
Best Partner Skills Tier List (March 2025)

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In Palworld, every Pal has a specific Partner Skill exclusive to them which further sets them apart from each other. Keep on reading this article to see which Partner Skill is the best when it comes to combat, work efficiency, and exploration!

Best Partner Skills Tier List for Combat

Partner Skills Tier Lists
Combat Work Suitability Exploration

Best Partner Skills for Combat

Best Partner Skills for Battling Tier List
Tier Pal & Partner Skills
SS Tier Tier Element Boost and Elemental Infusion
Ride Pals with Weapons
S Tier Tier Weapon Element Infusion
Element Boost
Trainer Buffing Partner Skills
Pal Buffing Partner Skills
A Tier Tier Healing Partner Skills
Unison Attackers
Pals That Require Specific Teams
B Tier Tier Weapon Pals
Pals With Unique Attacks
Shield Pals
Pals That Buff Themselves

SS Tier Partner Skills for Combat

Palworld Combat Partner Skill Tier List
SS Tier Icon Dark S Tier A Tier B Tier

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Element Boost and Elemental Infusion

Partner Skills with Element Boost and Infusion

Frostallion and Frostallion Noct have the best Partner Skill where they can both imbue the Player's weapon with their respective element on top of buffing both the Player and its own damage of the same type.

Ride Pals with Weapons

Pals With Partner Skills with Weapons
Palworld - Jetragon Palworld - Grizzbolt Palworld - Relaxaurus Lux Palworld - Relaxaurus Palworld - Mossanda Lux Palworld - Mossanda

These Pals can be mounted and also equip explosives which essentially gives them a fourth attack that you can use to deal extra damage!

S Tier Partner Skills for Combat

Palworld Combat Partner Skill Tier List
SS Tier S Tier Icon Dark A Tier B Tier

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Weapon Element Infusion

Pals That Infuse Your Damage
Palworld - Anubis Palworld - Helzephyr Palworld - Azurobe Palworld - Verdash Palworld - Wixen Palworld - Ragnahawk Palworld - Beakon Palworld - Maraith Palworld - Pyrin Noct Palworld - Pyrin Palworld - Univolt Palworld - Chillet Palworld - Nox

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can overwrite the elemental affinity of your attack to another type which can stack with other buffs from other party members. Using these Pals with 4 Gobfins can be a viable attack strategy.
Best Gobfin Team

Element Boost

Pals That Boosts Damage of a Certain Type
Palworld - Shadowbeak Palworld - Suzaku Aqua Palworld - Suzaku Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Palworld - Blazamut Palworld - Quivern Palworld - Dinossom Lux Palworld - Dinossom Palworld - Grintale

These Pals have amazing Partner Skills where they can buff both the Player and its own damage of the same type when mounted.

Trainer Buffing Partner Skills

Pals That Buffs the Player
Palworld - Menasting Palworld - Warsect Palworld - Verdash Palworld - Vanwyrm Cryst Palworld - Vanwyrm Palworld - Robinquill Terra Palworld - Robinquill Palworld - Gobfin Ignis Palworld - Gobfin

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can provide the Player buffs to either deal or take more damage from enemies.

Pal Buffing Partner Skills

Pals That Buffs Certain Elements
Palworld - Kelpsea Ignis Palworld - Kelpsea Palworld - Foxcicle Palworld - Dumud Palworld - Ribbuny Palworld - Bristla Palworld - Cremis Palworld - Hoocrates Palworld - Rooby Palworld - Sparkit

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can provide the buffs to a certain element when other party members of the same element are present in your party.

A Tier Partner Skills for Combat

Palworld Combat Partner Skill Tier List
SS Tier S Tier A Tier Icon Dark B Tier

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Healing Partner Skills

Partner Skills that Can Heal

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can heal the Player when activated.
How to Heal Pals and Player HP

Unison Attackers

Pals That Can Attack Without Being Active

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can shoot coordinated attacks letting you have more than one Pal out at a time.
Best Hoocrates + 4 Daedream Team


Pals With That Can Heal When Attacking

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can heal themselves and the player when they attack.

Pals That Require Specific Teams

Pals With That Require Specific Party Comps
Palworld - Sweepa Palworld - Swee and Palworld - Elizabee Palworld - Beegarde

Sweepa and Elizabee have Partner Skills where they can obtain a huge boost in stats when put in a party with Swee and Beegarde respectively.

B Tier Partner Skills for Combat

Palworld Combat Partner Skill Tier List
SS Tier S Tier A Tier B Tier Icon Dark

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Weapon Pals

Pals With That Can Turn into Weapons
Palworld - Tocotoco Palworld - Jolthog Cryst Palworld - Jolthog Palworld - Pengullet Palworld - Tanzee Palworld - Foxparks Palworld - Lifmunk

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can turn into weapons that you can use to attack. Lifmunk and Tanzee are different where they use their own weapons and will attack when you put up your reticle.

Pals With Unique Attacks

Pals With Partner Skills Used as an Attack
Palworld - Sibelyx Palworld - Bushi Palworld - Digtoise Palworld - Loupmoon Palworld - Cawgnito Palworld - Cinnamoth Palworld - Incineram Noct Palworld - Incineram Palworld - Fuack

These Pals have Partner Skills where they perform special attacks when activated.

Shield Pals

Pals That Can Turn into a Shield

Lamball has a special Partner Skill where you can use it as a meat shield to protect yourself from damage.

Pals That Buff Themselves

Partner Skills That Gives a Huge Boost in Stats

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can get a huge boost in a certain stat when activated.

Criteria for Tier Placings

The following are the criteria to be met when ranking Partner Skills for Combat.

Tier Criteria
SS Tier SS Tier Partner Skills are the best in the game when it comes to dealing raw damage. Pals with these Partner Skills usually rare and reserved for end-game content.
S Tier Partner Skills in this tier are great for combat but care lacking in the same damage as the SS Tier ones.
A Tier Partner Skills in A Tier are great but are usually situational when you need it.
B Tier B Tier Partner Skills can deal decent damage but are harder to recommend due to it being easier to just let your Pal attack on their own.

Best Partner Skills Tier List for Work Suitabilities

Partner Skills Tier Lists
Combat Work Suitability Exploration

Best Partner Skills for Increased Work Efficiency

Best Partner Skills for Mining

Best Partner Skills for Mining Tier List
Tier Pal & Partner Skills
SS Tier Tier
S Tier Tier
A Tier Tier
B Tier Tier

Digtoise has the best Partner Skill when it comes to mining as you don't have to be mounted in order to deal extra damage to ore.

Best Mining Pals Tier List

Best Partner Skills for Lumbering

Best Partner Skills for Lumbering Tier List
Tier Pal & Partner Skills
S Tier Tier
A Tier Tier
B Tier Tier

Both Mammorest and its other variant makes for one of the best loggers as long as you're mounted. Its Partner Skill also handy as it can also deal extra damage to Ore if you need both.

List of Best Pals for Lumbering

Best Partner Skills for Transport

Best Partner Skills for Transport Tier List
Tier Pal & Partner Skills
S Tier Tier
A Tier Tier

B Tier Tier

Both Wumpo and its other variant have the best boost in your Inventory Weight as long as they're in your party.

List of Best Pals for Transporting

Other Work Suitability Related Partner Skills

Other Partner Skills for Each Work Suitability
Work Suitability Partner Skill
Palworld - Handiwork Diamond Icon.png
Ribbuny Skilled Fingers - Weapons Only

Ribbuny has a special Partner Skill where it can increase work efficiency when deployed to a Weapon Workbench.

Work Suitability List: All Pals by Work Suitability

Best Partner Skills for Working in the Ranch

Palworld - List of Best Pals for Farming Top Banner.png

Farming is a unique Work Suitability in that there is no 'best' Farming Pal. This is because each Pal drops specific resources, making the best Farming Pal whatever Pal that drops the resource you need.

Just make sure that you fix the Pal's assignment to the Ranch so that it doesn't go off doing other tasks.

List of Best Pals for Farming

List of Farming Partner Skills

Partner Skills for Farming List
Item Partner Skill
Palworld - Wool Material Wool
Palworld - Egg Material Egg
Palworld - Gold Coin Material Gold Coin
Palworld - Milk Material Milk
Palworld - Cotton Candy Material Cotton Candy
Palworld - Red Berries Material Red Berries
Palworld - Flame Organ Material Flame Organ
Palworld - High Quality Cloth Material High Quality Cloth
Palworld - Gold Coin Material Gold Coin Palworld - Pal Sphere Icon Pal Sphere Palworld - Arrow Weapon Arrow

Best Partner Skills Tier List for Exploration

Partner Skills Tier Lists
Combat Work Suitability Exploration

Best Partner Skills for Exploration and Looting

Best Partner Skills for Exploration Tier List
Tier Pal & Partner Skills
SS Tier Tier Increased Drops for Defeating Certain Pals
S Tier Tier Increased Movement Speed
A Tier Tier Ignore Extreme Temperatures
Gliding Pals
B Tier Tier Locate Nearby Pals
Locate Nearby Dungeons
Locate Nearby Ore

SS Tier Partner Skills for Exploration

Palworld Exploration Partner Skill Tier List
SS Tier Icon Dark S Tier A Tier B Tier

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Partner Skills that Increases Drops from Pals

Partner Skills that Increases Drops from Enemy Pals
Increased Drops Partner Skill
Palworld - Neutral Icon Neutral
Palworld - Grass Icon Grass
Palworld - Ice Icon Ice
Palworld - Electric Icon Electric
Palworld - Ground Icon Ground
Palworld - Dragon Icon Dragon
Palworld - Dark Icon Dark
Palworld - Fire Icon Fire
Palworld - Water Icon Water

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can increase the chances for items to drop against Pals whose types are weak against theirs when they are your Active Pal. These abilities are useful when you're trying to grind for Legendary Schematics.

All Drop Rate Boosting Partner Skills

S Tier Partner Skills for Exploration

Palworld Exploration Partner Skill Tier List
SS Tier S Tier Icon Dark A Tier B Tier

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Partner Skills that Increases Movement Speed

Partner Skills that Increase Movement Speed
Partner Skill

These Pals have Partner Skills where they can increase your movement speed when mounted. Verdash is the sole exception to this, as having it as your Active Pal is the only thing you need to get the Movement Speed boost.

Best Mounts and All Mount Pals

A Tier Partner Skills for Exploration

Palworld Exploration Partner Skill Tier List
SS Tier S Tier A Tier Icon Dark B Tier

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Partner Skills that Ignore Extreme Temperatures

Best Partner Skills for Ignoring Temperature
Temperature Partner Skill
Both Hot and Cold

These Pals have Partner Skills that let the Player ignore extreme temperature when mounted. Kitsun stands out as it can be used to ignore both Hot and Cold temperatures, making it the best Pal to explore areas where you would normally need Tempreature Resistant Armor.

List of Pals That Can be Used as Gliders

Palworld - Best Glider Pals Banner.png

Alternatively, instead of using a Glider, some Pals can be used instead as a replacement! Galeclaw is the fastest glider Pal in addition to its ability to enable weapon usage while gliding.

While both Hangyu and Hangyu Cryst suffer from extremely slow gliding speeds, they have the unique ability of lifting the player in the air before gliding down, making them viable options to reach high locations.

Best Glider Pals Tier List

B Tier Partner Skills for Exploration

Palworld Exploration Partner Skill Tier List
SS Tier S Tier A Tier B Tier Icon Dark

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Partner Skills that Locate Nearby Pals

Partner Skills that Locate Nearby Pals

Tombat has a unique Partner Skill that, when activated, will help you pinpoint the location of Pals within a certain radius.

Partner Skills that Locate Nearby Dungeons

Partner Skills that Locate Nearby Dungeons

Leezpunk and Leezpunk Ignis have a unique Partner Skill that, when activated, will help you pinpoint the location of nearby Dungeons within a certain radius.

Partner Skills that Locate Nearby Ores

Partner Skills that Locate Nearby Ore

Fuddler has a unique Partner Skill that, when activated, will help you pinpoint the location of Ore within a certain radius.

Criteria for Tier Placings

The following are the criteria to be met when ranking Partner Skills for Exploration.

Tier Criteria
SS Tier SS Tier Partner Skills are the ones where you can get the most benefit from in terms of exploration and looting.
S Tier Partner Skills in S Tier are great but are usually situational when you need it.
A Tier Partner Skills in this tier are great for exploration but aren't really necessary as you can find better alternatives.
B Tier B Tier Partner Skills can be useful but aren't needed if you already know your way around.

Palworld Related Guides

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List of All Skills

All Skill Types

All Skill Types
Partner Skills Active Skills Passive Skills

Best Skills per Type

All Skill Types
Best Partner Skills Best Active Skills Best Passive Skills

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