
List of New Technology

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New Technology unlocks and recipes are added in Palworld's Feybreak update. Read on to learn more about the new production equipment, consumable technology, furniture, and pal structures in the updated Technology tree!

List of New Technology in Feybreak Update

Jump to a Technology Type
Pal Gear Workbenches Sphere
Production Equipment Functional Furniture Decorative Furniture
Ancient Technologies Storage

New Pal Gear

Level Technology Points Description
56 Palworld - Azurmane SaddleAzurmane Saddle 4 Saddle for safely riding Azurmane.
59 Palworld - BastigorBastigor's Hammer 4 Saddle for safely riding Bastigor.
58 Palworld - Celesdir SaddleCelesdir Saddle 4 Saddle for safely riding Celesdir.
52 Palworld - Dazzi NoctDazzi Noct's Necklace 2 Collar for Dazzi Noct. If Dazzi Noct is in your team, it will stay by your side and attack enemies in tandem.
55 Palworld - Faleris Aqua SaddleFaleris Aqua Saddle 4 Saddle for safely riding Faleris Aqua.
52 Palworld - Fenglope Lux SaddleFenglope Lux Saddle 3 Saddle for safely riding Fenglope Lux.
24 Palworld - Foxparks CrystFoxparks Cryst's Harness 2 Harness for holding Foxparks Cryst. Activate its Partner Skill to hold Foxparks Cryst and release freezing air to attack.
54 Palworld - Gildane SaddleGildane Saddle 3 Saddle for safely riding Gildane.
53 Palworld - Kitsun Noct SaddleKitsun Noct Saddle 3 Saddle for safely riding Kitsun Noct.
53 Palworld - NyafiaNyafia's Shotgun 3 A shotgun for Nyafia to hold. Activate its Partner Skill, and Nyafia will unleash a barrage of shotgun blasts at nearby enemies.
58 Palworld - Silvegis SaddleSilvegis Saddle 4 Saddle for safely riding Silvegis.
56 Palworld - SmokieSmokie's Harness 3 Harness for Smokie. Activate its Partner Skill to detect the location of nearby Chromite.
57 Palworld - Starryon SaddleStarryon Saddle 4 Saddle for safely riding Starryon.
28 Palworld - Tarantriss SaddleTarantriss Saddle 3 Saddle for safely riding Tarantriss.
60 Palworld - Xenolord SaddleXenolord Saddle 5 Saddle for safely riding Xenolord.

List of All Pal Gear

New Workbenches

Level Technology Points Description
59 Palworld - Advanced Medicine WorkbenchAdvanced Medicine Workbench 4 A facility for making medicine to cure Pals' illnesses. With advanced technology, it can also create unknown medicines. Assign the task to a Pal capable of pharmacy work.
56 Palworld - Advanced Sphere Assembly LineAdvanced Sphere Assembly Line 5 An Assembly Line for producing spheres used for capturing Pals. Advanced machinery has been introduced, allowing for the production of spheres at high speed. Requires Pals that can work with their hands.
56 Palworld - Gigantic FurnaceGigantic Furnace 5 Allows refinement of Hexolite. By growing in size, multiple Pals can collaborate to perform smelting. Requires a Fire Pal to light a flame.
49 Palworld - Large-Scale Stone OvenLarge-Scale Stone Oven 5 Needed for cooking food. By becoming larger, multiple Pals can cooperate to cook together. Requires a Fire Pal to light a flame.

All Workbenches and Production Technology

New Spheres and Modules

Level Technology Points Description
23 Palworld - Curve ModuleCurve Module 2 Equipping it causes the sphere to spin with a curved trajectory. It becomes easier to catch Pals off guard, and increases capture power.
56 Palworld - Exotic SphereExotic Sphere 5 An item that captures Pals when thrown. Boasting incredible performance, it can capture Pals that fall outside regular standards.
11 Palworld - Heavy Weight ModuleHeavy Weight Module 1 Equipping it makes the sphere heavier, reducing its range but increasing its capture power.
57 Palworld - Homing ModuleHoming Module 5 Equipping it makes the sphere home in on Pals, further increasing capture power.
39 Palworld - Slider ModuleSlider Module 3 Equipping it adds a slider spin to the sphere. The sphere curves at a sharp angle, making it easier to catch Pals off guard and increasing capture power.
31 Palworld - Sniper ModuleSniper Module 3 Equipping it increases the sphere's range, allowing it to sharply capture Pals and enhancing capture power.
47 Palworld - Sniper Module IISniper Module II 4 Equipping it significantly increases the sphere's range, allowing it to sharply capture Pals and enhancing capture power.

List of All Pal Spheres and How to Farm

New Production Equipment

Level Technology Points Description
48 Palworld - Gold Coin Assembly LineGold Coin Assembly Line 3 An Assemby Line that manufactures Money. The work puts a strain on the mind, causing a decrease in Pal's SAN value. Requires Pals that can work with their hands.
50 Palworld - Pure Quartz MinePure Quartz Mine 5
A facility for producing Pure Quartz. Mining Pure Quartz is hard work that requires physical endurance. Leave it to Pals skilled at mining.

New Functional Furniture

Level Technology Points Description
37 Palworld - AccumulatorAccumulator 2 A facility for storing excess electricity generated by the Power Generator.
41 Palworld - Alpha Wave GeneratorAlpha Wave Generator 3 A device that generates alpha waves to relax Pals. It slows the rate at which the SAN value of allies at the base decreases. Placing more than two will not have any additional effect.
46 Palworld - Beta Wave GeneratorBeta Wave Generator 3 A device that emits beta waves to energize Pals. It increases the work speed of Pals in the base. Placing more than one will not have additional effects.
32 Palworld - Carrot PlantationCarrot Plantation 2 A farm where you can grow Carrot. It takes time to harvest, but increases the variety of meals you can prepare. Requires a few Pals to plant seeds, water, and harvest the crops.
22 Palworld - Flea Market (Items)Flea Market (Items) 2 A facility for selling items. By setting products in the sales list, you can sell items to other players.
22 Palworld - Flea Market (Pals)Flea Market (Pals) 2 A facility for selling Pals. By setting Pals in the sales list, you can sell them to other players.
13 Palworld - Human-Powered GeneratorHuman-Powered Generator 1 A facility that converts rotational motion into electrical energy. The efficiency is low, and the Pals working here will experience a decrease in SAN value, but they will gain experience points.
10 Palworld - LadderLadder 1 A ladder that allows you to climb to a slightly higher place.
23 Palworld - Medicine RackMedicine Rack 2 A shelf for storing medicine. Sick Pals will come here to take their medicine. Be sure to keep the medicine stocked.
36 Palworld - Onion PlantationOnion Plantation 2 A farm where you can grow Onion. It takes time to harvest, but increases the variety of meals you can prepare. Requires a few Pals to plant seeds, water, and harvest the crops.
15 Palworld - Pal Expedition StationPal Expedition Station 2 A facility that allows Pals to be sent on expeditions to places like dungeons. The dispatched Pals engage in battles and gather items, bringing back resources to the base.
20 Palworld - Pal Labor Research LaboratoryPal Labor Research Laboratory 2 A facility for conducting research on the various tasks of Pals. By assigning tasks to Pals in this facility, research progresses, granting various benefits.
57 Palworld - Pal PodPal Pod 5 A healing pod for Pals. Used when Pals are injured or to rest at night. Thanks to technological advancements, the healing amount has increased.
29 Palworld - Potato PlantationPotato Plantation 2 A farm where you can grow Potato. It takes time to harvest, but increases the variety of meals you can prepare. Requires a few Pals to plant seeds, water, and harvest the crops.
48 Palworld - Skillfruit OrchardSkillfruit Orchard 3 A farm where Skillfruits can be cultivated. By planting the original fruit in the ground, multiple fruits of the same type can be harvested.
17 Palworld - TombstoneTombstone 1 A gravestone that can be inscribed with text. Use it for recording purposes.

List of All Furniture

New Decorative Furniture

Level Technology Points Description
N/A Palworld - BonsaiBonsai N/A Decorative Bonsai. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Deer ScareDeer Scare N/A Decorative Deer Scare. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Flower ArrangementFlower Arrangement N/A Decorative Flower Arrangement. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Folding ScreenFolding Screen N/A Decorative folding screen. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Hanging ScrollHanging Scroll N/A Decorative hanging scroll. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Incense BurnerIncense Burner N/A Decorative Incense Burner. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Japanese Floor ChairJapanese Floor Chair N/A Decorative floor chair. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Japanese Floor CushionJapanese Floor Cushion N/A Decorative floor cushion. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Japanese HearthJapanese Hearth N/A Decorative Hearth. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Japanese Paper LanternJapanese Paper Lantern N/A Decorative Paper Lantern. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Japanese Writing TableJapanese Writing Table N/A Decorative Ornamental Writing Table. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style Door AJapanese-Style Door A N/A Door built on a foundation. Becomes an entrance. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style Door BJapanese-Style Door B N/A Japanese sliding door (shoji) built on a foundation. Becomes an indoor entrance. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style Door CJapanese-Style Door C N/A Japanese sliding door (fusuma) built on a foundation. Becomes an indoor entrance. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style FoundationJapanese-Style Foundation N/A A foundation for building walls or facilities on. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
54 Palworld - Japanese-Style Furniture SetJapanese-Style Furniture Set 2 Japanese-style decorative furniture set. Transform your base into a traditional Japanese haven.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style PillarJapanese-Style Pillar N/A Column for structural support. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style Roof AJapanese-Style Roof A N/A A roof built on top of walls to keep out the rain and wind. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style Roof BJapanese-Style Roof B N/A A roof built on top of walls to keep out the rain and wind. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style Slanted RoofJapanese-Style Slanted Roof N/A Slanted roof built on top of walls to keep out the rain and wind. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style StairsJapanese-Style Stairs N/A Stairs placed below a foundation or roof for climbing up. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
51 Palworld - Japanese-Style Structure SetJapanese-Style Structure Set 2 Set for building bases using Japanese-style architecture. Allows building of Japanese-style foundations, walls, ceilings, stairs, and other things necessary for shelters.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style Triangular WallJapanese-Style Triangular Wall N/A Triangular wall built on a foundation for keeping out intruders. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style WallJapanese-Style Wall N/A Walls built on foundations for keeping out intruders. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Japanese-Style Wall and WindowJapanese-Style Wall and Window N/A Wall with windows, built on foundations for keeping out intruders. You can create stylish Japanese-style architecture.
N/A Palworld - Stone LanternStone Lantern N/A Decorative Stone Lantern. Perfect for Japanese-style buildings.

New Ancient Technologies

Level Technology Points Description
57 Palworld - Giant PouchGiant Pouch 4
A massive pouch that allows you to carry additional items. Holding it increases your inventory slots.
52 Palworld - Large PouchLarge Pouch 3
A large pouch that allows you to carry additional items. Holding it increases your inventory slots.
60 Palworld - Large-Scale Electric Egg IncubatorLarge-Scale Electric Egg Incubator 5
Device for incubating Pal eggs. While power supply is required, it allows multiple eggs to be incubated simultaneously at the optimal temperature.
42 Palworld - Medium PouchMedium Pouch 2
A modest pouch that allows you to carry additional items. Holding it increases your inventory slots.
28 Palworld - Small PouchSmall Pouch 2
A small pouch that allows you to carry additional items. Holding it increases your inventory slots.

Best Ancient Technology and How to Unlock

New Storage

Level Technology Points Description
58 Palworld - Advanced ChestAdvanced Chest 4 Stores items. Quite sturdy, with plenty of storage space. It is useful as a large, secure storage box.
40 Palworld - Guild ChestGuild Chest 4
A chest that can instantly send and receive items through subspace. The items inside are shared across all bases where it is placed.
49 Palworld - Item Retrieval MachineItem Retrieval Machine 5 A device that lets you freely access items from all chests in the base.

List of All Storage

List of New Technology in Sakurajima Summer Update

Several new items, materials, equipment, and furniture can be unlocked in the Technology tree after Palworld's Sakurajima Summer update.

Sakurajima Summer Update New Features Guide

New Pal Gear

Level Technology Points Description
55 Palworld - Blazamut Ryu SaddleBlazamut Ryu Saddle N/A Saddle for safely riding Blazamut Ryu
45 Palworld - Chillet Ignis SaddleChillet Ignis Saddle 2 Saddle for safely riding Chillet Ignis.
22 Palworld - Dazemu SaddleDazemu Saddle 4 Saddle for safely riding Dazemu.
52 Palworld - Helzephyr Lux SaddleHelzephyr Lux Saddle 3 Saddle for safely riding Helzephyr Lux.
49 Palworld - Quivern Botan SaddleQuivern Botan Saddle 5 Saddle for safely riding Quivern Botan.
53 Palworld - Selyne SaddleSelyne Saddle 4 Saddle for safely riding Selyne
47 Palworld - Shroomer Noct SaddleShroomer Noct Saddle 4 Saddle for safely riding Shroomer Noct.
46 Palworld - Shroomer SaddleShroomer Saddle 2 Saddle for safely riding Shroomer.
51 Palworld - Xenogard SaddleXenogard Saddle 3 Saddle for safely riding Xenogard.
43 Palworld - Yakumo SaddleYakumo Saddle 4 Saddle for safely riding Yakumo.

List of All Pal Gear

New Glider

Level Technology Points Description
52 Palworld - Hyper GliderHyper Glider 4 A glider for soaring through the air. Almost fast enough to keep up with airplanes. Can be made at production Assembly Line II.

List of Gliders and How to Use Them

New Sphere

Level Technology Points Description
51 Palworld - Ultimate SphereUltimate Sphere 5 Captures Pals when thrown. Almost no Pals can escape its flawless design. Requires Sphere Assembly Line II to craft.

List of All Pal Spheres and How to Farm

New Production Equipment

Level Technology Points Description
41 Palworld - Coal MineCoal Mine 5
Facility for producing Coal. Digging Coal is grueling physical work. Leave it to a Pal that is good at mining.
50 Palworld - Crude Oil ExtractorCrude Oil Extractor 2 Equipment required to extract Crude Oil from oil fields. It requires a power supply to operate.
52 Palworld - Refrigerated CrusherRefrigerated Crusher 2 Facility that crushes ore and converts it into other materials. Requires a power supply and a Pal with Cooling suitability, but it's very efficient.
45 Palworld - Sulfur MineSulfur Mine 5
Facility for producing Sulfur. Digging Sulfur is grueling physical work. Leave it to a Pal that is good at mining.

All Workbenches and Production Technology

New Functional Furniture

Level Technology Points Description
51 Palworld - Cold Food BoxCold Food Box 2 A feeding box that can be kept cold. Assign an Ice Pal to it and the food inside will be less likely to spoil.
49 Palworld - Large Power GeneratorLarge Power Generator 4
A power generator fueled by Electric Pals. Larger and with improved power generation efficiency.
54 Palworld - Pal Disassembly ConveyorPal Disassembly Conveyor 5 A dream-like facility that automatically butchers any Pal that is placed inside.
1 Palworld - Pal Dressing FacilityPal Dressing Facility N/A Skin Modification Facility. A facility where you can change Pal's appearance to a special one. It allows the application of skins obtained outside of the game.
19 Palworld - Wall-Mounted SignWall-Mounted Sign 2 A signboard to write on. Can be hung on walls.

List of All Furniture

New Decorative Furniture

Level Technology Points Description

Glass Architecture Set Contents

Palworld - Glass Foundation Icon Glass Foundation Palworld - Glass Pillar Icon Glass Pillar Palworld - Glass Roof Icon Glass Roof
Palworld - Glass Slanted Roof Icon Glass Slanted Roof Palworld - Glass Stairs Icon Glass Stairs Palworld - Glass Structure Set Icon Glass Structure Set
Palworld - Glass Triangular Wall Icon Glass Triangular Wall Palworld - Glass Wall Icon Glass Wall Palworld - Glass Wall and Door Icon Glass Wall and Door
Palworld - Glass Wall and Window Icon Glass Wall and Window

Other New Techonologies

Palworld - Lockpicking Tool v1 Icon Lockpicking Tool v1 Palworld - Lockpicking Tool v2 Icon Lockpicking Tool v2 Palworld - Lockpicking Tool v3 Icon Lockpicking Tool v3
Palworld - Wooden Pillar Icon Wooden Pillar Palworld - Stone Pillar Icon Stone Pillar Palworld - Metal Pillar Icon Metal Pillar

List of New Technology in Version

New Production Equipment

Level Ancient Technology Points Description
15 Palworld - Ore Mining Site Icon Ore Mining Site 2 Facility for producing Ore.
31 Palworld - Ore Mining Site II Icon Ore Mining Site II 3 Facility for producing large quantities of Ore.

New Consumable Technology

Level Ancient Technology Points Description
30 Palworld - Homeward Thundercloud Icon Homeward Thundercloud 2 Transports you to the nearest base. Cannot be used in dungeons and other similar locations.

New Furniture

Level Ancient Technology Points Description
24 Palworld - Antique Dresser Icon Antique Dresser 1 Dresser useful for giving yourself a remake. Allows players to edit their appearance.

New Pal Structures

Level Ancient Technology Points Description
36 Palworld - Electric Egg Incubator Icon Electric Egg Incubator 5 Device for incubating Pal eggs. Requires electricity, but automatically keeps the inside of the incubator at appropriate temperatures.

Summoning Altar

Level Ancient Technology Points Description
33 Palworld - Summoning Altar Icon Summoning Altar 3 Offer a Slab depicting a Pal to summon a powerful Pal to your base. Adequate caution and battle readiness is paramount.

The Summoning Altar allows you to summon a Raid Boss to your base by offering a Pal Slab.

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld - Technology

Best Technology to Unlock First

All Technology Types

All Technology Types
Ancient Technology Clothes and Armor
Shields Headgear
Gliders Weapons
Accessories Pal Gear
Spheres Base Structures
Workbenches and Production Storage
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