Xenoblade Chronicles 3

How to Get Great Feris Horn Pair and Uses

Great Feris Horn Pair is a type of Collectible you can find in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Continue reading to learn about the value and uses for Great Feris Horn Pair, as well as its location in Aionios!

Great Feris Horn Pair Basic Info

Great Feris Horn Pair
Value 50G

Great Feris Horn Pair Location and How to Get

Dropped by These Monsters

Unique Monsters

Unique Monster Map Location

Doomfang Caum (Lv. 50)

Fornis Region
Rae-Bel Tableland, Pinasa Highland

All Unique Monster Locations

Normal Monsters

Monster Region and Location
Robnos FerisRobnos Feris Fornis Region
Rae-Bel Tableland
Roams the areas between Seilas Terrace and the Elsayer Cape.
Land FerisLand Feris Fornis Region
Rae-Bel Tableland
Roams the areas between Dumas' Jaw and the Pinasa Highland.

How to Use Great Feris Horn Pair

Used in Gem Crafting

Gem Name Required Materials
Steady Striker VSteady Striker V Pure Gemstonex1
Ether Cylinderx2
Circular Velites Blade(Rare) x2
Avis Sphere(Rare) x2
Great Feris Horn Pair(Rare) x2
Fire Pepper(Common) x1
Doublestrike IIIDoublestrike III Gemstonex1
Great Feris Horn Pair(Rare) x1
Compressed Ansel Meat(Common) x1
Taos Wingtip(Common) x1
Mallow-o'-the-Marsh(Common) x1
Ether Cylinderx1
Ultimate Counter IIIUltimate Counter III Ether Cylinderx1
Great Feris Horn Pair(Common) x1
Arachno Thread(Common) x1
Fossil Monkey Fossil(Common) x1
Steel Urchon Scale(Rare) x1
Swelling Scourge VISwelling Scourge VI Pure Gemstonex1
Garaffa Tenderloin(Legendary) x2
Powdered Skwaror Leaves(Rare) x2
Great Feris Horn Pair(Common) x2
Blue Sorghum(Common) x1
Ether Cylinderx2
Steelcleaver XSteelcleaver X Ultra Pure Gemstonex5
Great Feris Horn Pair(Legendary) x30
Zapneedle Marrin Carapace(Legendary) x30
Thick Rhinon Tail(Rare) x30
Ether Cylinderx3
Royal Ardun Horn(Legendary) x30
Ulula Metal Fist(Common) x30

Used For Cooking

We are currently gathering more information regarding this item.

Used In Quests

We are currently gathering more information regarding this item.

Xenoblade Chronicles Related Guides

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Xenoblade 3 All Key ItemsAll Key Items Xenoblade 3 List of CollectiblesList of Collectibles


2 Anonymous2 months

I would disagree. With a burst team and the crumblecrunch block bar active, I was getting the great ferris horn (of the legendary variety) at LEAST once every burst.

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

To farm Great Feris Horn Pair. DO NOT FARM IT FROM Doomfang Caum. They rarely ever drop they're far more common Drops from Wicked Wolf Aranqui. There is some areas in the game you cannot reach until you get toward the last area in the game. An event / cutscene happens, within Chapter 7. This is one of those unreachable monsters until a certain point in the game. Your better off farming this material from Wicked Wolf Aranqui in Chapter 7. Trust me.


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