
How to Beat Bellanoir Raid Boss: Best Pals, Weapons and Strategy

Palworld - Bellanoir Raid Top Banner

A special Boss Raid which introduces the new Pal, Bellanoir, is now out for Palworld! Learn the best Pals to have in your Party and Base, how to summon Bellanoir, the best base setup, and what Boss Raids are!

Palworld - Jetragon Jetragon
Palworld - Bellanoir Bellanoir
Palworld - Bellanoir Libero Bellanoir Libero
Palworld - Bellanoir Bellanoir - Related Guides
Palworld - Bellanoir Location, Stats and Breeding Paldeck Stats Palworld - Bellanoir MovesetBest Build Palworld - Bellanoir Raid GuideRaid Guide

All Raid Bosses
Palworld - Bellanoir Raid Top BannerBellanoir Palworld - Bellenoir Libero Raid Top BannerBellenoir Libero
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Bellanoir Raid Info

Bellanoir Stats

Palworld - Bellanoir Weapon Bellanoir
Palworld - Dark Icon
Level Designation
30 Alpha
Things to Note
・You cannot catch Bellanoir.
・Has increased HP
・Recommended Level: 45+
HP 294000

Bellanoir Partner Skill Effect

Partner Skill Description
Nightmare Iris When activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Nightmare Ray.

Bellanoir Type, Work Suitabilities, and Skills

How to Start the Bellanoir Raid

Craft a Bellanoir's Slab

Item Material Requirements
Palworld - BellanoirBellanoir's Slab

You will need to craft a Bellanoir's Slab by using four (4) Bellanoir's Slab Fragments in order to initiate a battle with Bellanoir. While it can be challenged at early levels, it is recommended to be at least Level 45 before you challenge Bellanoir.

How to Get Bellanoir's Slab: All Recipes and Effects

Use The Slab on a Summoning Altar

Level Unlocked Technology Material Requirements
32 Palworld - Summoning AltarSummoning Altar
Stone ImageStone x100

In order to initiate any Raid Boss battle, you need to have the Summoning Altar in a base. It can be unlocked in the Technologies Tab once you reach Level 33. Note that the Summoning Altar can only be used once, so have the materials at the ready in a chest nearby.
Best Technology to Unlock First

Where to Find Bellanoir's Slab Fragments

Dungeon Type Level Slab Fragments
Hillside Cavern 13 N/A
Isolated Island Cavern 13 N/A
Ravine Grotto 19 Bellanoir's Slab Fragments x1
Mountain Stream Grotto 29 Bellanoir's Slab Fragments x2
Cavern of the Dunes 35 Bellanoir's Slab Fragments x2
Volcanic Cavern 40 Bellanoir's Slab Fragments x1
Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragments x1
Sacred Mountain Cavern 45 Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragments x2

Treasure Chests starting at Lv 19 will drop Bellanoir's Slab Fragments, but Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragments will only appear in high-level dungeons. It can also be randomly found in chests in high-level areas and the Wildlife Sanctuaries!
List of All Dungeon Locations

Bellanoir Libero is a Different Beast!

Palworld - Bellanoir Libero
Bellanoir Libero, the alternate version of Bellanoir, is only available if you craft a Bellanoir Libero's Slab and use it on the Summoning Altar.

How to Get Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment: All Recipes and Effects

Bellanoir Raid Drops and Rewards

Bellanoir Raid Drops & Rewards
Palworld - Ancient Civilization Core Material Ancient Civilization Core x1 Palworld - Training Manual (XL) Material Training Manual (XL) x1 Palworld - Training Crystal Material Training Crystal x1
Palworld - Multiclimate Undershirt +1 Multiclimate Undershirt +1 x1 Palworld - Huge Dark Egg Material Huge Dark Egg (Bellanoir)

These are the items we currently know that the Bellanoir drops! Make sure to stock up on Ancient Civilization Cores so you can craft better stuff in your base.

Best Pals and Builds for Bellanoir Raid

Best Party to Use

Use a Gobfin Party

Best Gobfin Team Comp for Bellanoir Raid
Ride Palworld - Chillet Weapon Chillet
Palworld - Ice Icon Palworld - Dragon Icon
Support Palworld - Gobfin Weapon Gobfin
Palworld - Water Icon
Palworld - Gobfin Weapon Gobfin
Palworld - Water Icon
Palworld - Gobfin Weapon Gobfin
Palworld - Water Icon
Palworld - Gobfin Weapon Gobfin
Palworld - Water Icon

You need to have a Chillet with amazing investment for this build. By attacking while mounted, you can infuse your own attacks with Dragon Type and quickly whittle down the Raid Boss' Healh Bar with Super-Effective Rocket Launcher shots!

You can power up this team even further if Chillet and Gobfin all have the Vanguard passive.

Best Gobfin Team

Best Pals to Have in Your Base

Dragon Type Pals are Preferred

Best Pals to Put in Your Base
Palworld - Astegon Astegon Palworld - Jormuntide Jormuntide Palworld - Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide Ignis
Palworld - Jetragon Jetragon Palworld - Orserk Orserk Palworld - Quivern Quivern
Palworld - Azurobe Azurobe Palworld - Relaxaurus Relaxaurus Palworld - Relaxaurus Lux Relaxaurus Lux

Any of these Pals will be great to have in your base to help you battle Bellanoir! Astegon is the best choice as it quad resists Bellanoir's Dark attacks! Make sure to have all your Pals set up before you summon the Boss.
List of Dragon Element Type Pals

Best Player Builds for Bellanoir Raid

Best Equipment to Have for Bellanoir Raid

Best Equipment to Use
Head Gear

The best Armor to use in general are the Pal Metal Helm and the Pal Metal Armor. If you have the Legendary Schematics for these, you can craft those instead. Equipping the Attack Pendant will increase your damage.
How to Get All Legendary Weapon and Armor Schematics

Best Weapons and Items to Have for Bellanoir Raid

Best Items and Weapons to Carry
Palworld - Pump-action Shotgun Weapon Pump-action Shotgun Palworld - Rocket Launcher Weapon Rocket Launcher Palworld - Sword Weapon Sword Palworld - Poison Arrow Crossbow Weapon Poison Arrow Crossbow
Palworld - Baked Berries Material Baked Berries Palworld - Shotgun Shells Weapon Shotgun Shells Palworld - Rocket Ammo Weapon Rocket Ammo Palworld - Poison Arrow Weapon Poison Arrow

The best weapons to carry are the Pump-Action Shotgun and the Rocket Launcher. With the former having a faster reload time while the latter has higher damage. If you have the Legendary Schematics for these, you can craft those instead.

Meanwhile, the Poison Arrows are amazing at helping in whittling down bosses due how Poison damage scales based on Max HP. While not necessary, having a Melee Weapon like the Sword is also pretty useful.
Best Player Builds (Main Character Builds)

General Raid Tips

You Cannot Catch the Raid Boss

Palworld - Bellanoir Immune to Spheres
Try as much as you want, you can't catch Bellanoir by conventional means. You need to defeat it and you can obtain an Egg containing Bellanoir as a reward for clearing the raid instead!
How to Hatch Eggs Fast

Build a Base Dedicated to Raids

Palworld - Raid Base
Building a Base specifically for Raids will be very useful so you don't destroy yours or other people's Bases that took investment in building. Try to find an area with structures that you can hide behind to heal or reload your weapons like the Desolate Churches.
Palworld Interactive Map

Summoning Altars Can Only be Used Once

Summoning Altars can only be used once which makes it a chore especially if you have a base dedicated to it. A trick you can do is build storage as close as you can to the Pal Box so you don't have to lug around so much materials!

Use Technology Built for Combat

Palworld - Base Build

After deciding where to put your base, you can then place structures like the Mounted Machine Guns and Missile Launchers so your weaker Pals can contribute without immediately succumbing to the Raid Boss' onslaught.

Best Technology to Unlock First

Make Use of Burning and Poison Damage

Burning and Poison damage can quickly whittle down any Pal due to its ability to deal damage that scales off the enemies' HP Stat. Meaning, the higher the HP the enemy has, the bigger the damage the status will deal to the Boss!

Play With Friends

Palworld - Play With Friends
Another way to make the Raid easier is to join in on other people within your server. This raid is no easy feat to accomplish and having friends will make this easier.

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Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Raid Boss Partial

Raid Boss Guide

All Raid Bosses

Palworld Raid Bosses
Bellanoir Bellanoir Libero
Blazamut Ryu Xenolord


1 Anonymous9 months

Have many bellinoirs , but zero bellinoir libero ... All caves glitch , except for the walk-in caves Lv 40+ Shards in walk-in caves... Made it close to the World Tree too


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