FF7 Rebirth

All Corel Phenomenon Intel (Corel Protorelics)

FF7 Rebirth - Corel Protorelic Location

Corel Phenomenon Intel is a series of side quests that involves playing the Cactuar Crush minigame to unlock the Corel Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to complete the Phenomenon Intel in Corel, their locations, rewards, and how to unlock Phenomenon Intel 3 and 4.

Corel Phenomenon Intel 1

Phenomenon Intel 1: Modular Reactor 1

Steps to Complete Intel
Head to the location on the map.
Use the Cactuar Statue by holding it up to locate the Cactuar Rock.
3 When you find the Cactuar Rock, hold up the Cactuar Statue in front of it to initate a battle.
4 After the battle, examine the Cactuar Rock, then return to starting point and go through the door.
5 FF7 Rebirth - Cactuar Crush Minigame
Clear the Cactuar Crush Minigame by reaching at least 1,000 points.
Video of how to clear the first Cactuar Crush Minigame

Cactuar Crush Minigame Guide

Corel Phenomenon Intel 2

Phenomenon Intel 2: Modular Reactor 2

Steps to Complete Intel
Head to the location on the map.
Use the Cactuar Statue by holding it up to locate the Cactuar Rock.
3 Climb the nearby wall to reach the Cactuar Rock. Hold up the Cactuar Statue in front of it to initate a battle.
4 After the battle, examine the Cactuar Rock, then return to starting point and go through the door.
5 FF7 Rebirth - Cactuar Crush Minigame
Clear the Cactuar Crush Minigame by reaching at least 1,000 points.
Video of how to clear the second Cactuar Crush Minigame

Cactuar Crush Minigame Guide

Corel Phenomenon Intel 3

Phenomenon Intel 3: Modular Reactor 3

Steps to Complete Intel
1 To unlock this Phenomenon Intel, you must first complete Chapter 12 and the previous two Phenomenon Intels. Afterwards, go to the location marked on the map to get to the Cactuar Statue.
2 Fast travel to the Scrapyard Prison Cell and go east from there to get to a huge cave where the Cactuar Rock is.
3 FF7 Rebirth - Corel Protorelic 3 Yellow LedgesGo inside the cave and go down the yellow ledges. From there, you will see another set of ledges that you must climb in order to get to where the Cactuar Rock is.
4 FF7 Rebirth - Corel Protorelic 3 Cactuar RockGo down from the top and raise the cactuar statue before the Cactuar Rock III. A battle with Gigantuar will ensue. After the battle interact again with the Cactuar Rock to unlock the door of the statue in the location of the Phenomenon Intel.
5 Go back to the Phenomenon Intel and clear the Cactuar Crush Minigame with Yuffie by reaching at least 4000 points.

Cactuar Crush Minigame Guide and Rewards

Corel Phenomenon Intel 4

Phenomenon Intel 4: Modular Reactor 4

Steps to Complete Intel
1 To unlock this Phenomenon Intel, you must first complete Chapter 12 and the previous three Phenomenon Intels. Afterwards, go to the location marked on the map to get to the Cactuar Satue. This is to the northeast of Ravine Tower.
2 Go towards the east of the Phenomenon Intel, at the edge of the map.
3 FF7 Rebirth - Corel Protorelic 4 Yellow Ledges AgainAfter arriving, climb the yellow-painted ledges to go to the top.
4 FF7 Rebirth - Corel Protorelic 4 Grappling HookOnce you reach the top, continue further and then use the Grappling Hook with the L2 button to get to the other side where the Cactuar Statue is.
5 FF7 Rebirth - Cactuar Rock IVRaise the cactuar statue before Cactuar Rock IV. A battle with Gargantuar will ensue. After the battle interact again with the Cactuar Rock to unlock the door of the statue in the location of the Phenomenon Intel.
6 Go back to the Phenomenon Intel and clear the Cactuar Crush Minigame with Aerith by reaching at least 2000 points.
7 After completing Cactuar Crush, you will have to fight Kid G. After completing this battle, you will unlock Cactuar Crush's Hard Mode and get the Kid G's Protorelic.

Cactuar Crush Minigame Guide and Rewards

How to Unlock Phenomenon Intel 3 and 4

Complete Chapter 12 - A Golden Key

Chapter 12 Summary

To unlock Corel's Phenomenon Intel 3 and 4, you must first complete Phenomenon Intel 1 and 2 of Corel, as well as Chapter 12 of the main story.

Chapter 12: A Golden Key Walkthrough

Corel Protorelic Rewards

Obtain Kid G's Protorelic and Trophy

FF7 Rebirth - Corel Protorelic

Cactuar Crusher TrophyBronze Cactuar Crusher
Obtain a protorelic in the Corel region.

Obtain Kid G's Protorelic and the trophy, Cactuar Crusher, after completing all the Phenomenon Intel in Corel.

Collect all the protorelics from each region to unlock a Phenomenon Intel that lets you fight and get the Gilgamesh summon.

How to Unlock and Beat Gilgamesh

Unlock Cactuar Crush Hard Mode

FF7 Rebirth - Cactuar Crush Hard Mode

After obtaining the Corel Protorelic, Cactuar Crush's Hard Mode will be unlocked. Stop the Cactuars' spiny onslaught on this new special challenge.

Cactuar Crush Minigame Guide and Rewards

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Protorelic Partial
All Protorelic Locations (Phenomenon Intel)

All Phenomenon Intel Regions

List of All Phenomenon Intel by Region
Grasslands Junon
Corel Gongaga
Cosmo Canyon Nibel
Meridian Ocean

All World Intel Activities

FF7 Rebirth - World Intel

World Intel Guide and Rewards

All Types of World Intel
FF7 Rebirth - TowersTowers FF7 Rebirth - Divine IntelSanctuaries FF7 Rebirth - Fiend IntelFiend Intel
FF7 Rebirth - Classified IntelClassified Intel FF7 Rebirth - LifespringLifesprings FF7 Rebirth - Excavation IntelExcavation
FF7 Rebirth - Moogle IntelMoogle Intel - -


1 Anonymous12 months

my corel protorelics didn't show up. There are 20 points left to complete Chadley's research, but I've already done everything in the Corel region, including the 4 cactuar tests, easy and difficult.


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