FF7 Rebirth

All Junon Phenomenon Intel (Junon Protorelics)

FF7 Rebirth - Junon Protorelic Location

Junon Phenomenon Intel is a series of side quests that involves playing the Fort Condor minigame to unlock the Junon Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn more about the Phenomenon Intel in Junon including their locations, rewards, and how to complete them.

Junon Phenomenon Intel 1

Phenomenon Intel 1: Wrack and Ruin Guide

Steps to Complete Intel
Head to the location on the map.
Find and activate the board game in the area.
Play and win the Fort Condor Minigame. In the mini-game, units are deployed automatically, moving to attack the enemy's base. The goal is to defeat the enemy boss unit within a time limit.

Fort Condor Minigame Guide

Junon Phenomenon Intel 2

Phenomenon Intel 2: Flotsam and Jetsam Guide

Steps to Complete Intel
Head to the location on the map and initiate the Fort Condor Minigame.
In the second Fort Condor, your opponent will have a new wolf-type unit, Archfiend. This unit rushes to the your base, so make sure to prioritize in defeating them when they are present.

Fort Condor Minigame Guide and Rewards

Junon Phenomenon Intel 3

Phenomenon Intel 3: Crumbling Fastness Guide

Steps to Complete Intel
If you have not done so, complete the When Words Won't Do Side Quest to unlock the Crow's Nest. You will need to go through here to reach Junon Phenomenon Intel 3.
Leave the Crow's Nest from its south exit. Continue south to the location on the map and initiate the Fort Condor Minigame.
The third Fort Condor is difficult, so use the Assault: Offense Focused units. You can change units using the L2/R2 buttons.
Place a Trebuchet when the battle begins to counteract the slow-moving, high-HP Warlord that will spawn on the right side.
5 FF7 Rebirth - Two Enemy Units
Deploy Cloud when two units spawn at 1:33 to instantly defeat them.
Once you are able to push the line, place a tower in front of the boss.
7 FF7 Rebirth - Two Enemy Units
The boss unit Gilgacannon Tower will cause great damage to the surrounding area when its HP lowers to a specific point. Wait until this triggers before deploying a lot of units.
How to win third Fort Candor Minigame Video

Fort Condor Minigame Guide and Rewards

Junon Phenomenon Intel 4

Phenomenon Intel 4: Encampent Vestiges Guide

Steps to Complete Intel
Head to the location on the map and initiate the Fort Condor Minigame.
In the fourth Fort Condor, we recommend using Barret and Tifa as your heroes and the Assault: Offense Focused ally units.
3 FF7 Rebirth - Fort Condor Hard Mode Unlock Fort Condor's Hard Mode after obtaining the protorelic.
How to win fourth Fort Candor Minigame Video

Fort Condor Minigame Guide and Rewards

Junon Protorelic Rewards

Obtain Captain's Protorelic and Trophy

FF7 Rebirth - Junon Protorelic

Fort Condor Commander TrophyBronze Fort Condor Commander
Obtain a protorelic in the Junon region.

Obtain Captain's Protorelic and the trophy, Fort Condor Commander, after completing all the Phenomenon Intel in Junon.

Collect all the protorelics from each region to unlock a Phenomenon Intel that lets you fight and get the Gilgamesh summon.

How to Unlock and Beat Gilgamesh

Unlock Fort Condor Hard Mode

FF7 Rebirth - Fort Condor Hard Mode

After obtaining the Junon Protorelic, you will be able to unlock Fort Condor's Hard Mode. Prepare yourself for harder challenges in this intense minigame.

Fort Condor Minigame Guide and Rewards

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Protorelic Partial
All Protorelic Locations (Phenomenon Intel)

All Phenomenon Intel Regions

List of All Phenomenon Intel by Region
Grasslands Junon
Corel Gongaga
Cosmo Canyon Nibel
Meridian Ocean

All World Intel Activities

FF7 Rebirth - World Intel

World Intel Guide and Rewards

All Types of World Intel
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