
Blazamut Ryu Type, Work Suitabilities, and Skills

Palworld - Blazamut Ryu

Blazamut Ryu is a Fire and Dragon Element Pal added in the Sakurajima Summer update of Palworld that can be fought as a Raid Boss. Learn how to get Blazamut Ryu, the best breeding combos to breed Blazamut Ryu, its day and night location, stats and IVs, its Active and best Passive skills, work suitability, and item drops!

Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu
Palworld - Helzephyr Helzephyr
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu - Related Guides
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Location, Stats and Breeding Paldeck Stats Palworld - Blazamut Ryu MovesetBest Build Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Raid GuideRaid Guide

How to Catch Blazamut Ryu

Does Not Spawn in the Map By Itself

Blazamut Ryu does not spawn in any area on the map in the overworld by itself, regardless of whether it is day or night. This Pal can be obtained by hatching Eggs produced by certain Pals or via other means.

Hatch from Huge Dragon Egg

Palworld - Htaching Eggs
Blazamut Ryu can be hatched from a Huge Dragon Egg.

Pal eggs can be found spread across the islands as interactable objects that can be picked up.

They can also be obtained through breeding Pals together in a Breeding Farm. Once you have an egg, place it in an Egg Incubator and wait for it to hatch.
How to Hatch Palworld Eggs

Pals that Hatch from Huge Dragon Egg

List of Pals
Palworld- RelaxaurusRelaxaurus Palworld- Relaxaurus LuxRelaxaurus Lux Palworld- AstegonAstegon Palworld- JormuntideJormuntide
Palworld- Jormuntide IgnisJormuntide Ignis Palworld- OrserkOrserk Palworld- JetragonJetragon Palworld- Elphidran AquaElphidran Aqua
Palworld- Quivern BotanQuivern Botan Palworld- XenogardXenogard Palworld- Blazamut RyuBlazamut Ryu Palworld- SilvegisSilvegis

Egg Hatch List

Only Hatches Raid Boss Battle Egg

Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Raid Guide Banner

Blazamut Ryu can only be obtained by hatching the Huge Dragon Egg reward obtained after successfully defeating the Blazamut Ryu Raid Boss.

The boss itself cannot be caught regardless of the Pal Sphere you use and must be defeated.

How to Hatch Eggs Fast

How to Beat Blazamut Ryu and Weakness

Fight With Powerful Water Type Pals

Palworld - Element Match Up Chart
Since Blazamut Ryu is weak to Water element Pals due to its part Fire Elemental Type, it's best to bring Water type Pals to fight against it.

Blazamut Ryu's Raid Boss fight takes place within your base, so all the Pals working at your base can also help in the fight. You can use your base's Palbox to bring in all of your strong Water Pals before summoning Blazamut Ryu.

Element Type Matchup Chart

Obtain Blazamut Ryu's Slab to Fight Raid Boss

In order to summon and fight the Blazamut Ryu Raid Boss, you need to have Blazamut Ryu Slabs. This can be obtained by crafting it on a workbench using 4 Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragments.

Where to Find Blazamut Ryu's Slab Fragments

Dungeon Type Level Slab Fragments
Cherry Blossom Cave 52 Blazamut Ryu's Slab Fragment x1

Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragments can only be obtained from Sakurajima Island Dungeons. These caves are extremely hard, so make sure you come prepared with your strongest pals and weapons!

List of All Dungeon Locations

Start Boss Fight Using a Summoning Altar

Palworld - Summoning Altar
You can encounter Blazamut Ryu by using a Summoning Altar. Once you place Blazamut Ryu's Slab into the Summoning Altar, you can summon Blazamut Ryu, which appears with a 10-minute battle timer.

The Summoning Altar can be unlocked at level 33 using 3 Ancient Technology points. You can then craft this structure at your base using 100 Stone and 20 Paldium Fragments.

How to Beat Blazamut Ryu Raid Boss

Blazamut Ryu Element Type and Details

Blazamut Ryu Type and Base Stats

No. 96B Element Type
Palworld - Blazamut RyuBlazamut Ryu Palworld - Fire Icon Palworld - Dragon Icon
Work Suitability
KindlingKindling Lv. 4
MiningMining Lv. 4
Base Stats and Rank

All Pals in the Paldeck

Blazamut Ryu Paldeck Entry

Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Paldeck Entry Blazamut Ryu
Long ago, it emerged from the depths of the earth. With relentless, raging flames showing no mercy, it burned the entire island until nothing remained. It was known as the Eternal Flame.

Blazamut Ryu Tier List Rankings

Tier List Ranking
Screenshot_1.pngBlazamut Ryu Ride Tier A Tier
(Ground Mount)
Combat Tier S Tier
Base Tier SS Tier

Best Pals Tier List

Pal Variant

Pal Variants
Palworld - Blazamut Blazamut
Palworld - Fire Icon
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu
Palworld - Fire Icon Palworld - Dragon Icon

This Pal is an elemental variant of Blazamut. It's physical appearance is the same, but has a different Element typing from the other one.

List of All Fusion Pals and How to Get

Added in the Sakurajima Summer Update

Palworld - Sakurajima Summer Update

Blazamut Ryu is one of the newly introduced Pals you can get in the Sakurajima Summer update! The update introduces a slew of content inspired by the Japanese aesthetic.

The Sakurajima Summer update includes more Pals and equipment, along with additional features such as new dungeons and the well-awaited PVP combat!
Sakurajima Summer Update

Blazamut Ryu Stats

Blazamut Ryu Level 60 and Level 1 Stats

Lv. 60 Stats
Lv 1 Stats
Stat 0 IV Max IV Max IV+A Max IV+D Full Atk Full Def
HP 3662 4528 7063
Atk 636 797 1474 836 2300 1200
Def 565 720 864 1188 1347 1696
0 IV: No IVs and no Passives
Max IV: Max IVs with no Passives
Max IV+A: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives
Max IV+D: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives
Full Atk: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Full Def: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Game8 Pal IV Stat Calculator
Stat 0 IV Max IV Max IV+A Max IV+D Full Atk Full Def
HP 557 573 893
Atk 109 112 207 117 323 183
Def 59 62 74 102 116 159
0 IV: No IVs and no Passives
Max IV: Max IVs with no Passives
Max IV+A: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives
Max IV+D: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives
Full Atk: Max IVs with Musclehead, Ferocious, Lucky, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Full Def: Max IVs with Burly Body, Masochist, Hard Skin, and Legend Passives and Full Soul and Condenser Bonus
Game8 Pal IV Stat Calculator

Blazamut Ryu Min and Max Stats (IVs) For Every Level

Level Stat Range from 0 IV - 100 IV
0 IV ~ 100 IV
0 IV ~ 100 IV
0 IV ~ 100 IV
Lv 1 557 ~ 573 109 ~ 112 59 ~ 62
Lv 2 615 ~ 646 119 ~ 125 68 ~ 74
Lv 3 672 ~ 719 129 ~ 138 78 ~ 86
Lv 4 730 ~ 793 139 ~ 150 87 ~ 98
Lv 5 787 ~ 866 148 ~ 163 96 ~ 110
Lv 6 845 ~ 939 158 ~ 176 106 ~ 123
Lv 7 902 ~ 1012 168 ~ 188 115 ~ 135
Lv 8 960 ~ 1086 178 ~ 201 125 ~ 147
Lv 9 1017 ~ 1159 187 ~ 214 134 ~ 159
Lv 10 1075 ~ 1232 197 ~ 226 143 ~ 171
Lv 11 1132 ~ 1305 207 ~ 239 153 ~ 184
Lv 12 1190 ~ 1379 217 ~ 252 162 ~ 196
Lv 13 1247 ~ 1452 226 ~ 264 171 ~ 208
Lv 14 1305 ~ 1525 236 ~ 277 181 ~ 220
Lv 15 1362 ~ 1598 246 ~ 290 190 ~ 232
Lv 16 1420 ~ 1672 256 ~ 302 200 ~ 245
Lv 17 1477 ~ 1745 265 ~ 315 209 ~ 257
Lv 18 1535 ~ 1818 275 ~ 328 218 ~ 269
Lv 19 1592 ~ 1891 285 ~ 340 228 ~ 281
Lv 20 1650 ~ 1965 295 ~ 353 237 ~ 293
Lv 21 1707 ~ 2038 304 ~ 366 246 ~ 305
Lv 22 1765 ~ 2111 314 ~ 378 256 ~ 318
Lv 23 1822 ~ 2184 324 ~ 391 265 ~ 330
Lv 24 1880 ~ 2258 334 ~ 404 275 ~ 342
Lv 25 1937 ~ 2331 343 ~ 416 284 ~ 354
Lv 26 1995 ~ 2404 353 ~ 429 293 ~ 366
Lv 27 2052 ~ 2477 363 ~ 442 303 ~ 379
Lv 28 2110 ~ 2551 373 ~ 454 312 ~ 391
Lv 29 2167 ~ 2624 382 ~ 467 321 ~ 403
Lv 30 2225 ~ 2697 392 ~ 480 331 ~ 415
Lv 31 2282 ~ 2770 402 ~ 492 340 ~ 427
Lv 32 2340 ~ 2844 412 ~ 505 350 ~ 440
Lv 33 2397 ~ 2917 421 ~ 518 359 ~ 452
Lv 34 2455 ~ 2990 431 ~ 530 368 ~ 464
Lv 35 2512 ~ 3063 441 ~ 543 378 ~ 476
Lv 36 2570 ~ 3137 451 ~ 556 387 ~ 488
Lv 37 2627 ~ 3210 460 ~ 568 396 ~ 500
Lv 38 2685 ~ 3283 470 ~ 581 406 ~ 513
Lv 39 2742 ~ 3356 480 ~ 594 415 ~ 525
Lv 40 2800 ~ 3430 490 ~ 607 425 ~ 537
Lv 41 2857 ~ 3503 499 ~ 619 434 ~ 549
Lv 42 2915 ~ 3576 509 ~ 632 443 ~ 561
Lv 43 2972 ~ 3649 519 ~ 645 453 ~ 574
Lv 44 3030 ~ 3723 529 ~ 657 462 ~ 586
Lv 45 3087 ~ 3796 538 ~ 670 471 ~ 598
Lv 46 3145 ~ 3869 548 ~ 683 481 ~ 610
Lv 47 3202 ~ 3942 558 ~ 695 490 ~ 622
Lv 48 3260 ~ 4016 568 ~ 708 500 ~ 635
Lv 49 3317 ~ 4089 577 ~ 721 509 ~ 647
Lv 50 3375 ~ 4162 587 ~ 733 518 ~ 659
Lv 51 3432 ~ 4235 597 ~ 746 528 ~ 671
Lv 52 3490 ~ 4309 607 ~ 759 537 ~ 683
Lv 53 3547 ~ 4382 616 ~ 771 546 ~ 695
Lv 54 3605 ~ 4455 626 ~ 784 556 ~ 708
Lv 55 3662 ~ 4528 636 ~ 797 565 ~ 720
Lv 56 3720 ~ 4602 646 ~ 809 575 ~ 732
Lv 57 3777 ~ 4675 655 ~ 822 584 ~ 744
Lv 58 3835 ~ 4748 665 ~ 835 593 ~ 756
Lv 59 3892 ~ 4821 675 ~ 847 603 ~ 769
Lv 60 3950 ~ 4895 685 ~ 860 612 ~ 781
The numbers on the left are the stats with no IV (0) or the lowest possible stat a Pal can have within a specified level.
The red numbers on the right are the stats with max IV (100) or the highest possible stat a Pal can have.
※This table does not include bonuses from Passive Skills, Partner Skills, or any other stat boosts.

Hidden IV Stat Values for Pals

IVs are hidden stats each Pal has for each stat that randomizes their HP, Atk, and Def to a specific range. Having 0 IV for a stat means the Pal gets a 0% bonus, while having the maximum 100 IV gives a 30% bonus to the respective stat.

For example, if two Lamballs have the same passives and buffs, the Lamball with the higher HP IV will always have a higher HP pool.

A Pal's IVs cannot be altered but can be used to influence its child's IVs through breeding. Therefore, breeding is an excellent option to pass a parent's high IV and favorable Passive Skills to obtain a Pal with the highest IVs possible with the preferred Passive Skills.

All Pal Stats

How to Breed Blazamut Ryu

Blazamut Ryu Breeding Combos

Parent 1 Parent 2
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu

Palworld Breeding Calculator

※For all possible breeding combos check out the Breeding Calculator.

Best Ways to Use Blazamut Ryu in Breeding

Parent 1 Parent 2 Child
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Azurmane Azurmane Palworld - Silvegis Silvegis
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Omascul Omascul Palworld - Reptyro Reptyro
Palworld - Swee Swee Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Vanwyrm Vanwyrm
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Splatterina Splatterina Palworld - Starryon Starryon
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Celesdir Celesdir Palworld - Sweepa Sweepa
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Tarantriss Tarantriss Palworld - Nitewing Nitewing
Palworld - Blazamut Ryu Blazamut Ryu Palworld - Kitsun Noct Kitsun Noct Palworld - Starryon Starryon

Breeding Combos and Guide

※Not all possible breeding combos are listed.

Blazamut Ryu Skills and Pal Gear

Blazamut Ryu Partner Skill

Partner Skill Description
Dragon Kaiser Can be ridden. Enhances Dragon attacks while mounted.

All Partner Skills Effects

Blazamut Ryu Pal Gear

Pal Gear Materials Needed
Blazamut Ryu Saddle
Required Level Lv. 55

List of All Pal Gear

Active Skills

Level Move Type Power CT
1 Dragon Burst Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 55 10
Quickly discharges draconic energy, damaging those around it.
7 Ignis Breath Palworld - Fire Type Icon 70 15
Shoots flames at an enemy, dealing continuous damage.
15 Flame Wall Palworld - Fire Type Icon 100 30
Creates a wall of flames at the enemy's location. The wall of flame will remain for a while and deal damage to the enemies it touches.
22 Comet Strike Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 110 35
Drops a meteorite straight down, generating a shock wave around the impact area.
30 Beam Slicer Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 130 45
Mows down the frontal area with a beam imbued with dragon power. The area touched by the beam will also explode after a few moments.
40 Brawn Impact Palworld - Fire Type Icon 150 38
Blazamut's exclusive skill. Waves and pumps up its arms, then slams them together to create a large explosion in the surrounding area.
50 Magna Crush Palworld - Dragon Type Icon 160 42
Blazamut's exclusive skill. After making a big jump, while moving at high speed in the air, gathers strength and unleashes a punch with full might.

List of Active Skills

Best Passive Skills

Mount Passive
Attack Passive
Passive Skill Effect
Palworld - Positive Tier TwoRunner 20% increase to movement speed
Palworld - Rainbow TierSwift 30% increase to movement speed
Palworld - Rainbow TierLegend Attack +20%, Defense +20%, and Movement Speed +15%
Palworld - Positive Tier ThreeInfinite Stamina Max Stamina +50% (This effect is only valid for rideable pals.)
Best Passive Skills and How to Get
Passive Skill Effect
Palworld - Positive Tier TwoMusclehead Attack +30%
Work Speed -50%
Palworld - Rainbow TierEternal Flame 30% increase to Fire attack damage, 30% increase to Lightning attack damage
Palworld - Positive Tier OneImpatient Active skill cooldown reduction 15.0%
Palworld - Positive Tier ThreeSerenity Active skill cooldown reduction 30.0%. Attack +10.0%
Best Passive Skills and How to Get

Blazamut Ryu Work Suitability

Work Suitability Description
Kindling Lv. 4 Kindling is used for any work that requires fire, like cooking or refining ore.
Mining Lv. 4 Mining is used to mine Stone and Paldium Fragments, as well as Ore starting at Lv. 2, from mining nodes and Stone Pits.

Work Suitability List:
All Pals by Work Suitability

Blazamut Ryu Material and Item Drops

Regular Version

Blazamut Ryu Raid Drops & Rewards
Palworld - Coal Material Coal Palworld - Medium Pal Soul Material Medium Pal Soul Palworld - Precious Claw Material Precious Claw
Palworld - Training Crystal Material Training Crystal Palworld - Ruby Material Ruby Palworld - Ancient Civilization Parts Material Ancient Civilization Parts
Palworld - Power Lotus (S) Material Power Lotus (S) Palworld - Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab Material Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab Palworld - Huge Dragon Egg Material Huge Dragon Egg (Blazamut Ryu)

Ultra Version

Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Raid Drops & Rewards
Palworld - Coal Material Coal Palworld - Medium Pal Soul Material Medium Pal Soul Palworld - Precious Claw Material Precious Claw
Palworld - Diamond Material Diamond Palworld - Ancient Civilization Parts Material Ancient Civilization Parts Palworld - Stout Fruit Material Stout Fruit
Palworld - Training Crystal Material Training Crystal
Palworld - Life Lotus (L) Material Life Lotus (L) Palworld - Speed Lotus (L) Material Speed Lotus (L) Palworld - Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab Material Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab
Palworld - Huge Dragon Egg Material Huge Dragon Egg (Blazamut Ryu)

List of All Materials, Consumables and Drops

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Paldeck Banner

Complete Paldeck and List of All Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals

Feybreak Update New Pals
Palworld - XenolordXenolord Palworld - NitemaryNitemary Palworld - StarryonStarryon
Palworld - SilvegisSilvegis Palworld - SmokieSmokie Palworld - CelesdirCelesdir
Palworld - OmasculOmascul Palworld - SplatterinaSplatterina Palworld - TarantrissTarantriss
Palworld - AzurmaneAzuremane Palworld - BastigorBastigor Palworld - PruneliaPrunelia
Palworld - NyafiaNyafia Palworld - GildaneGildane Palworld - Gorirat TerraFoxparks Cryst
Palworld - Dazzi NoctDazzi Noct Palworld - Cryolinx TerraCryolinx Terra Palworld - Fenglope LuxFenglope Lux
Palworld - Caprity Noct IconCaprity Noct Palworld - Loupmoon CrystLoupmoon Cryst Palworld - Faleris AquaFaleris Aqua
Palworld - Ribbuny BotanRibbuny Botan Palworld - Warsect TerraWarsect Terra Palworld - Kitsun NoctKitsun Noct

Feybreak Update New Features Guide

All Pals by Element Types

All Pal Element Types
Fire Type Water Type Grass Type
Ice Type Electric Type Ground Type
Dark Type Dragon Type Neutral

All Pals by Work Suitability

All Pal Work Suitabilities
Palworld - Kindling Diamond IconKindling Palworld - Watering Diamond IconWatering Palworld - Planting Diamond IconPlanting
Palworld - Generating Electricity Diamond IconElectricity Palworld - Handiwork Diamond IconHandiwork Palworld - Gathering Diamond IconGathering
Palworld - Lumbering Diamond IconLumbering Palworld - Mining Diamond IconMining Palworld - Medicine Production Diamond IconMedicine
Palworld - Cooling Diamond IconCooling Palworld - Transporting Diamond IconTransporting Palworld - Farming Diamond IconFarming

All Pals by Stats

All Pal Stats
List of Pals by HP List of Pals by Attack
List of Pals by Defense All Pals by Max IV Stats

Pal Lists

All Pal Lists
All Pals by Work Suitability All Night Exclusive Pals
All Fusion Pals All Alpha Bosses and Locations
All Mount Pals All Legendary Pals
All Mineshaft Field Bosses All Wildlife Sanctuary Pals
List of Rare Pals All Dungeon Exclusive Pals
New and Upcoming Pals List of Pals that Improve Carry Capacity
All Predator Pal Locations -

Pal Egg Lists

All Pal Egg Lists
Normal Egg Pals Large Egg Pals Huge Egg Pals
Pal Eggs by Element
Palworld - Scorching EggScorching Egg Palworld - Damp EggDamp Egg Palworld - Verdant EggVerdant Egg
Palworld - Frozen EggFrozen Egg Palworld - Electric EggElectric Egg Palworld - Rocky EggRocky Egg
Palworld - Dark EggDark Egg Palworld - Dragon EggDragon Egg Palworld - Common EggCommon Egg


2 Garf412about 2 months

Hi, you include Legend and Divine Dragon within the Attakc Passives of Blazamut Ryu and rank it the best Dragon attacker. However, Blazamut Ryu only breeds with itself and can NEVER have these two exclusive traits. By this Rule, Jetragon is the No 1 Dragon attacker becasue it can both, without breeding. If I am wrong, please correct me, your listing here and the Breeding Calculator you supply. Thanks

1 Anonymous8 months

Hey! In my experience, as I was hunting for Bellanoir libero’s slab fragments, In the same dungeons I got those I’d get blazamut ryu slab fragments as well, which is how I’ve got the slabs (same dungeon type, in the icy mountains (ones where frostallion spawns, no idea of the name)) :)


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