FF7 Rebirth

Mandrake Weaknesses and How to Beat on Hard Mode

Mandrake is a Biological World Intel Enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to beat Mandrakes on Hard Mode, how to perfect Mandrake's quest requirements, how to pressure and stagger Mandrake, as well as its weaknesses, resistances, immunities, drops, and possible locations.

Mandrake Overview

Mandrake Basic Information

76. Mandrake
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Mandrake
A rare mandragora variant that grew nearby a lifespring. Extremely timid, it will panic at even the slightest tremor.
Areas Species Movement
Grasslands Biological Grounded

Mandrake Weaknesses and Resistances

Normal: FF7 Rebirth - FireFF7 Rebirth - Ice

Staggered: FF7 Rebirth - FireFF7 Rebirth - Ice
Lesser: -

Greater: -

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Mandrake Droppable Items

Drops Common: Pearl Ginger Root
Rare: Marjoram
Ability Yield Steal: Sage
Morph: Marjoram

Drops Telluric Scriptures Volume VII on Hard Mode

The Mandrakes that you encounter during the Flowers from the Hill sidequest will drop Telluric Scriptures Vol. VII when played on Hard Mode.

Flowers from the Hill Walkthrough

Mandrake Locations

Primary Region
Map Location World Location
Mandrake Mandrake
The Mandrake can be located on the West side of Oliver's Ranch in the Grasslands Region

Mandrake Abilities

Abilities ・Billhook
・Delay Dance
・Quick Nap

How to Beat Mandrakes on Hard Mode

Use Aerith's Lustrous Shield

FF7 Rebirth Hard Mode Mandrakes Flowers from the Hill.png

In the Flowers from the Hill Side Quest, Mandrakes will instead fill the place of Mandragoras on Hard Mode. They will spray projectiles and wipe out your party in seconds, but following the steps below will help you clear the field without much trouble.

  1. Set Aerith as the Party Leader.
  2. Equip Magnify+Fire, ATB Boost, and First Strike Materia, and the Chocoking's Cape.
  3. You'll start the battle with 2 full ATB gauges. Back up a bit behind the rock to the left and use Lustrous Shield (obtained via Wizard's Rod) in the direction of the Mandrakes to protect yourself from their projectiles.
  4. Use ATB Boost for a free extra ATB gauge.
  5. Use Arcane Ward (obtained via Guard Stick) to doublecast all spells.
  6. Cast Fira on the Mandrakes who are closest to you to avoid them from getting around your shield. Have your other party members finish them off.
  7. Use Spellbound Blast to charge ATB, then repeat from step 6. When you get your Limit Break, use Healing Wind to keep the party alive.

Flowers from the Hill Walkthrough

Mandrake Fiend Intel & How to Beat

Wailing Weed Mission Information

FF7 Rebirth - Keepers of the Burrow Map

Mandrakes are the World Intel Enemy found in the Wailing Weed Combat Assignment. Players must first complete Complete Activation Intel 3: Batteryhill Tower during Chapter 2.

Battle Conditions
CheckmarkPrevent enemies from using Quick Nap

CheckmarkStagger an enemy

CheckmarkDefeat all enemies within the time limit.

Wailing Weed Combat Assignment Guide

How to Prevent enemies from using Quick Nap

FF7 Rebirth - Triple Slash
Mandrakes can cast Quick Naps really quickly and your only way to prevent it is to save the ATB Gauge and use Abilities before they can use the move. Use a quick Ability like Cloud's Triple Slash or Firebolt Blade to cancel their move.

Pressure Mandrakes by Using Fire or Ice Magic with Magnify

FF7 Rebirth - Fire Materia

How to Pressure Mandrake
Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it. Inflicting enough damage will cause it to nap, but hitting it with powerful offensive abilities will wake it up again.

Pressure Mandrake by casting fire or ice spells, so you will need to equip a Fire and Ice Materia to cast spells that are strong against these enemies.

Equipping the Magnify materia will cause your spells to hit multiple targets so equip this materia to damage all enemies.

Casting Fire and Ice spells will pressure the enemy easily. Make sure to avoid using a character with high magic stat like Aerith as Mandrakes have low HP and they can be easily killed without being staggered.

How to Pressure and Stagger Enemies

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