
How to Hatch Eggs Fast

Palworld - How to Hatch Eggs Fast

You can find Eggs in your travels across Palworld, which can hatch into a variety of different Pals. Learn and understand how to hatch eggs, what to do when egg seems a little cold or a little hot, and what you need to acquire and do to hatch them as you read on.

How to Hatch Eggs in Palworld

Use Egg Incubators to Hatch Palworld Eggs

Palworld - Egg Incubator
Egg Incubators are required to hatch eggs in Palworld which you can unlock from the Technology Menu once you reach Level 7.

Eggs placed in an Egg Incubator will show a time limit when it will hatch. Once the timer is done, interact witht the incubator and hold the interact button to hatch your new Pal!

How to Craft Egg Incubators

Requires Ancient Civilization Parts

Once you unlock the Egg Incubator, you'll need to craft it in your base with the above ingredients. Find a suitable spot in your base to build the Egg Incubator and place an Egg in it!

Defeat Bosses to Get Ancient Civilization Parts

Palworld - Astegon Overworld Location
You can obtain Ancient Technology Points and Ancient Civilization Parts by defeating Alpha Bosses around the world.

List of Alpha Bosses and Locations

How to Change the Temperature of Eggs

Egg Default Comfort Levels in the Day and at Night

Egg Comfort Level in the Day Comfort Level at Night
Common ・100%
・Seems very comfortable
・Seems a little cold
Verdant ・100%
・Seems very comfortable
・Seems a little cold
Electric ・100%
・Seems very comfortable
・Seems a little cold
Damp ・50%
・Seems just a little hot
・Seems just a little cold
Frozen ・50%
・Seems just a little hot
・Seems a little cold
Dark ・50%
・Seems just a little hot
・Seems just a little cold
Dragon ・50%
・Seems just a little cold
・Seems very cold
Scorching ・50%
・Seems a little cold
・Seems very cold
Rocky ・50%
・Seems a little cold
・Seems very cold

The goal of incubating Eggs is to set the temperature gauge to 100% where the Eggs will seem very comfortable. Building the necessary heating and cooling structures are essential in completing this goal.

What to Do When Egg Seems Cold

Palworld - Egg is Cold

When an egg feels cold, there are multiple ways to solve this problem. You can build a Heater or a Campfire beside your incubator or you can build your incubator inside one of your buildings.

Build a Heater or a Campfire

Item Materials
Palworld - Heater Icon Heater
Ingot ImageIngot x20
Palworld - Campfire Icon Campfire
Wood ImageWood x10
Palworld - Electric Heater Icon Electric Heater
Ingot ImageIngot x30

Heating Increase Per Structure

Heater +50%
Campfire +50%
Electric Heater +100%

In order to use any kind of Heater, you will need a Pal that has a Kindling Work Suitability and for the Electric Heater, you will also need a charged Generator at your base. Alternatively, building a campfire does not need any Pals to work.

It is best to note that both the Heater and the Campfire only provide +50% comfort but their effects do stack. If an egg needs +100% to reach max comfort, an Electric Heater is needed as it provides +100% comfort level.

Alternatively, if an Egg needs +150% or higher levels of comfort, you will need to build more than one source as the effects of the heating sources stack with each other.

Build Incubator Inside a Building

Palworld - Incubator inside House

Building the Incubator inside the warmth of one of your buildings will help in keeping it comfortable. Additionally, you may also build a Heater inside as well to provide better comfort.

What to Do When Egg Seems Hot

Palworld - Egg is Hot

Like feeling cold, Eggs can feel hot as well. Causes for these include building your base near the hot areas in the map such as the Desert region, paired with the current weather temperature.

Building Coolers or relocating your base will do the trick to keep your eggs comfortable and at the correct temperature.

Build Coolers

Item Materials
Palworld - Cooler Icon Cooler
Stone ImageStone x20
Ingot ImageIngot x20
Palworld - Electric Cooler Icon Electric Cooler
Ingot ImageIngot x30

Cooling Increase Per Structure

Cooler +50%
Electric Cooler +100%

If you want to lower the temperature of the eggs, building Coolers and placing it near the incubators is highly recommended.

To use any kind of Cooler, you will need a Pal with Cooling Work Suitability. Conversely, to use the Electric Cooler, you will need to have electrically charged Generators in your base.

Keep in mind that a regular Cooler only provides +50% comfort and the Electric Cooler provides +100% comfort. These effects do stack however, so utilize these sources properly as each egg requires a different temperature level.

Relocate Your Base

Palworld - Disassembling the Palbox.png

If every time you incubate an egg it indicates that it feels hot, it may be best to consider relocating your base to a better area with just the correct temperature.

Best Base Locations

Wait for Time to Pass or Sleep

The Day and Night Cycle significantly influences the temperature felt by the eggs inside the incubators. One recommended solution is to time the incubation accordingly.

A fast way to end the Night Cycle is to sleep in your bed, this will immediately bring you to the next day.

There is no way to quickly end the Day Cycle other than to wait for time to pass. Fortunately there is an option in the World Settings that you can change how fast the Day Cycle goes by.

How to Change Day and Night Cycle Duration

Check the Temperature Gauge

How to Hatch Eggs Faster

You can locate what the current temperature is by looking at the Temperature Gauge at the bottom left of the screen.

The further the meter needle is to the left, the colder the temperature, and the further to the right, the hotter the temperature.

How to Hatch Eggs Fast

Set the Perfect Temperature

To shorten the hatching time of Pal Eggs, you'll need to ensure that the temperature around where you placed the Egg Incubator is comfortable depending on the Pal Egg.

Egg Conditions and Hatching Speed

Egg Condition Hatching Speed
・Looks very cold
・Looks very hot
Hatching Speed +0%
・Looks a little cold
・Looks a little hot
Hatching speed +50%
・Looks very comfortable Hatching speed +100%

Once you place an egg on the incubator, it will display its conditions which affect how long it hatches. Raising or lowering the temperature around the incubator with items such as a Heater or Cooler will satisfy the egg's temperature requirements and make it hatch faster!

Set Hatching Time to 0 in World Settings

Egg Hatching Time varies depending on the difficulty level of your game, though you can adjust it any time when loading your existing save file by accessing World Settings.

Keep in mind that in Multiplayer Servers, only the server creator can change the world settings. Tweaking the world settings is also unavailable in Official Servers.

Hatching Times by Difficulty Level

Casual 0 hours
Normal 2 hours
Hard 72 hours
Custom Can be set in 0 to 240 hours

If you want to hatch Pal Eggs more frequently, we recommend setting the hatching time to 0 in the World Settings!

Best World Settings for Palworld

How to Get Pal Eggs

Get Eggs by Exploring the Map

Palworld - Find Eggs by Exploring

Explore the map to find eggs scattered in the overworld! Make sure to make space and watch your inventory weight to avoid getting slowed down.

Egg sizes can vary from small, standard, and huge, then you can determine the Pal's type by observing the color and egg pattern.

Breed 2 Pals of the Opposite Gender

Palworld - Breeding

One of the most useful ways to get the strongest Pals in the game is through Breeding a male and a female Pal. On top of inheriting aspects from their parents, offsprings may be born with a random Element!

Learn more about how to breed Pals and create the most powerful Pals in our Breeding Guide!

Breeding Guide and All Fusion Pals

Use Game8's Breeding Calculator for Every Breeding Combo!

Breeding Calculator.png

Use our Palworld Breeding Calculator to easily find which Parents to breed to make the Pal you are looking for! Every Pal Combo is included, making it easier than ever to work out which pals to breed!

Palworld Breeding Calculator

Technology Used for Breeding

Item Materials
Palworld - Breeding Farm Icon Breeding Farm
Fiber ImageFiber x50
Wood ImageWood x100
Stone ImageStone x20
Palworld - Cooking Pot Icon Cooking Pot
Wood ImageWood x20
Ingot ImageIngot x15

A Breeding Farm and Cooking Pot are essential Technologies to use in breeding. Cooking Pot is used to make a Cake in order for Pals to hatch an egg.

Use a Cake for Breeding

Cake Image
Rarity Common
Nutrition 656
SAN 82
• Consumable item to remove hunger.
• Used in Breeding Pals

Cake is a necessity in Breeding and a special resource needed to breed Pals. It's an important item for Pals to hatch an egg, so keep this in mind when attempting to hatch an egg through Breeding!

Cake Recipe and How to Get

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Palworld Breeding Combos Calculator

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All Breeding Guides

All Breeding Guides
Breeding Combos Breeding Exclusive Pals and Special Breeding Combos
How to Hatch Eggs How to Chain Breed Passive Skills
IV Breeding Guide


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