
List of Skills Not Available as Skill Fruits

Palworld - Skills Not Available as Skill Fruits Top Banner
Here are some of the skills that cannot be acquired through Skill Fruits in Palworld. Check out the complete list of unique skills, plus where to get them, in this guide!

Skills Not Available as Skill Fruits

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Type Diamond Icon Fire Palworld - Grass Type Diamond Icon Grass Palworld - Ice Type Diamond Icon Ice
Palworld - Electric Type Diamond Icon Electric Palworld - Ground Type Diamond Icon Ground Palworld - Dark Type Diamond Icon Dark
Palworld - Dragon Type Diamond Icon Dragon Palworld - Neutral Type Diamond Icon Neutral

Fire Skills

Active skill Effect Pals
Blazing Horn Palworld - Fire Icon
CT: 9
Power: 50
Daring Flames Palworld - Fire Icon
CT: 10
Power: 75
Hellfire Claw Palworld - Fire Icon
CT: 10
Power: 70
Iaigiri Palworld - Fire Icon
CT: 9
Power: 65
Ignis Slam Palworld - Fire Icon
CT: 14
Power: 85
Phoenix Flare Palworld - Fire Icon
CT: 28
Power: 135
Volcanic Burst Palworld - Fire Icon
CT: 45
Power: 100

Grass Skills

Active skill Effect Pals
Botanical Smash Palworld - Grass Icon
CT: 8
Power: 60
Crushing Punch Palworld - Grass Icon
CT: 18
Power: 85
Focus Shot Palworld - Grass Icon
CT: 9
Power: 65
Spinning Lance Palworld - Grass Icon
CT: 9
Power: 70

Ice Skills

Active skill Effect Pals
Crystal Wing Palworld - Ice Icon
CT: 24
Power: 110
Emperor Slide Palworld - Ice Icon
CT: 10
Power: 70
Freezing Charge Palworld - Ice Icon
CT: 9
Power: 65
Frost Burst Palworld - Ice Icon
CT: 45
Power: 100

Electric Skills

Active skill Effect Pals
Blast Punch Palworld - Electric Icon
CT: 14
Power: 85
Kerauno Palworld - Electric Icon
CT: 30
Power: 100
Lightning Claw Palworld - Electric Icon
CT: 22
Power: 90

Ground Skills

Active skill Effect Pals
Earth Impact Palworld - Ground Icon
CT: 30
Power: 100
Forceful Charge Palworld - Ground Icon
CT: 28
Power: 120
Giga Horn Palworld - Ground Icon
CT: 11
Power: 75
Ground Smash Palworld - Ground Icon
CT: 35
Power: 140
Shell Spin Palworld - Ground Icon
CT: 9
Power: 65
Spinning Roundhouse Palworld - Ground Icon
CT: 21
Power: 100

Dark Skills

Active skill Effect Pals
Dark Ball Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 4
Power: 40
Dark Charge Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 14
Power: 85
Divine Disaster Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 45
Power: 160
Flame Waltz Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 45
Power: 130
Jumping Claw Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 7
Power: 55
Nightmare Bloom Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 50
Power: 160
Nightmare Ray Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 50
Power: 140
Phantom Peck Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 7
Power: 55
Poison Fog Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 30
Power: 0
Twin Spears Palworld - Dark Icon
CT: 40
Power: 120

Dragon Skills

Active skill Effect Pals
Beam Comet Palworld - Dragon Icon
CT: 50
Power: 140
Mystic Whirlwind Palworld - Dragon Icon
CT: 10
Power: 70

Neutral Skills

Active skill Effect Pals
Antler Uppercut Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 5
Power: 50
Bee Quiet Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 55
Power: 200
Cat Press Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 9
Power: 60
Chicken Rush Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 1
Power: 30
Cloud Tempest Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 15
Power: 90
Fierce Fang Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 2
Power: 45
Fluffy Tackle Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 4
Power: 40
Gale Claw Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 8
Power: 60
Ground Pound Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 14
Power: 85
Kingly Slam Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 21
Power: 100
Megaton Implode Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 55
Power: 250
Muscle Slam Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 12
Power: 80
Punch Flurry Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 1
Power: 40
Reckless Charge Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 2
Power: 55
Roly Poly Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 35
Power: 35
Spear Thrust Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 40
Power: 120
Tornado Attack Palworld - Neutral Icon
CT: 13
Power: 65

There Are No Exclusive Water Skills

As of the time of writing, no Water-type skills are exclusive. This means that all of them can be acquired from Skill Fruits!

How to Get Exclusive Skills

Exclusive Skills from Pals

Palworld - Dungeon Exclusive Pals

The skills listed above are some of the skills that are exclusive to specific pals! This means you have to capture the pal that has the skill to access its power.

For the complete list of all Pals, check out our guide here:
List of All Pals in the Paldeck

Palworld Related Guides

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