FF7 Rebirth

All Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel (Gilgamesh Island Summon Fights)

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - All Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel (Gilgamesh Island Summon Fights)

Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel is a series of side quests that involves defeating summon bosses to get the Genji equipment in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn more about the Phenomenon Intel in Meridian Ocean including their locations, rewards, and how to complete them.

Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel 1

Gilgamesh Gardens

Steps to Complete Intel
1 Complete all previous Phenomenon Intel and Divine Intel, and obtain all Summon Entities in the Combat Simulator.
2 Hop aboard the Tiny Bronco and head towards Gilgamesh Island where Gilgamesh awaits.
3 To fight Gilgamesh, complete Phenomenon Intel 2, 3, and 4 first. You will need to finish Phenomenon Intel 1 last.
4 Defeat Gilgamesh and obtain the following rewards:
Summon Materia: Gilgamesh ★
Genji Ring Transmuter Chip
Genji Earrings Transmuter Chip
Genji Gloves Transmuter Chip

Tips for Gilgamesh

Tips on How to Defeat Gilgamesh
Checkmark Level up your party before engaging Gilgamesh

Checkmark Use Counterstance to Perfect Guard his attacks

Checkmark Destroy Gilgamesh's shield to pressure him

Checkmark Perform your strongest attacks while he is preparing his Ultimate Move

Gilgamesh Boss Fight Guide

Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel 2

Shrine of the Hazy Moon Tempering Trial

Steps to Complete Intel
1 Make sure to complete Titan's Divine Intel and Bahamut Arisen's Divine Intel.
2 Challenge the Tempering Trial and defeat both Titan and Bahamut Arisen simultaneously.

Tips for Titan and Bahamut Arisen

Tips on How to Defeat Titan and Bahamut Arisen
Checkmark Focus on destroying one of the Pulses surrounding the bosses

Checkmark Prevent Bahamut from using Gigaflare

Checkmark Endure Gigaflare with Revival Earrings

Checkmark Prioritize Titan if you can defeat him quickly

Titan and Bahamut Arisen Boss Guide

Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel 3

Shrine of the Moonbow Tempering Trial

Steps to Complete Intel
1 Make sure to complete Phoenix's Divine Intel and Kujata's Divine Intel.
2 Challenge the Tempering Trial and defeat both Phoenix and Kujata simultaneously.

Tips for Phoenix and Kujata

Tips on How to Defeat Phoenix and Kujata
Checkmark Equip Fire, Ice, and Wind materia to exploit Kujata's weaknesses

Checkmark Focus on defeating Kujata first

Checkmark Defeat Kujata again after it is revived by Phoenix

Phoenix and Kujata Boss Guide

Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel 4

Shrine of the Full Moon Tempering Trial

Steps to Complete Intel
1 Make sure to complete Alexander's Divine Intel and Odin's Divine Intel.
2 Challenge the Tempering Trial and defeat both Alexander and Odin simultaneously.

Tips for Alexander and Odin

Tips on How to Defeat Alexander and Odin
Checkmark Lure Odin away from Alexander

Checkmark When Odin disappears, destroy Alexander's arms

Checkmark Prioritize defeating Alexander first

Alexander and Odin Boss Guide

How to Unlock Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel

Meridian Ocean Unlock Requirements
1. Collect All Protorelics from the Six Different Regions

2. Get All Summon Materias from the Combat Simulator

3. Use the Tiny Bronco to Head to Gilgamesh Island

Unlocked After Collecting All Protorelics

To unlock the Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel, you'll need to collect all of the Protorelics scattered across the six different regions. Once you've collected them, a new Phenomenon Intel will appear leading you straight to Gilgamesh Island.

You can easily track which Protorelics you're missing by checking your Intel progress on the World Map.

All Protorelic Locations (Phenomenon Intel)

Obtain All Summon Materia from the Combat Simulator

Summon Boss Fight Guides
Titan Phoenix Alexander
Kujata Bahamut Arisen Odin

Before going to Gilgamesh Island, you'll also need to collect all of the Summon Materia from the Combat Simulator. These are required to unlock three extra fights that you'll need to beat before being able to challenge Gilgamesh.

Combat Simulator Guide: How to Unlock and Win All Battles

Head to Gilgamesh Island

FF7 Rebirth - Gilgamesh Island

Once the island's been unlocked and you've obtained all Summon Materias, board the Tiny Bronco and sail to Gilgamesh Island to the north of Midgar. Once there, you will be instructed to defeat the duo summon bosses.

To unlock the ability to traverse the seas, you will need to progress to Chapter 12 where the Tiny Bronco will lose its wings and become a sea-faring vessel.

Chapter 12: A Golden Key Walkthrough

Meridian Ocean Phenomenon Intel Rewards

Obtain Transmuter Chips for Genji Equipment

Accessory Effect
Genji Gloves ImageGenji Gloves Breaks the 9,999 damage limit.
Genji Earrings ImageGenji Earrings Increases damage dealt by 15% but also increases damage taken by 15%.
Genji Ring ImageGenji Ring Reduces damage taken by 15%, but also reduces damage dealt by 15%

You can obtain the transmuter chips for the Genji Earrings, Genji Ring, and Genji Gloves which allows you to craft them once you reach Craftsmanship Level 16.

Crafting Recipes and How to Increase Crafting Level

Unlock Brutal and Legendary Combat Simulator Fights

FF7 Rebirth - Brutal Combat Simulator

Additionally, you will unlock the Brutal and Legendary Combat Simulator fights after completing the the Phenomenon Intel in Meridian Ocean. Completing these combat simulators can reward you with various equipment and manuscripts for your party members.

Brutal and Legendary Combat Simulator Guide

Get the Bladesmand of Legend Trophy

Bladesman of Legend TrophySilver Bladesman of Legend
Defeat Gilgamesh.

You will also gain the Bladesman of Legend trophy automatically after defeating Gilgamesh.

Trophy List and Guide

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Protorelic Partial
All Protorelic Locations (Phenomenon Intel)

All Phenomenon Intel Regions

List of All Phenomenon Intel by Region
Grasslands Junon
Corel Gongaga
Cosmo Canyon Nibel
Meridian Ocean

All World Intel Activities

FF7 Rebirth - World Intel

World Intel Guide and Rewards

All Types of World Intel
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