FF7 Rebirth

Chapter 10: Watcher of the Vale Walkthrough

Chapter 10 Story Walkthrough Banner
A walkthrough for Chapter 10: Watcher of the Vale in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on for a detailed guide of Chapter 10, including item locations, rewards, bosses, as well as useful tips for completing this chapter!

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Chapter 9
The Planet Stirs
Chapter 11
The Long Shadow of Shinra

Chapter 10: Watcher of the Vale Walkthrough

Chapter 10 Main Objectives
1 Get to Cosmo Canyon
2 The Trials of Gi
Boss Battle: Gi Nattak

Click on any of the links above to jump to the section!

Get to Cosmo Canyon Walkthrough

Homeward Bound
Follow the path until you reach Kamaria's Ranch. Here, you'll unlock the Bonds of Trust side quest, and the Chocobo tracks will be revealed on the map where the Sky Chocobo is located.
Bonds of Trust Walkthrough
Note: The Sky Chocobo is not particularly useful for reaching Cosmo Canyon, and this step is not required, so you can skip this if you're planning to do all the side content later on.
After optionally capturing the Chocobo, you can proceed directly to Cosmo Canyon by following the signs marked Cosmo Canyon.
Note: You cannot fly to Cosmo Canyon even with the Sky Chocobo, so continue walking along the cliffs through the Celestory Cavern. Check the map above to see the path you'll take to reach Cosmo Canyon.
Welcome Back, Nanaki
After reaching Cosmo Canyon, Red XIII will run off. Follow him to the location shown on the map above.
Go towards the southernmost building in town and you'll see Red XIII go into it. Follow him inside and ride the elevator up.
5 After using the elevator, continue going up using the stairs to reach the Cosmo Observatory.
Gadgets and Gizmos Aplenty
Upon entering the Cosmo Observatory, go up the stairs and interact with the Telescope on the Upper Level. Then, return to the Middle Level where you will hear a low rumble. Interact with the Planetary Phonograph to initiate another cutscene.
Note: There are a couple of gadgets in each floor that you can interact. However, you only need to interact with the Telescope to progress the story.
5 A Planetological Review
Follow Bugenhagen down the hall for a cutscene. After the cutscene ends, you will be able to leave the Cosmo Observatory.
Tip: After exiting the Cosmo Observatory, follow the Assistant to the Observatory Treasury, where you can pick up several great items.
Crystal Megaphone: One of the items you will find inside the treasury is a new weapon for Cait Sith.
Higher Learning
Take the elevator from the Flight of Awakening to the Flight of Scholarship. Then, turn right and continue along the path until an Assistant intercepts you and requests that you follow him.
The River of Lights
Head to the west side of the town and use the Torch Elevator to attend the ceremony. Talk to all the members of your party, except Cait Sith, to build your Relationship Level with each character.
Jump to Chapter 10 Romance and Relationship Guide
Tip: Make sure that you talk to Aerith last, and try not to get too close to her as it will trigger a cutscene and will prevent you from talking to the other members of the party.
5 Sage Advice
Follow Bugenhagen to the sealed door and enter the Cave of Gi to begin the trials.

Chapter 10 Romance and Relationship Guide

Character Dialogue Choices Results
FF7 Rebirth - Aerith Aerith Encourage her.
Smile at her.
Stop her.

FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret No, we fight.
Maybe you'll learn something.
What do you wanna do?

FF7 Rebirth - Tifa Tifa You did good.
I felt for you.
Just gotta laugh it off.

FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Red XIII I’ll lend an ear.
Don't gimme that bullshit.
Wasn't listening.

FF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Yuffie Pretty much.
Why do you think that?
Yeah, I totally agree...

◎ - Best Answer, 〇 - Good Answer, △ - Bad Answer

Romance and Relationship Guide

The Trials of Gi Walkthrough

1 What Lies Beyond
In the next part, you'll only have Red XIII and Barret. Fully equip them for the dungeon ahead.
Tip: Magnify + Fire is a useful combination to Pressure the hordes of Stingers and other enemies in the dungeon that are weak to Fire.
Let the Trials Begin
Start moving forward until you reach an open area with a couple of Nidhoggs. After defeating them, Bugenhagen will tell you that you have the power to climb the glowing walls.
Hi-Ether: You can test out this new ability by climbing on the wall to your left to open a chest that contains a Hi-Ether.
No Way Through?
Advance through the dungeon until you reach a dead end with a stone door blocking the path. Use Red XIII's ability to climb up on the pillar behind you and cut the rope to open the path.
2 Continue descending to the Chamber of Folly until you reach the Gi Statue.
Tip: On your way down, there are two chests that you can grab that contain the Timeworn Talisman and the Celestial Bangle.
First Trial
In this room, you need to find and bring the Ruby Statue to Bugenhagen. Hold L2 to carry items in your mouth and release them within the circle next to Bugenhagen to obtain them. This will summon a Gi Lancer that you need to defeat in order to progress.
Mystic Collar: Before leaving the room, make sure to pick up Red XIII's weapon on the ledge near the Ruby Statue.
Note: After defeating the Gi Lancer, you will still be able to pick up relics for Bugenhagen to collect. Make sure to bring all the relics in this room to obtain all the items.
Tip: You can use potions on the Gi Lancer to deal damage and also apply pressure to it.
The Voice Within
Continue moving forward to the Chamber of Observance while carrying the Ruby Statue. From here, you need to place the statues on the same colored altar to progress complete this section.
  • Place the Ruby Statue that you are carrying on the Ruby Altar.
  • Pick up the Amber Statue near the stairs and place it on the Amber Altar.
  • Continue down the stairs until you reach the Emerald Statue. Pick it up, and then return to the altars.

Note: On your way back after grabbing the Emerald Statue, you will have to fight another Gi Lancer, but this time, Barret won't be with you.
5 To Thine Own Self Be True
Once the Altar Door opens, proceed to the Chamber of Sacrifice where you will need to open three gates for the final trial.
The First Gate
Descend to the lower area of the Chamber of Sacrifice until you reach the First Gate. To open this gate, you simply need to pull the chain on the right side of the gate. Afterwards, you will have to fight a couple of Gi enemies.
Calamitous Bazooka: Before pulling the chain, make sure to pick up the chest directly in front of the gate.
The Second Gate
Take the stairs to your left to proceed towards the Second Gate. This time, the gate will not automatically lock. You need to pull it towards the hook to your right after fully opening the gate.
The Third Gate
Continue moving forward up the stairs until you reach the Third Gate. From here, pull the first chain in front of you to open up a path that leads to the second chain to your right. Pull the second chain to get across the final gate. Pick up the hook on the left side of the gate and attach it on the slot to your right. After that, hook the final chain to complete the trials.
6 Gi Nattak Boss Fight,mode,scale
Continue to the end of the section until you reach a Rest Stop. Recover your HP and MP before proceeding to fight Gi Nattak.
Recommended Party Roles for Gi Nattak
How to Beat Gi Nattak
Note: Near the end of the fight, Gi Nattak will inflict Doom on your party, which will cause Instant Death when the timers run out.
7 The Watcher's Verdict
After defeating Gi Nattak, proceed to the next room to trigger a cutscene. Right after, you will be controlling Cloud, and you have to follow Gi Nattak to a small boat at the end of the narrow path.
7 You will have another interlude with Zack. Follow Biggs until you reach the empty lot, and then return home to complete this section.
7 Village of the Gi
Chase after Yuffie through the village and defeat the enemies that you will encounter along the way until you reach the peak where you will be teleported out of the village.
Ceremonial Staff: There is a chest near the Rest Stop at the village entrance that contains Aerith's weapon.
8 Looking Up
Turn around and follow the assistant to the elevator to leave Cave of the Gi.
8 Guide Fast Travel,mode,scale
Uninvited Guests
Fast-travel to the Cosmo Canyon entrance and approach the village guard to trigger a cutscene.
Tip: You can Fast-travel to certain areas while in the Cosmo Canyon by speaking to the Guide and selecting your destination.
8 Cosmo Airstrip Location,mode.scale
The Wild, Blue Yonder
Fast travel to the Cosmo Canyon Airstrip and use the telephone to call Cid. Then, board the Bronco Airlines to travel to the Nibel Region.
Note: To travel to the Nibel Airstrip, you need to pay Cid 300 Gil.

Chapter 10 Boss Strategy Guide

How to Beat Gi Nattak

Gi Nattak
Location Chapter Unlocked
Cosmo Canyon Watcher of the Vale
Weaknesses Lesser Resistances
Greater Resistances Immunities
Absorbed Elements When Triggered
Pressure Conditions
Inflicting damage will pressure him. A curse will activate when the soul flames possess a statue. Staggering Gi Nattack will undo the curse. Doom will inflict instant death after a certain amount of time.

Found inside Cave of the Gi

You will fight Gi Nattak at the end of Cave of the Gi in the Cosmo Canyon region near the end of Chapter 10.

Recommended Party Roles

Fixed Party Setup
FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Red XIII ・Charge Vengeance for more healing options
・Punish the boss with Sidewinder, Crescent Claw, or Stardust Ray once staggered.
FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret ・Mostly focus on taking damage and healing
・Activate Lifesaver to tank damage and increase HP
・Can use Maximum Fury or Focused Shot once the boss is staggered for maximum damage

Gi Nattak Boss Fight Tips

  • Focus on defeating all the Soul Flames as soon as they are summoned.
  • Move out of the way when Gi Nattak is using his HP Drain ability.

How to Beat Gi Nattak

Chapter 10 Map and Obtainable Items


List of Maps
Cosmo Canyon Full Map mode:scaleCosmo Canyon Cave of the Gi (Part 1) Cave of the Gi (Part 2)
Cave of the Gi (Part 3) Village of the Gi -

Obtainable Items

Cliif of Observation - Lower Level
Moogle Medals x5 5,000 Gil Crystal Megaphone
- -
Chamber of Deception
Hi-Ether x1 Revival Earring Mega Potion x1
Celestial Bangle - -
Chamber of Folly
Timeworn Talisman Gi Warrior's Charm
Magic MateriaHealing
Mystic Collar - -
Chamber of Observance
Magic MateriaFortification
Cosmotite Ore -
Chamber of Sacrifice
Giga Potion x2 Ether x1
Magic MateriaEmpowerment
Calamitous Bazooka Gold Needle x3 2,600 Gil
Village of Gi
Ceremonial Staff - -

This list does not include the items that you get from destroying the wooden crates.

Materia List and How to Get All Materia

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Banner
Story Walkthrough

All Story Chapters
Chapter 1 Fall of a Hero
Chapter 2 A New Journey Begins
Chapter 3 Deeper into Darkness
Chapter 4 Dawn of a New Era
Chapter 5 Blood in the Water
Chapter 6 Fool's Paradise
Chapter 7 Those Left Behind
Chapter 8 All That Glitters
Chapter 9 The Planet Stirs
Chapter 10 Watcher of the Vale
Chapter 11 The Long Shadow of Shinra
Chapter 12 A Golden Key
Chapter 13 Where Angels Fear to Tread
Chapter 14 End of the World
How Long to Beat? Game Length
Post-Game Content and How to Get 100% Clear


2 Anonymous12 months

You forgot about the Mystic Collar weapon for Red XIII. It's in the Chamber where you give the relics to Bugenhagen. Climb the same wall you get the Healing Materia, and head towards the Ruby Statue.

1 Anonymous12 months

You forgot about the Mystic Collar weapon for Red XIII. It's in the Chamber w


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