
All Drop Rate Boosting Partner Skills

Some Partner Skills in Palworld can increase the amount of items dropped by defeated Pals. Read on to learn all Partner Skills that boost drop rate, the Pals that know these Partner Skills, and the recommended Pals to farm.

All Drop Rate Boosting Partner Skills

List of Partner Skills and Pals

Partner Skill (Pal) Target Element
Elphidran Amicable Holy Dragon
Palworld - Dark Icon Dark
Elphidran Aqua Amicable Water Dragon
(Elphidran Aqua)
Palworld - Fire Icon Fire
Katress Ignis Botanical Atlas
(Katress Ignis)
Palworld - Grass Icon Grass
Penking Brave Sailor
Palworld - Fire Icon Fire
Blazehowl Noct Darkflame Lion
(Blazehowl Noct)
Palworld - Neutral Icon Neutral
Cryolinx Dragon Hunter
Palworld - Dragon Icon Dragon
Cryolinx Terra Electro Hunter
(Cryolinx Terra)
Palworld - Electric Icon Electric
Orserk Ferocious Thunder Dragon
Palworld - Water Icon Water
Katress Grimoire Collector
Palworld - Neutral Icon Neutral
Blazehowl Hellflame Lion
Palworld - Grass Icon Grass
Vaelet Purification of Gaia
Palworld - Ground Icon Ground
Faleris Scorching Predator
Palworld - Ice Icon Ice
Menasting Steel Scorpion
Palworld - Electric Icon Electric
Fenglope Lux Stormcloud
(Fenglope Lux)
Palworld - Water Icon Water
Faleris Aqua Tidal Predator
(Faleris Aqua)
Palworld - Fire Icon Fire

These are all the Pals that can boost the amount of items you can get by defeating Pals of a certain element. There is at least one Pal for every element in the game, with only Fire and Neutral having two Pals with the bonus. Note that the drop rate boost will only work if they are your active Pal.

Recommended Pals to Farm

Aim for Pals with Drop-Only Items

Item Dropped By
Palworld - Pal Fluids Material Pal Fluids
Palworld - Fuack Fuack
Palworld - Small Pal Soul Material Small Pal Soul
Palworld - Nox Nox
Palworld - Medium Pal Soul Material Medium Pal Soul
Palworld - Large Pal Soul Material Large Pal Soul
Palworld - Penking Plume Material Penking Plume
Palworld - Gumoss Leaf Material Gumoss Leaf
Palworld - Tocotoco Feather Material Tocotoco Feather

The items above can only be obtained when defeating Pals. Pal Fluids tend to drop from Water-type Pals, so Orserk is a good choice to bring when farming this item.

Pal Souls are also notable items to farm as they can enhance stats at Statues of Power. They are mostly dropped by Dark Pals, so bring Elphidran to help get more Pal Souls.

Farm Pals with Drops to Save Gold

Item Dropped By
Palworld - High Quality Pal Oil Material High Quality Pal Oil
Palworld - Dumud Dumud
Palworld - Venom Gland Material Venom Gland
Palworld - Ice Organ Material Ice Organ
Palworld - Wumpo Wumpo
Palworld - Electric Organ Material Electric Organ
Palworld - Dazzi Dazzi
Palworld - Bone Material Bone
Palworld - Bushi Bushi
Palworld - Dogen Dogen
Palworld - Kikit Kikit
Palworld - Vixy Vixy
Palworld - Horn Material Horn
Palworld - Arsox Arsox
Palworld - Leather Material Leather
Palworld - Fuack Fuack
Palworld - Kikit Kikit
Palworld - Nox Nox
Palworld - Pyrin Pyrin
Palworld - Rooby Rooby
Palworld - Vixy Vixy

These items can be bought from Wandering Merchants but can burn through your Gold Coins if you need lots of these materials. To save on gold, farming them by defeating or catching Pals is a viable option.

High Quality Pal Oil is needed for several later technologies and drops from several types of Pals. One of the best ways of getting Pal Oil is by defeating Relaxaurus with Cryolinx.

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