
Best Skill Fruits Tier List (March 2025)

Palworld - Best Skill Fruits Tier List
Skill Fruits containing different Active Skills of various elements can be found throughout the islands of Palworld. Read on to learn more about the best Skill Fruits, including a tier list for each element, our criteria for the list, plus how to use Skill Fruits in this guide!

Skill Fruit Guides
Skill Fruit Tree Locations Best Skill Fruit Bases
Skill Fruits Tier List -

Best Skill Fruits in Palworld

Best Skill Fruits Tier List

Tier Skill Fruits
SS Tier
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier

The SS Tier contains some of the strongest Active Skills available as Skill Fruits, with base powers ranging from 120~150.

S Tier Skill Fruits contain a wide variety of skills ranging from 70~150 base power, with the lower base power skills having more beneficial effects and the higher power skills having less.

The A Tier has a mix of skills at 80 base power and below, while the B Tier contains basic starting moves of each element as well as the self-destructive move Implode.

Strongest Skill Fruits With Widescale Damage

Skill Element Power CT
Fire Ball Palworld - Fire Type Icon 150 55
Blizzard Spike Palworld - Ice Type Icon 130 45
Hydro Laser Palworld - Water Type Icon 150 55
Lightning Strike Palworld - Electric Type Icon 120 40

All of these skills can deal damage to multiple enemies at once, and most of them can also inflict helpful status conditions on any enemies hit.

One of the most valuable Skill Fruits to have is the Ice Skill Fruit for Blizzard Spike. This can freeze targets, cover a wide area, and exploit the weakness of Dragon-type Pals, most notably the legendary Jetragon.

Fire Ball and Lightning Strike also work similarly. Fire Ball can burn anyone hit, and it's super-effective against both Grass and Ice element Pals. Lightning Strike can cause paralysis.

Skill Fruits Tier List Per Element

Best Fire Skill Fruits Tier List

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Skill Fruit Fire Palworld - Water Skill FruitWater Palworld - Grass Skill FruitGrass
Palworld - Ice Skill FruitIce Palworld - Electric Skill Fruit Electric Palworld - Earth Skill FruitGround
Palworld - Dark Skill FruitDark Palworld - Dragon Skill FruitDragon Palworld - Neutral Skill FruitNeutral
Tier Skills
SS Tier Fire Ball
Ignis Rage
S Tier Ignis Breath
Flare Storm
A Tier Spirit Fire
Flare Arrow
B Tier Ignis Blast

Fire element moves are super-effective against Ice and Grass element Pals. Fire element moves also have a chance to burn targets, allowing them to do passive damage while the enemy is on fire.

Fire Ball and Ignis Rage are both strong Fire-type moves that deal damage over a wide area. Either of these Skill Fruits can give you the Fire damage your team may need.

List of Fire Element Type Pals

Best Water Skill Fruits Tier List

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Skill Fruit Fire Palworld - Water Skill FruitWater Palworld - Grass Skill Fruit Grass
Palworld - Ice Skill FruitIce Palworld - Electric Skill Fruit Electric Palworld - Earth Skill FruitGround
Palworld - Dark Skill FruitDark Palworld - Dragon Skill FruitDragon Palworld - Neutral Skill FruitNeutral
Tier Skills
SS Tier Hydro Laser
S Tier Aqua Burst
Acid Rain
A Tier Bubble Blast
B Tier Aqua Gun
Hydro Jet

All Water element Active Skills can be found as Skill Fruits. This means that you can still get all the moves you need for Water element coverage even if you aren't using any Water element Pals on your team,.

Water element moves are super-effective against Fire-type Pals.

List of Water Element Type Pals

Best Grass Skill Fruits Tier List

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Skill Fruit Fire Palworld - Water Skill FruitWater Palworld - Grass Skill Fruit Grass
Palworld - Ice Skill FruitIce Palworld - Electric Skill Fruit Electric Palworld - Earth Skill FruitGround
Palworld - Dark Skill FruitDark Palworld - Dragon Skill FruitDragon Palworld - Neutral Skill FruitNeutral
Tier Skills
SS Tier Solar Blast
S Tier Spine Vine
A Tier Seed Mine
Grass Tornado
B Tier Seed Machine Gun
Wind Cutter
Wind Edge

Grass-type moves are super-effective against Ground element Pals. Some Grass element moves can also cause opponents to be wrapped with vines, a status condition that slows them down.

List of Grass Element Type Pals

Best Ice Skill Fruits Tier List

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Skill Fruit Fire Palworld - Water Skill FruitWater Palworld - Grass Skill Fruit Grass
Palworld - Ice Skill FruitIce Palworld - Electric Skill Fruit Electric Palworld - Earth Skill FruitGround
Palworld - Dark Skill FruitDark Palworld - Dragon Skill FruitDragon Palworld - Neutral Skill FruitNeutral
Tier Skills
SS Tier Blizzard Spike
S Tier Iceberg
A Tier Icicle Cutter
B Tier Ice Missile
Icicle Line

Most Ice moves have a chance to freeze enemies and are super-effective against Dragon element Pals, making them generally strong Skill Fruits.

List of Ice Element Type Pals

Best Electric Skill Fruits Tier List

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Skill Fruit Fire Palworld - Water Skill FruitWater Palworld - Grass Skill Fruit Grass
Palworld - Ice Skill FruitIce Palworld - Electric Skill Fruit Electric Palworld - Earth Skill FruitGround
Palworld - Dark Skill FruitDark Palworld - Dragon Skill FruitDragon Palworld - Neutral Skill FruitNeutral
Tier Skills
SS Tier Lightning Strike
S Tier Tri-Lightning
Lock-On Laser
Lightning Bolt
A Tier Electric Ball
Lightning Streak
Plasma Tornado
Thunder Rain
Thunder Rail
B Tier Spark Blast
All Range Thunder

Although Lightning Bolt has a higher base power, Lightning Strike can damage a wider area. This allows more enemies to be hit at once, making it a generally better skill to learn.

Most Electric-type moves have a chance to paralyze enemies when they hit, preventing them from moving for a short period of time. Electric element attacks are super-effective against Water element Pals.

List of Electric Element Type Pals

Best Earth Skill Fruits Tier List

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Skill Fruit Fire Palworld - Water Skill FruitWater Palworld - Grass Skill Fruit Grass
Palworld - Ice Skill FruitIce Palworld - Electric Skill Fruit Electric Palworld - Earth Skill FruitGround
Palworld - Dark Skill FruitDark Palworld - Dragon Skill FruitDragon Palworld - Neutral Skill FruitNeutral
Tier Skills
SS Tier Rock Lance
S Tier Stone Cannon
A Tier Sand Tornado
B Tier Stone Blast

Rock Lance, the strongest Earth Skill Fruit, far outclasses any other Ground-type move you can learn from these fruits.

Stone Cannon is a solid move but doesn't offer much else. Sand Tornado is only strong if both tornadoes hit the target. However, these moves are still good to have in case you need Ground moves against Electric element Pals such as the Grizzbolt Tower Boss.

List of Ground Element Type Pals

Best Dark Skill Fruits Tier List

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Skill Fruit Fire Palworld - Water Skill FruitWater Palworld - Grass Skill Fruit Grass
Palworld - Ice Skill FruitIce Palworld - Electric Skill Fruit Electric Palworld - Earth Skill FruitGround
Palworld - Dark Skill FruitDark Palworld - Dragon Skill FruitDragon Palworld - Neutral Skill FruitNeutral
Tier Skills
SS Tier Dark Laser
S Tier Nightmare Ball
A Tier Spirit Flame
B Tier Poison Blast
Shadow Burst

Dark Laser is an excellent Dark Skill Fruit to have since it can only be learned naturally by Astegon and Necromus, both powerful Pals that are difficult to obtain. With this Skill Fruit, any of your Pals can have this strong Active Skill.

Dark element moves are super-effective against Neutral-type Pals. Some Dark element attacks have a chance to poison enemies. Spirit Flame has a chance to burn instead.

List of Dark Element Type Pals

Best Dragon Active Skills Tier List

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Skill Fruit Fire Palworld - Water Skill FruitWater Palworld - Grass Skill Fruit Grass
Palworld - Ice Skill FruitIce Palworld - Electric Skill Fruit Electric Palworld - Earth Skill FruitGround
Palworld - Dark Skill FruitDark Palworld - Dragon Skill FruitDragon Palworld - Neutral Skill FruitNeutral
Tier Skills
SS Tier Dragon Meteor
S Tier Draconic Breath
A Tier Dragon Burst
B Tier Dragon Cannon

Dragon moves are super-effective against Dark-type Pals. Some Dragon element moves also have a chance to burn the target.

List of Dragon Element Type Pals

Best Neutral Active Skills Tier List

Jump to Element
Palworld - Fire Skill Fruit Fire Palworld - Water Skill FruitWater Palworld - Grass Skill Fruit Grass
Palworld - Ice Skill FruitIce Palworld - Electric Skill Fruit Electric Palworld - Earth Skill FruitGround
Dark Skill FruitDark Palworld - Dragon Skill FruitDragon Palworld - Neutral Skill FruitNeutral
Tier Skills
S Tier Pal Blast
A Tier Power Bomb
B Tier Air Cannon
Power Shot

Although Implode is the strongest Neutral Skill Fruit you can give to a Pal, it's not recommended to use since it knocks out your Pal once it uses the move.

Neutral moves aren't super-effective against any element type, so you don't have much reason to use these over Skill Fruits of other elements. However, Pal Blast is still a generally strong move, so this can be a good Neutral Skill to teach if you happen to find its Skill Fruit in the early to mid game.

List of Neutral Element Type Pals

Palworld Tier List Criteria

Criteria Explanation

Tier Criteria
SS Tier SS Tier Skill Fruits contain the most powerful Active Skills in the game and are highly recommended to use on any Pal.
S Tier S Tier Skill Fruits are solid additions to your Pal's Active Skill list and are recommended for element type coverage.
A Tier A Tier Skill Fruits are great upgrades over B Tier skills.
B Tier B Tier Skill Fruits are great for early game element type coverage but don't hold up in the mid to late game.

SS Tier Skill Fruits mostly contain Active Skills that can only be learned naturally by a select few Pals. These are recommended to use on Pals who share the fruit's element type but cannot learn the move naturally or on strong Pals on your team that want equally strong coverage moves.

S Tier Skill Fruits contain strong moves that should provide sufficient element type coverage you need for the entirety of the game. These are recommended for Pals of a different element type that may want another strong move from a different element.

A Tier Skill Fruits contain reliable Active Skills that can be used throughout most of the game. These are also recommended for Pals of a different element type.

B Tier Skill Fruits contain the basic Active Skills of their respective element. They are recommended to use on your Pals if you haven't caught a strong Pal of that element type yet.

Best Active Skills Tier List

How to Get and Use Skill Fruits

Pick Skill Fruits from a Skill Fruit Tree

Palworld - Skill Fruit Tree

You can get Skill Fruits from certain trees scattered across the islands of Palworld. Each tree usually has three Skill Fruits of varying elements and are generally random.

To pick a Skill Fruit, get close to a Skill Fruit tree, aim at the hanging Skill Fruits, then press the E key (X on controller) to obtain the Skill Fruits from the tree.

All Skill Fruit Tree Locations

Some Active Skills Are Not Available as Skill Fruits

Active Skills that are exclusive to particular Pals cannot be learned through Skill Fruits. There are also a few moves such as Dark Ball and Poison Fog that can be learned naturally by different Pals but are currently not available as Skill Fruits.

List of Skills Not Available as Skill Fruits

Use From Inventory

Palworld - Skill Fruit in Inventory

In order to teach a Pal the skill from a Skill Fruit, make sure that the Skill Fruit is in your inventory and the Pal you want to use it on is in your party.

Simply press the Use button and select the Pal from your party that you want to teach the move to. The new skill should then be on your Pal's Active Skills list, and the Skill Fruit should disappear from your inventory.

Best Used on Pals of Other Element Types

Palworld - Use Skill Fruit

There are no limits on which Pals can learn which Skill Fruits, so it's best to use Skill Fruits on Pals that normally can't learn them through other means.

Pals that normally can't learn moves of a Skill Fruit's element type can benefit from more type coverage options. This allows you to have super-effective move options for all types even with only five party members.

Palworld Type Chart Strengths and Weaknesses

Breed Down Pals With Skill Fruit Skills

Palworld - Breeding Pals

Pals that you've taught Active Skills to using Skill Fruits can pass down these skills onto their offspring. It is not guaranteed, but it does allow you to get multiple Pals with strong Active Skills without needing to hunt for more Skill Fruits.

Palworld Breeding Combos Calculator

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Skills Banner.png

List of All Skills

All Skill Types

All Skill Types
Partner Skills Active Skills Passive Skills

Best Skills per Type

All Skill Types
Best Partner Skills Best Active Skills Best Passive Skills

Skill Related Guides


3 Anonymousabout 2 months

The fact that Holy Burst isn't on this tier list makes it kind of laughable. Is this site even reliable?

2 Anonymous9 months

seed mine not in SS is a joke


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