
All Wandering Merchant Locations and Items

Palworld - Wandering Merchant Locations

Wandering Merchants in Palworld contain a wide variety of valuable items such as Schematics, consumables, and crafting materials. Learn where to find their fixed locations, list of items, and more in this guide.

Wandering Merchant Locations

Wandering Merchant Interactive Map

Interactive Map Key

Fast Travel Dungeon Field Bosses Black Marketeer
Palworld - Fast Travel Pin Dungeon Boss Icon Black Marketeer Icon
Wandering Merchant Pal Merchant Lifmunk Effigy Tower Boss
Palworld - Wandering Merchant Palworld - Pal Merchant Palworld - Lifmunk Icon Palworld - Tower Boss
Best Base Location Skill Fruit Captured Pal Egg
Palworld - Best Base Location Palworld - Skill Fruit Icon Palworld - Captured Pal Icon Palworld - Egg Icon
Treasure Chest Journal Pal Spawns Slab Fragment
Palworld - Chest Icon Palworld - Journal Icon Palworld - Pal Icon Slab Fragment Icon
Predator Pal Anti-Air Turret Messenger of Love Bounty
Predator Pal Icon Anti Air Turret Icon Messenger of Love Icon Bounty Icon

Palworld Interactive Map

All Wandering Merchant Locations

Small Settlement

Map / Image Location
Small Settlement Wandering Merchant
Small Settlement Wandering Merchant Overworld

Fisherman's Point

Map / Image Location
Fisherman's Point Wandering Merchant


Map / Image Location
Duneshelter Wandering Merchant
Duneshelter Wandering Merchant Overworld

Marsh Island

Map / Image Location
Marsh Island Wandering Merchant
Marsh Island Wandering Merchant Overworld

Sea Breeze Archipelago

Map / Image Location
Sea Breeze Archipelago Wandering Merchant
Sea Breeze Archipelago Wandering Merchant Overworld

Forgotten Island

Map / Image Location
Forgotten Island Wandering Merchant
Forgotten Island Wandering Merchant Overworld

List of All Wandering Merchant Items

Small Settlement Wandering Merchant Item List

Overworld Image Map Image
Palworld - Small Settlement Wandering Merchant
Item Type Price
Palworld - Long-eared Headband Long-eared Headband Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Witch Hat Witch Hat Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Farming Hat Farming Hat Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Bowler Hat Bowler Hat Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Tocotoco Cap Tocotoco Cap Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Penking Cap Penking Cap Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Pal Sphere Icon Pal Sphere Item 120
Palworld - Arrow Weapon Arrow Item 5
Palworld - Low Grade Medical Supplies Material Low Grade Medical Supplies Item 240
Palworld - Medical Supplies Material Medical Supplies Item 800
Palworld - Berry Seeds Material Berry Seeds Item 50
Palworld - Wheat Seeds Material Wheat Seeds Item 100
Palworld - Egg Material Egg Item 50
Palworld - Milk Material Milk Item 50
Palworld - Red Berries Material Red Berries Item 50
Palworld - Wheat Material Wheat Item 100
Palworld - Wool Material Wool Item 150
Palworld - Leather Material Leather Item 150
Palworld - Bone Material Bone Item 100
Palworld - Horn Material Horn Item 300
Palworld - Electric Organ Material Electric Organ Item 200
Palworld - Venom Gland Material Venom Gland Item 100
Palworld - Flame Organ Material Flame Organ Item 100

It has been observed that some Wandering Merchants found outside of settlements can also have the same stock as this merchant.

Fisherman's Point Wandering Merchants Item List

Overworld Image Map Image
Palworld - Fisherman

Red Wandering Merchant (Fisherman's Point)

Item Type Price
Fire Skill Fruit: Ignis Breath Skill Fruit 2,500
Fire Skill Fruit: Flare Storm Skill Fruit 2,500
Water Skill Fruit: Aqua Burst Skill Fruit 2,500
Palworld - Mega Sphere Icon Mega Sphere Item 920
Palworld - Low Grade Medical Supplies Material Low Grade Medical Supplies Item 420
Palworld - Medical Supplies Material Medical Supplies Item 800
Palworld - High Grade Medical Supplies Material High Grade Medical Supplies Item 3,000
Palworld - Mind Control Meds Material Mind Control Meds Item 10,000
Palworld - Tomato Material Tomato Item 150
Palworld - Lettuce Material Lettuce Item 50
Palworld - Leather Material Leather Item 150
Palworld - Bone Material Bone Item 100
Palworld - Horn Material Horn Item 300
Palworld - Flame Organ Material Flame Organ Item 50
Palworld - High Quality Pal Oil Material High Quality Pal Oil Item 300
Palworld - Tomato Seeds Material Tomato Seeds Item 200
Palworld - Lettuce Seeds Material Lettuce Seeds Item 200

Green Wandering Merchant (Fisherman's Point)

Item Type Price
Palworld - Monarch Monarch's Crown Schematic 1 Schematics 500
Palworld - Golden Crown Golden Crown Schematic 1 Schematics 500
Palworld - Helmet Helmet Schematic 1 Schematics 500
Palworld - Graduation Cap Graduation Cap Schematic 1 Schematics 500
Palworld - Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Armor 3,000
Palworld - Heat Resistant Undershirt Heat Resistant Undershirt Armor 7,000
Palworld - Ring of Flame Resistance Ring of Flame Resistance Accessory 4,000
Palworld - Ring of Mercy Ring of Mercy Item 30,000
Palworld - Fire Arrow Crossbow Weapon Fire Arrow Crossbow Weapon 25,200
Palworld - Fire Arrow Weapon Fire Arrow Item 15
Palworld - Makeshift Handgun Weapon Makeshift Handgun Weapon 16,600
Palworld - Coarse Ammo Weapon Coarse Ammo Item 120
Palworld - Handgun Ammo Weapon Handgun Ammo Item 120
Palworld - Rifle Ammo Weapon Rifle Ammo Item 220
Palworld - Shotgun Shells Weapon Shotgun Shells Item 220
Palworld - Assault Rifle Ammo Weapon Assault Rifle Ammo Item 150

Duneshelter Wandering Merchants Item List

Overworld Image Map Image
Palworld - Duneshelter Wandering Merchant

Red Wandering Merchant (Duneshelter)

Item Type Price
Palworld - Mega Sphere Icon Mega Sphere Item 920
Earth Skill Fruit: Sand Tornado Skill Fruit 1,000
Earth Skill Fruit: Stone Cannon Skill Fruit 2,500
Grass Skill Fruit: Seed Mine Skill Fruit 2,000
Palworld - Low Grade Medical Supplies Material Low Grade Medical Supplies Item 420
Palworld - Medical Supplies Material Medical Supplies Item 800
Palworld - High Grade Medical Supplies Material High Grade Medical Supplies Item 3,000
Palworld - Tomato Material Tomato Item 150
Palworld - Lettuce Material Lettuce Item 50
Palworld - Leather Material Leather Item 150
Palworld - Bone Material Bone Item 100
Palworld - Horn Material Horn Item 300
Palworld - Ice Organ Material Ice Organ Item 100
Palworld - High Quality Pal Oil Material High Quality Pal Oil Item 300
Palworld - Tomato Seeds Material Tomato Seeds Item 200
Palworld - Lettuce Seeds Material Lettuce Seeds Item 200

Green Wandering Merchant (Duneshelter)

Item Type Price
Palworld - Soft Hat Soft Hat Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Silk Hat Silk Hat Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Tricorne Tricorne Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Explorer Cap Explorer Cap Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Grinning Tocotoco Cap Grinning Tocotoco Cap Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Katress Cap Katress Cap Schematic 1 Schematic 500
Palworld - Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Armor 3,000
Palworld - Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Armor 3,000
Palworld - Heat Resistant Undershirt Heat Resistant Undershirt Armor 7,000
Palworld - Thermal Undershirt Thermal Undershirt Armor 7,000
Palworld - Multiclimate Undershirt Multiclimate Undershirt Armor 30,000
Palworld - Musket Weapon Musket Weapon 37,600
Palworld - Coarse Ammo Weapon Coarse Ammo Item 120
Palworld - Handgun Ammo Weapon Handgun Ammo Item 120
Palworld - Rifle Ammo Weapon Rifle Ammo Item 220
Palworld - Shotgun Shells Weapon Shotgun Shells Item 220
Palworld - Assault Rifle Ammo Weapon Assault Rifle Ammo Item 150

Version Item and Price Updates

Item Cost
Heat Resistant Undershirt 1000 → 7,000
Ring of Flame Resistance 1000 → 4,000
Ring of Mercy 30,000

As of Version, the Ring of Mercy has been added to the Green Wandering Merchant's wares costing 30,000 gold coins. The prices of both Heat Resistant Undershirt and Ring of Flame Resistance have also been increased.

Wandering Merchant Guide

How to Find Wandering Merchant

There are three different ways to find Wandering Merchants:

Commonly Found in Settlements

Wandering Merchant Overworld Location
Some Wandering Merchants have a few fixed spawn points, which you can find in settlements, such as the Small Settlement and Fisherman's Point.

Spawns Randomly Around the Map

Some Wandering Merchants spawn randomly across the map. This method of finding them isn't reliable but if you do come across one, it may be worth taking a look at their wares.

Occasionally Appears at Your Base

The Wandering Merchant will sometimes visit your home base. Keep an eye out for visitors who arrive at your base while you're there!
Base Building Guide

Purchase Schematic Items for Crafting

Used for Crafting Higher Grade Technology

Palworld - Old Bow Schematic

Wandering Merchants are valuable sources for obtaining Schematics which are crafting recipes that can be found throughout the world. They also can come as drops from chests and as rewards from dungeons.

The difference between Schematics and your regular Technology crafting recipes is that they are often of higher grade in rarity, (uncommon, etc.) meaning better quality and stats. Because of this, they also require extra materials for crafting.

Schematics Locations

Sells Crafted and Raw Materials

Palworld - Wandering Merchant Inventory at Fisherman

If you have a lot of Gold Coins to spare, you can also spend them on obtaining other crafted items and raw materials from the Wandering Merchant.

The Wandering Merchant at Fisherman's Point has a Makeshift Handgun you can buy for a hefty price. This is valuable to obtain in early game if you have a flying mount to take you there (such as Nitewing and its saddle) since you do not get to craft this weapon before Level 25.

These merchants will allow you obtain items you have not unlocked yet or to bypass having to tediously craft recipes (such as ammunition for guns).

Crafting Guide and Best Crafting Pals

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Palworld - Maps Partial Banner

Palworld Interactive Map

All Map Locations

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Wandering Merchant Locations All Lifmunk Effigy Locations All Egg Locations
All Skill Fruit Tree Locations All Chest Locations Resource Map
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Level Map All Pal Merchant Locations

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