Calculator to Find Pals With Perfect Talent Values!

Palworld IV Stat Calculator - Game8

Use our Palworld IV Calculator to calculate the IVs of your Pals Attack, Defense and HP Stats in Palworld!

Our IV Checker will allow you to check the individual value of each of your Pal's Stats with both Passive Skills applied or just the base values to see which of your Pals are the strongest of their species!

Palworld IV Stat Calculator

Min-Max Pals for the PvP Meta

Palworld - PvP Meta

While the game currently doesn't have PvP, it is planned for a future update. We expect the meta to focus on maximizing stats, so it's recommended to prepare for the PvP meta by building the best Pals and teams before it drops.

Palworld Roadmap and Future Updates

How to Get Strong Endgame Pals

  1. Chain Breed Pals to Get Best Passive Skills
  2. Rank Up Pals with Pal Essence Condenser
  3. Enhance Pal Stats with Statue of Power
  4. Choose Best Active Skills
  5. Consider Using Legendary Pals

Chain Breed Pals to Get Best Passive Skills

Offspring Pals are able to inherit Passive Skills from parent Pals via chain breeding. You may need to breed several times before getting the Passive Skills that you want, as skill inheritance per Egg is not 100% guaranteed.

While it may take some time, this makes it possible for Pals to get useful Passive Skills like Legend and other damage-boosting skills, which they are unable to get naturally when caught in the wild.

Chain breeding Pals will also allow you to get rid of Passive Skills that impact your Pal negatively, like those that reduce attack and defense stats.

How to Chain Breed Passive Skills

Best Passive Skills for Combat

Passive Skill Effect
Palworld - Rainbow Tier Legend Attack +20%, Defense +20%, and Movement Speed +15%
Palworld - Positive Tier Two Musclehead Attack +30%
Work Speed -50%
Palworld - Positive Tier Three Ferocious Attack +20%
Palworld - Positive Tier Three Burly Body Defense +20%
Palworld - Rainbow Tier Lucky Work Speed +15% and Attack +15%
Palworld - Element Attack Damage Passives that Boost Element Attack Damage +20% increase to Element attack damage

The Passive Skills listed above are the best ones for combat Pals, as most of these give Pals attack and defense bonuses.

Do note that you can get the Lucky Passive Skill from Lucky Pals in the wild, which can be passed down, like other Passive Skills, by breeding.

Best Passive Skills and How to Get

Exclusive Elite Passive Skills for Elemental Damage

Passive Skill Effect Pals
Celestial Emperor 20% increase to Neutral attack damage Palworld - Paladius Paladius
Divine Dragon 20% increase to Dragon attack damage Palworld - Jetragon Jetragon
Earth Emperor 20% increase to Ground attack damage Palworld - Anubis Anubis
Eternal Flame 30% increase to Fire attack damage, 30% increase to Lightning attack damage Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu
Flame Emperor 20% increase to Fire attack damage Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut
Ice Emperor 20% increase to Ice attack damage Palworld - Frostallion Frostallion
Invader 30% increase in Dark attack damage. 30% increase in Dragon attack damage Palworld - Xenolord Xenolord
Lord of Lightning 20% increase to Electric attack damage Palworld - Orserk Orserk
Lord of the Sea 20% increase to Water attack damage Palworld - Jormuntide Jormuntide
Lord of the Underworld 20% increase to Dark attack damage Palworld - Necromus Necromus
Siren of the Void 30% increase to Dark attack damage, 30% increase to Ice attack damage Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Bellanoir Libero
Spirit Emperor 20% increase to Grass attack damage Palworld - Lyleen Lyleen

Some Pals have an exclusive Passive Skill that boosts the damage of an element by 20%. Consider passing down these skills as well to improve their combat capabilities.

All Exclusive Elite Passive Skills

Use Game8's Breeding Calculator for Every Breeding Combo!

Breeding Calculator.png

Use our Palworld Breeding Calculator to easily find which Parents to breed to make the Pal you are looking for! Every Pal Combo is included, making it easier than ever to work out which pals to breed!

Palworld Breeding Calculator

Rank Up Pals with Pal Essence Condenser # hm_6

The Pal Essence Condenser lets you sacrifice duplicate Pals to improve one Pal. You can use Pals you've caught that have hindering or unwanted Passive Skills to improve a Pal that has good passives.

Doing so will rank up their Partner Skill, which enhances the skill's effect, and also grant the Pal a small stat bonus.

Pal Essence Condenser: How to Rank Up Pals

Take Advantage of Partner Skills

Raising your Pal's Partner Skill can give you great benefits as you rank it up.

Several Partner Skills can improve the damage output of your main Pal just by being in your party, while some will give you bonus damage to you and a Pal while you are mounting it. Leveling these Partner Skills will increase the damage you can deal, allowing you to easily face tough Alpha and tower bosses.

All Partner Skills Effects

Enhance Pal Stats with Statue of Power

Palworld - Statue of Power

The Statue of Power structure lets you use Pal Souls to raise your Pals' max health and attack, defense, and walk speed stats. This is available early in the game, so you'll be able to enhance stats even if you just started, as long as you have enough Pal Souls.

As you play through the game, you'll be able to get more Pal Souls. Save up these souls so you can easily build endgame combat-ready Pals! You can also reset your Pals' raised stats with some gold.

Statue of Power Guide: How to Upgrade Catch Power and Pals

Farming Pal Souls

Palworld - Pal Souls in the Wild

You can obtain Pal Souls simply by picking them up in the wild, opening random chests, breeding, and butchering Pals with the Meat Cleaver. Pal Souls are also available as item drops from certain Pals.

How to Farm Pal Souls

Choose Best Active Skills

Palworld - Choosing Active Skills

Pals are able to learn more Active Skills as they level up, with the more powerful ones being available as they reach their max level. These moves can deal high damage, but at the cost of longer cooldowns, so try to balance your Pal's moves by including moves that deal less damage but have lower cooldowns so you can constantly deal damage.

You can also give your Pals coverage moves to cover their weaknesses against Pals that has an Element they are weak against via Skill Fruits. Skill Fruits can be found on unique trees found all around the map. There are no limits on what Skill Fruits you can give to Pals, so you can teach any move to any Pal.

List of Active Skills

Consider Using Legendary Pals

Palworld - Legendary Pals

Legendary Pals are unique Pals that naturally posses the Legend Passive Skill and their signature damage-boosting passive. They can be found in the wild as Alpha bosses and boast higher HP compared to ordinary Pals. If you want a Pal that can tank more attacks compared to other Pals, you can consider including a Legendary Pal in your team.

Do note that Legendary Pals that you've caught as Alpha bosses cannot pass down their large health pool to an offspring Legendary, so you will not be able to breed for a Legendary Pal with additional Passive Skills without losing their high HP.

List of All Legendary Pals and Locations

How to Train a Strong Team

  1. Have a Team with Different Elements
  2. Level Up Your Pals
  3. Improve Your Pals' Stats
  4. Breed Pals to Pass Down Skills

Have a Team with Different Elements

Palworld - Have a Team with Diverse Typings
Building a team of Pals that have different types will increase your chance of defeating more enemy Pals and bosses, and ensure you don't encounter a situation where you can't progress due to a bad type match-up!

Fire Type Pals Have Great Offensive Typing

Palworld Hit Chillet from Behind With Huggy Fire.png

Pals with the Fire Element type are the only element to hit more than one element for super effective damage in the Ice and Grass Type. This makes them one of the best types offensively and a great choice to add to your team.

Additionally Fire Element Pals will keep you warm during the night making them a must for beginners to survival games!

Element Type Matchup Chart

Level Up Your Pals

Palworld - Level them Up
Leveling up your Pals by defeating other Pals, especially Alpha bosses, is necessary to advance the game and explore more areas as even if your Pal has a favorable type match-up, it will instantly lose against a higher level foe!

Increasing your Pal's level also unlocks new Active Skills which allow your Pals to use more moves when battling.

How to Level Up Fast

Pals Cannot Evolve

Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Hatched
Pals do not evolve into a stronger version of themselves. If you want to get stronger Pals, you need to level them up and improve their stats.

Some Pals have Fusion variants which have different Elements and skills from their original versions. These can be found either in the wild or via breeding.

List of All Fusion Pals and How to Get

Improve Your Pals' Stats

Palworld - Improve Stats

The Statue of Power lets you use Pal Souls to increase your Pal's max health and attack, defense, and walk speed stats, allowing it to fight better in battles.

If you want more stat bonuses, you can also distill Pals with the Pal Essence Condenser, which will grant them bonus HP and attack and defense stats.

Breed Pals to Pass Down Skills

Palworld - Breeding Different Species
When breeding Pals, the child will inherit the characteristics of its parents which include Passive Skills and Active Skills.

Since you can breed two Pals of different species, you can get Pals with skills that they normally won't have when caught in the wild!

Breeding Guide

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