FF7 Rebirth Walkthrough Comments

How to Win the Queen's Blood TournamentComment

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    3 Derpy10 monthsReport

    Regina has plenty of push power to go with her massive enhancements. Good luck

    2 Anonymous@Game811 monthsReport

    Hi! If you are missing cards for the Queen's Blood Tournament, you can approach the vendor on the left where you first registered. If you are also missing Chocobo & Moogle, it is okay to use cards such as Mandragora to have more of a push-oriented playstyle rather than buffing. If you have any more concerns, please reply to this thread so we can provide more options!

    1 deadmall_11 monthsReport

    i ignored queens blood all the way up until this so i have next to non of the recommended cards... i really wish i knew that going into junon was a point of no return so i couldve practiced more and got better cards.

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