
Selyne Location and How to Catch

Palworld - Selyne

You can only catch Selyne during a meteorite event in Sakurajima in Palworld. Learn how to find Selyne, the best breeding combos to breed Selyne, its day and night location, stats and IVs, its Active and best Passive skills, work suitability, and item drops!

Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Bellanoir Libero
Palworld - Selyne Selyne
Palworld - Croajiro Croajiro
Palworld - Selyne Selyne - Related Guides
Palworld - Selyne Location, Stats and BreedingPaldeck Stats Palworld - Selyne MovesetBest Build

Where to Find Selyne

Meteorite Event in Sakurajima

Selyne can only be found and caught during a Meteorite Event in Sakurajima. Any Meteorite Event that happens outside Sakurajima will not spawn Selyne.

Meteorite Events, like base raids, happen at random and does not have a fixed location.

How to Find Meteorite Event

Reroll Supply Drops to Get Meteorite Events

If you're playing on the Steam version of Palworld, you can turn a Supply Drop into a Meteorite Event by reloading the game from backup save data. Make sure to stay on Sakurajima to encounter Selyne, and note that it may take a few resets in order to get a Meteorite Event.

How to Reroll Meteorite Events From Backup Data

# How to Reroll Meteorite Events
Go back to the title screen after you get the Supply Drop notification.
Choose Start Game, and select the world you were just in.
Select Restore from Backup Data from the options at the bottom.
Choose an autosave that was made at a time before the Supply Drop notification.
5 Repeat the steps above if you still don't get your desired Meteorite Event.

How to Back Up Save Data in Palworld

Change Meteorite Event Interval Settings

As of Version 0.3.4, you can now change the interval settings of meteorite events. If you are having a hard time getting a meteor to drop from the sky to encounter this Pal, try changing your world settings so you can easily get an event!

Palworld Version 0.3.4 Patch Notes and Updates (7/29)

How to Catch Selyne

Tips on Catching Selyne

Use Powerful Dragon Type Pals in Battle

Selyne is a Dark-Element Type Pal and is weak to Dragon-Element attacks. Bringing powerful Dragon-type Pals will greatly improve your chance at defeating and catching Selyne.

Selyne is a strong Pal and your Pals must at least be Level 50 to battle her.

List of Dragon Element Type Pals

Best Pals to Use

Pals Recommendations
Palworld - Jetragon Weapon Jetragon
Palworld - Dragon Icon
・The strongest Dragon-Type Pal.

・ Can resist dark type skills.

・Can be used as a mount while battling Selyne.
Palworld - Quivern Weapon Quivern
Palworld - Dragon Icon
・ Learns Dragon Meteor, a strong 150 Power Dragon Element Skill.

・ Enhances Dragon attacks while mounted.
Palworld - Chillet Weapon Chillet
Palworld - Ice Icon Palworld - Dragon Icon
・ Learns Dragon Meteor, a strong 150 Power Dragon Element Skill.

・Adds Dragon Damage to your party's attacks with its Wriggling Weasel Partner Skill.
Palworld - Orserk Weapon Orserk
Palworld - Electric Icon Palworld - Dragon Icon
・ Second to Jetragon in terms of attack.

・ Learns Draconic Breath, a powerful Dragon Element Skill with fast cooldown time.

Best Pals for Combat

Be Well Equipped for the Fight

Best Equipment to Use
Head Gear

Considering that Selyne spawns in Sakurajima where all enemy Pals are at Level 50 to Level 55, you must be well equipped before approaching the Meteorite Event.

List of New Weapons and Armor

Use Poison or Burn Imbued Weapons

If you are having trouble trickling Selyne's HP down and weakening it so that you can catch it, inflcting Selyne with Poison or Burn can be a great alternate.

This process takes time and it should be your last resort if battling won't do any good.

List of Weapons With Poison and Burn Effects

Level Technology Points Description
5 Palworld - Fire BowFire Bow 2 Type: Ranged
Burns Pals with fire arrows, making them easier to capture. Requires Fire Arrow.
8 Palworld - Poison BowPoison Bow 2 Type: Ranged
Frightening bow that poisons its target. Poisoned Pals are easier to capture. Requires Poison Arrow.
15 Palworld - Fire Arrow CrossbowFire Arrow Crossbow 2 Type: Ranged
Powerful long range weapon that deals Fire damage. Requires Fire Arrow. Requires Weapon Workbench to craft.
17 Palworld - Poison Arrow CrossbowPoison Arrow Crossbow 2 Type: Ranged
Powerful long range weapon that poisons its target. Requires Poison Arrow to fire. Requires Weapon Workbench to craft.

Have the Syndicates FIght Selyne

Palworld - Syndicate

During a battle with Selyne, some Syndicates may be nearby and will try to fight Selyne.

Have them reduce Selyne's HP to a sizable amount and then continuously throw spheres until you finally catch the Pal.

Bring Recovery Meds

Material Description
Palworld - Low Quality Recovery MedsLow Quality Recovery Meds Medicine that heals wounds over time. Low quality, but restores some Health.
Palworld - Recovery MedsRecovery Meds Medicine that heals wounds over time. Restores a decent amount of Health.
Palworld - High Quality Recovery MedsHigh Quality Recovery Meds Medicine that heals wounds over time. High quality, restores a lot of Health.

One way to regenerate your HP during battle is by using Recovery Meds. These, however, do not heal you instantly.

Recovery Meds restore your HP gradually over a set of time. The higher the quality of the Recovery Meds used, the greater the HP regeneration will be.

How to Get Recovery Meds: All Recipes and Effects

Use A Legendary Sphere

Item Materials
Palworld - Legendary Sphere Icon Legendary Sphere

To ensure catching Selyne, it is recommended that you catch the Pal with a Legendary Sphere.

There may also be a group of Syndicates nearby and they can decrease your chance of catching Selyne since they will attack this Pal too.

Selyne Element Type and Details

Selyne Type and Base Stats

No. 113 Element Type
Palworld - SelyneSelyne Palworld - Dark Icon Palworld - Neutral Icon
Work Suitability
HandiworkHandiwork Lv. 4
Medicine ProductionMedicine Lv. 3
Base Stats and Rank

All Pals in the Paldeck

Selyne Paldeck Entry

Palworld - Selyne Paldeck Entry Selyne
The object floating behind, resembling the moon, is said to gradually become more circular with each passing generation. No one knows what will happen when the moon is full.

Selyne Tier List Rankings

Tier List Ranking
Screenshot_1.pngSelyne Ride Tier D Tier
(Flying Mount)
Combat Tier S Tier
Base Tier S Tier

Best Pals Tier List

Added in the Sakurajima Summer Update

Palworld - Sakurajima Summer Update

Selyne is one of the newly introduced Pals you can get in the Sakurajima Summer update! The update introduces a slew of content inspired by the Japanese aesthetic.

The Sakurajima Summer update includes more Pals and equipment, along with additional features such as new dungeons and the well-awaited PVP combat!
Sakurajima Summer Update

Selyne Stats

Selyne Level 60 and Level 1 Stats

Lv. 60 Stats
Lv 1 Stats
Stat 0 IV Max IV Max IV+A Max IV+D Full Atk Full Def
HP 4350 5422 8458
Atk 574 716 1324 751 2066 1081
Def 503 639 766 1054 1196 1508
0 IV: No IVs and no Passives
Max IV: Max IVs with no Passives
Max IV+A: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives
Max IV+D: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives
Full Atk: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Full Def: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Game8 Pal IV Stat Calculator
Stat 0 IV Max IV Max IV+A Max IV+D Full Atk Full Def
HP 570 589 918
Atk 108 111 205 116 320 181
Def 58 60 72 99 112 154
0 IV: No IVs and no Passives
Max IV: Max IVs with no Passives
Max IV+A: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives
Max IV+D: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives
Full Atk: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Full Def: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Game8 Pal IV Stat Calculator

Selyne Min and Max Stats (IVs) For Every Level

Level Stat Range from 0 IV - 100 IV
0 IV ~ 100 IV
0 IV ~ 100 IV
0 IV ~ 100 IV
Lv 1 570 ~ 589 108 ~ 111 58 ~ 60
Lv 2 640 ~ 679 117 ~ 122 66 ~ 71
Lv 3 710 ~ 768 125 ~ 133 74 ~ 82
Lv 4 780 ~ 858 134 ~ 144 83 ~ 92
Lv 5 850 ~ 947 143 ~ 156 91 ~ 103
Lv 6 920 ~ 1037 151 ~ 167 99 ~ 114
Lv 7 990 ~ 1126 160 ~ 178 107 ~ 125
Lv 8 1060 ~ 1216 169 ~ 189 116 ~ 135
Lv 9 1130 ~ 1305 177 ~ 200 124 ~ 146
Lv 10 1200 ~ 1395 186 ~ 212 132 ~ 157
Lv 11 1270 ~ 1484 194 ~ 223 140 ~ 167
Lv 12 1340 ~ 1574 203 ~ 234 149 ~ 178
Lv 13 1410 ~ 1663 212 ~ 245 157 ~ 189
Lv 14 1480 ~ 1753 220 ~ 256 165 ~ 200
Lv 15 1550 ~ 1842 229 ~ 268 173 ~ 210
Lv 16 1620 ~ 1932 238 ~ 279 182 ~ 221
Lv 17 1690 ~ 2021 246 ~ 290 190 ~ 232
Lv 18 1760 ~ 2111 255 ~ 301 198 ~ 243
Lv 19 1830 ~ 2200 263 ~ 313 206 ~ 253
Lv 20 1900 ~ 2290 272 ~ 324 215 ~ 264
Lv 21 1970 ~ 2379 281 ~ 335 223 ~ 275
Lv 22 2040 ~ 2469 289 ~ 346 231 ~ 285
Lv 23 2110 ~ 2558 298 ~ 357 239 ~ 296
Lv 24 2180 ~ 2648 307 ~ 369 248 ~ 307
Lv 25 2250 ~ 2737 315 ~ 380 256 ~ 318
Lv 26 2320 ~ 2827 324 ~ 391 264 ~ 328
Lv 27 2390 ~ 2916 332 ~ 402 272 ~ 339
Lv 28 2460 ~ 3006 341 ~ 413 281 ~ 350
Lv 29 2530 ~ 3095 350 ~ 425 289 ~ 361
Lv 30 2600 ~ 3185 358 ~ 436 297 ~ 371
Lv 31 2670 ~ 3274 367 ~ 447 305 ~ 382
Lv 32 2740 ~ 3364 376 ~ 458 314 ~ 393
Lv 33 2810 ~ 3453 384 ~ 470 322 ~ 403
Lv 34 2880 ~ 3543 393 ~ 481 330 ~ 414
Lv 35 2950 ~ 3632 401 ~ 492 338 ~ 425
Lv 36 3020 ~ 3722 410 ~ 503 347 ~ 436
Lv 37 3090 ~ 3811 419 ~ 514 355 ~ 446
Lv 38 3160 ~ 3901 427 ~ 526 363 ~ 457
Lv 39 3230 ~ 3990 436 ~ 537 371 ~ 468
Lv 40 3300 ~ 4080 445 ~ 548 380 ~ 479
Lv 41 3370 ~ 4169 453 ~ 559 388 ~ 489
Lv 42 3440 ~ 4259 462 ~ 570 396 ~ 500
Lv 43 3510 ~ 4348 470 ~ 582 404 ~ 511
Lv 44 3580 ~ 4438 479 ~ 593 413 ~ 521
Lv 45 3650 ~ 4527 488 ~ 604 421 ~ 532
Lv 46 3720 ~ 4617 496 ~ 615 429 ~ 543
Lv 47 3790 ~ 4706 505 ~ 626 437 ~ 554
Lv 48 3860 ~ 4796 514 ~ 638 446 ~ 564
Lv 49 3930 ~ 4885 522 ~ 649 454 ~ 575
Lv 50 4000 ~ 4975 531 ~ 660 462 ~ 586
Lv 51 4070 ~ 5064 539 ~ 671 470 ~ 596
Lv 52 4140 ~ 5154 548 ~ 683 479 ~ 607
Lv 53 4210 ~ 5243 557 ~ 694 487 ~ 618
Lv 54 4280 ~ 5333 565 ~ 705 495 ~ 629
Lv 55 4350 ~ 5422 574 ~ 716 503 ~ 639
Lv 56 4420 ~ 5512 583 ~ 727 512 ~ 650
Lv 57 4490 ~ 5601 591 ~ 739 520 ~ 661
Lv 58 4560 ~ 5691 600 ~ 750 528 ~ 672
Lv 59 4630 ~ 5780 608 ~ 761 536 ~ 682
Lv 60 4700 ~ 5870 617 ~ 772 545 ~ 693
The numbers on the left are the stats with no IV (0) or the lowest possible stat a Pal can have within a specified level.
The red numbers on the right are the stats with max IV (100) or the highest possible stat a Pal can have.
※This table does not include bonuses from Passive Skills, Partner Skills, or any other stat boosts.

Hidden IV Stat Values for Pals

IVs are hidden stats each Pal has for each stat that randomizes their HP, Atk, and Def to a specific range. Having 0 IV for a stat means the Pal gets a 0% bonus, while having the maximum 100 IV gives a 30% bonus to the respective stat.

For example, if two Lamballs have the same passives and buffs, the Lamball with the higher HP IV will always have a higher HP pool.

A Pal's IVs cannot be altered but can be used to influence its child's IVs through breeding. Therefore, breeding is an excellent option to pass a parent's high IV and favorable Passive Skills to obtain a Pal with the highest IVs possible with the preferred Passive Skills.

All Pal Stats

How to Breed Selyne

Selyne Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2
Palworld - Lunaris Lunaris Palworld - Paladius Paladius
Palworld - Selyne Selyne Palworld - Selyne Selyne

Palworld Breeding Calculator

※For all possible breeding combos check out the Breeding Calculator.

Best Ways to Use Selyne in Breeding

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Orserk Orserk Palworld - Selyne Selyne Palworld - Menasting Menasting
Palworld - Selyne Selyne Palworld - Kitsun Noct Kitsun Noct Palworld - Elphidran Elphidran
Palworld - Swee Swee Palworld - Selyne Selyne Palworld - Tarantriss Tarantriss
Palworld - Flambelle Flambelle Palworld - Selyne Selyne Palworld - Reindrix Reindrix
Palworld - Chillet Ignis Chillet Ignis Palworld - Selyne Selyne Palworld - Anubis Anubis
Palworld - Menasting Menasting Palworld - Selyne Selyne Palworld - Mammorest Mammorest
Palworld - Dazzi Dazzi Palworld - Selyne Selyne Palworld - Petallia Petallia

Breeding Combos and Guide

※Not all possible breeding combos are listed.

Selyne Skills and Pal Gear

Selyne Partner Skill

Partner Skill Description
Celestial Darkness Can be ridden as a flying mount. Enhances Fire and Dark attacks while mounted.

All Partner Skills Effects

Selyne Pal Gear

Pal Gear Materials Needed
Selyne Saddle
Required Level Lv. 53

List of All Pal Gear

Active Skills

Level Move Type Power CT
1 Dark Cannon Palworld - Dark Type Icon 50 2
Hurls an energy ball imbued with dark energy at the enemy.
7 Dark Arrow Palworld - Dark Type Icon 65 10
Fires off dark energy that homes in on an enemy.
15 Air Blade Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 85 20
Sends out sharp blades of air in a fan shape.
22 Holy Burst Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 120 30
Creates a wide explosion of light at the enemy's location and around it.
30 Seigetsu Blade Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 110 24
Selyne's exclusive skill. Fires two consecutive high-speed blades imbued with the power of moonlight.
40 Star Mine Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 110 55
Generates stars around the enemy that explode on contact. Stars also explode after some time.
50 Moonlight Beam Palworld - Neutral Type Icon 170 40
Selyne's exclusive skill. Stores energy in the moon on its back, then fires a crescent-shaped beam forward.

List of Active Skills

Best Passive Skills

Passive Skill Effect
Palworld - Positive Tier Two Musclehead Attack +30%
Work Speed -50%
Palworld - Positive Tier One Coldblooded 10% increase to Ice attack damage
Palworld - Positive Tier Three Burly Body Defense +20%
Palworld - Rainbow Tier Swift 30% increase to movement speed
Palworld - Rainbow Tier Legend Attack +20%, Defense +20%, and Movement Speed +15%
Palworld - Positive Tier Three Lord of the Underworld 20% increase to Dark attack damage

Best Passive Skills and How to Get

Selyne Work Suitability

Work Suitability Description
Handiwork Lv. 4 Handiwork is used to build and craft items in the base.
Medicine Production Lv. 3 Medicine Production is used at Medicine Workbenches to craft Medicine and other Consumables.
Transporting Lv. 3 Transporting is used to move items gathered by other Pals around the base.

Work Suitability List:
All Pals by Work Suitability

Selyne Material and Item Drops

Materials Dropped by Selyne

Possible Drops
Palworld - Cloth Material Cloth Palworld - Precious Claw Material Precious Claw Palworld - Sapphire Material Sapphire

Selyne Alpha Boss Materials

This Pal currently cannot be found as an Alpha Boss in the field.

List of All Materials, Consumables and Drops

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Paldeck Banner

Complete Paldeck and List of All Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals
Palworld - XenolordXenolord Palworld - NitemaryNitemary Palworld - StarryonStarryon
Palworld - SilvegisSilvegis Palworld - SmokieSmokie Palworld - CelesdirCelesdir
Palworld - OmasculOmascul Palworld - SplatterinaSplatterina Palworld - TarantrissTarantriss
Palworld - AzurmaneAzuremane Palworld - BastigorBastigor Palworld - PruneliaPrunelia
Palworld - NyafiaNyafia Palworld - GildaneGildane Palworld - Gorirat TerraFoxparks Cryst
Palworld - Dazzi NoctDazzi Noct Palworld - Cryolinx TerraCryolinx Terra Palworld - Fenglope LuxFenglope Lux
Palworld - Caprity Noct IconCaprity Noct Palworld - Loupmoon CrystLoupmoon Cryst Palworld - Faleris AquaFaleris Aqua
Palworld - Ribbuny BotanRibbuny Botan Palworld - Warsect TerraWarsect Terra Palworld - Kitsun NoctKitsun Noct

Feybreak Update New Features Guide

All Pals by Element Types

All Pal Element Types
Fire Type Water Type Grass Type
Ice Type Electric Type Ground Type
Dark Type Dragon Type Neutral

All Pals by Work Suitability

All Pal Work Suitabilities
Palworld - Kindling Diamond IconKindling Palworld - Watering Diamond IconWatering Palworld - Planting Diamond IconPlanting
Palworld - Generating Electricity Diamond IconElectricity Palworld - Handiwork Diamond IconHandiwork Palworld - Gathering Diamond IconGathering
Palworld - Lumbering Diamond IconLumbering Palworld - Mining Diamond IconMining Palworld - Medicine Production Diamond IconMedicine
Palworld - Cooling Diamond IconCooling Palworld - Transporting Diamond IconTransporting Palworld - Farming Diamond IconFarming

All Pals by Stats

All Pal Stats
List of Pals by HP List of Pals by Attack
List of Pals by Defense All Pals by Max IV Stats

Pal Lists

All Pal Lists
All Pals by Work Suitability All Night Exclusive Pals
All Fusion Pals All Alpha Bosses and Locations
All Mount Pals All Legendary Pals
All Mineshaft Field Bosses All Wildlife Sanctuary Pals
List of Rare Pals All Dungeon Exclusive Pals
New and Upcoming Pals List of Pals that Improve Carry Capacity
All Predator Pal Locations -

Pal Egg Lists

All Pal Egg Lists
Normal Egg Pals Large Egg Pals Huge Egg Pals
Pal Eggs by Element
Palworld - Scorching EggScorching Egg Palworld - Damp EggDamp Egg Palworld - Verdant EggVerdant Egg
Palworld - Frozen EggFrozen Egg Palworld - Electric EggElectric Egg Palworld - Rocky EggRocky Egg
Palworld - Dark EggDark Egg Palworld - Dragon EggDragon Egg Palworld - Common EggCommon Egg


11 Anonymous9 months

Selyne + blazamut = helzephyr

10 Anonymous9 months

Selyne + lovander = bushi


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