
How to Get Wooden Chest

Wooden Chest is a Storage technology in Palworld. Read on to learn more about the Wooden Chest, how to get it, the number of item slots, and more!

Wooden Chest Overview

Basic Information

Wooden Chest Item Overview
Palworld - Wooden Chest Icon Wooden Chest
Category Storage
Storage Slots 10
Description Used to store items. Place at a base and Pals with Transporting suitability will automatically carry items to it.

Chest Settings Added

Palworld - Chest Items

After the update, you can now designate what items your Transport Pals can place inside storage chests in your base.

You can use this feature to organize all of the items that your base Pals can move from a production structure or workbench to a certain chest. instead of them moving random items to the nearest chest.

For example, you can designate your Pals to only move stones or food in one chest, and they won't place any other items inside said chest.

How to Get Wooden Chest

Crafting Materials and Requirements

Item Materials
Palworld - Wooden Chest Icon Wooden Chest
Wood ImageWood x15
Required Level Lv. 2
Technology Points 1

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