FF7 Rebirth

Queen's Blood Best Decks

FF7 Rebirth - Queen
A list showing the best decks for Queen's Blood in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to see a list of all the best Queen's Blood Decks and the best early to mid-game Queen's Blood Decks to use!

List of Contents

Queen's Blood Best Decks

Queen's Blood Best Decks
Chapter 2-5
Chapter 6-10

Chapter 11-14

Chapter 2-5 Chocobo & Moogle Buff Deck


Chapter 2-5 Chocobo & Moogle Buff Decklist
FF7 Rebirth - CactuarCactuar
FF7 Rebirth - Crystalline CrabCrystalline Crab
FF7 Rebirth - IgniliskIgnilisk
FF7 Rebirth - ScrutineyeScrutineye
FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo & MoogleChocobo & Moogle
FF7 Rebirth - MuMu
FF7 Rebirth - ZemzelettZemzelett
FF7 Rebirth - TitanTitan
FF7 Rebirth - Magic PotMagic Pot

Gameplan and Mulligan

This early-ish iteration of a buff deck uses C&M's (Chocobo & Moogle) ability and buff-stacking as its win condition! The game plan is to push lanes early to set up buffing cards and then finish strong. Hard-mulligan for C&M or Cactuar for your starting hand.


Step Description
1 Play Cactuar at the top-left spot
2 Play Ignilisk next to Cactuar
3 Play Titan in the middle for two-pawn setup

A premium starting combo here is to use Cactuar and Ignilisk at the top lane to stack double buffs on the bottom lane! This lets you take an early top advantage and gives you a Titan follow-up into a Zemzelett middle!


Card Explanation
FF7 Rebirth - QuetzalcoatlQuetzalcoatl ・ Provides Diagonal pawns for pushing lanes
・ Has significant power for a 2-cost
FF7 Rebirth - IfritIfrit ・ Scales along Chocobo & Moogle
・ Better finisher than Magic Pot

To replace your missing cards, use the One for All pre-built deck! It follows the same game plan but is a little weaker on pawn generation. To counteract that, you could also slot a Quetzalcoatl card for diagonal pawns!

If you have Ifrit, replace Magic Pot for a better pairing for Titan's pawn generation!

Chapter 2-5 Midgardsormr Blight Deck


Chapter 2-5 Midgardsormr Blight Decklist
FF7 Rebirth - CrawlerCrawler
FF7 Rebirth - ArchdragonArchdragon
FF7 Rebirth - DeathwheelDeathwheel
FF7 Rebirth - CapparwireCapparwire
FF7 Rebirth - ToxiratToxirat
FF7 Rebirth - ZuZu
FF7 Rebirth - MindflayerMindflayer
FF7 Rebirth - TitanTitan
FF7 Rebirth - MidgardsormrMidgardsormr

Gameplan and Mulligan

This is an early iteration of a blight deck that focuses on Midgardsormr's scaling effects on destroying cards. Hard-mulligan for Capparwire, Crawler, and Midgardsormr for early three-pawn setup. The game plan here is to set up an early backlane advantage then build up 1-2 pawns for Toxirat and Archdragon!

This is more of a patient deck where it requires you to give the opponent initiative while you set up diagonal cards to steal pawn spots!


Step Description
1 Play Capparwire on the bottom-left slot.
2 Play Crawler next to the Capparwire.
3 Play Midgardsormr in the middle slot with three pawns.

For a Midgardsormr setup, you can put Capparwire and Crawler on the bottom lane, then slot in Midgardsormr in the middle. Follow-up with Titan or Zu in the middle for pawn placement.


Card Explanation
FF7 Rebirth - GrenadierGrenadier ・ Consistently removes opponent cards
・ The downside is that this card does not provide pawns
FF7 Rebirth - ElphadunkElphadunk ・ Sets up back row with pawns
・ High power for its cost
FF7 Rebirth - ShivaShiva ・ Uses slots with pawns to spawn units
・Can be used as fodder for Midgardsormr

Mindflayer holds the flexible spot here, where it can be replaced with Grenadiers or other power-house cards that set up back lane pawns such as Emnidunk. Since you will sometimes have open slots with pawns, Shiva can also be slotted in here!

Chapter 6-10 Ifrit Buff Deck


Chapter 6-10 Buff Decklist
FF7 Rebirth - Crystalline CrabCrystalline Crab
FF7 Rebirth - IgniliskIgnilisk
FF7 Rebirth - AmphidexAmphidex
FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo & MoogleChocobo & Moogle
FF7 Rebirth - Haunted HotelHaunted Hotel
FF7 Rebirth - ZemzelettZemzelett
FF7 Rebirth - ShoalopodShoalopod
FF7 Rebirth - TitanTitan
FF7 Rebirth - IfritIfrit
FF7 Rebirth - GriffonGriffon

Gameplan and Mulligan

Moving towards the mid-game, buff decks receive support to emphasize its game plan of flooding boards with buffs. Like the earlier iteration, the game plan is to push lanes early to get your buffs rolling and lock opponents out.

Hard-mulligan for Haunted Hotel or Chocobo & Moogle for early setups!


Step Description
1 Play Haunted Hotel in the middle lane
2 Play Titan in the bottom lane
3 Play Shoalopod in the bottom lane

This combo sets up a total of four buffs and gets a surplus of pawns on the middle and bottom lane for your 1-pawn cards with buffs!


Card Explanation
FF7 Rebirth - J-SquadJ-Squad ・ Fills the board with buffs
・ RNG-based clones
FF7 Rebirth - DioDio ・ Scales with buffs
・ Cross distribution of pawns
・ Counters enemy buff decks

If you want a more high-risk high-reward card, you can opt to replace Zemzelett with the J-Squad. If you need more power in a lane while having a forward pawn to counter enemy buff decks, Dio is a suitable replacement for Ifrit.

Chapter 6-10 Chocobo Jockey Deck


Chapter 6-10 Chocobo Jockey Decklist
FF7 Rebirth - MandragoraMandragora
FF7 Rebirth - Crystalline CrabCrystalline Crab
FF7 Rebirth - SpearhawkSpearhawk
FF7 Rebirth - J-Unit SweeperJ-Unit Sweeper
FF7 Rebirth - QuetzalcoatlQuetzalcoatl
FF7 Rebirth - TitanTitan
FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo JockeyChocobo Jockey
FF7 Rebirth - MalocerosMaloceros
FF7 Rebirth - Mythril GolemMythril Golem
FF7 Rebirth - GriffonGriffon

Gameplan and Mulligan

Easily the most basic yet effective deck you can pilot! The game plan of this deck is to stack huge amounts of power into one lane with Chocobo Jockey or Maloceros for their effects to activate. You only need one lane to succeed, and that should likely win you the duel.

Hard-mulligan for Mandragora, Chocobo Jockey, and Titan to bring out cards that require 2 or more pawns. One Griffon for buffing Maloceros or Chocobo Jockey should be optimal as well.


Step Description
1 Play Mandragora on the top lane
2 Play Titan in the mid lane
3 Play J-Unit Sweeper in the second slot mid-lane

This combo sets up board space for Chocobo Jockey and Maloceros at either the top or bottom lane. You can follow this up by pushing either lane!


Card Explanation
FF7 Rebirth - ThugThug ・ Pushes the bottom lane
・ Provides a backlane pawn
FF7 Rebirth - OgreOgre ・ High Power
・ Puts pawns to the farthest lane

If you need more power in a lane for the game plan, two-cost units such as Thug and Ogre can win you the lane easily with Chocobo Jockey.

Chapter 6-10 Replace Buff Deck


Chapter 6-10 Replace Buff Decklist
FF7 Rebirth - Sandhog PieSandhog Pie
FF7 Rebirth - HeatseekerHeatseeker
FF7 Rebirth - FrightflowerFrightflower
FF7 Rebirth - Tonberry KingTonberry King
FF7 Rebirth - Bahamut ArisenBahamut Arisen
FF7 Rebirth - Insectoid ChimeraInsectoid Chimera
FF7 Rebirth - GigantoadGigantoad
FF7 Rebirth - GrandhornGrandhorn

Gameplan and Mulligan

Introduced in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8, this archetype focuses on destroying your cards to activate their effects. The game plan is to use your destroy fodders to secure lane space and pawns, and then replace them with higher-power units to activate their effects.

Hard-mulligan for Heat Seeker and Grandhorn for consistent lane push. Tonberry King along with Sandhog Pie are also good cards to mulligan for!


Step Description
1 Play Heatseeker in the middle lane
2 Replace Heatseker with Grandhorn

This combo sets up a 2 pawns in the middle and 3 pawns on the bottom, which you can get back to after you set up your sacrifices further in the other lanes!


Card Explanation
FF7 Rebirth - PhoenixPhoenix ・ Diagonal pawns
・ Massive buffs for 2-4 lanes on replacement
FF7 Rebirth - BombBomb ・ Massive Board Wipe
・ Cross pawns

If you want to focus and lean more on the buff angle of this deck, you can replace Bahamut Arisen with Phoenix instead. If you want more destroy fodder, Bomb can help remove both your cards and enemies from the field.

Chapter 11-14 Self-Enfeeble Deck


Chapter 11-14 Self-Enfeeble Decklist
FF7 Rebirth - CapparwireCapparwire
FF7 Rebirth - Desert SahaginDesert Sahagin
FF7 Rebirth - Black BatBlack Bat
FF7 Rebirth - RictusRictus
FF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIRed XIII
FF7 Rebirth - JabberwockJabberwock
FF7 Rebirth - ValronValron
FF7 Rebirth - Shadowblood QueenShadowblood Queen
FF7 Rebirth - Yin & YangYin & Yang
FF7 Rebirth - YuffieYuffie
FF7 Rebirth - Gi NattakGi Nattak

Gameplan and Mulligan

Starting at Chapter 11, support cards have made self-enfeeble quite competitive. The game plan is to activate your enfeeble effects by purposely weakening your cards but not destroying them!

Hard-mulligan for Desert Sahagin and Red XIII for a three-pawn set up in the middle. Rictus and Black Bat are also good in the starting hand!


Step Description
1 Play Desert Sahagin on the top-left corner
2 Play Red XIII on the bottom-left corner

This combo sets up possible enfeeble angles and sets up Shadowblood Queen for placement while you push pawns!


Card Explanation
FF7 Rebirth - AlexanderAlexander ・ Scales with the amount of enfeebled allies
・ Cross pawn placement
FF7 Rebirth - ChimeraChimera ・ Scales with the amount of enfeebled enemies
・ Forward push

If you do not have Shadowblood Queen yet, opt to use Alexander instead for a scaling card. If you are trying to counter specific opponents that use self-enfeebles such as Shadowblood Queen, bring Chimera to scale off their enfeebled units.

Chapter 11-14 Tifa Jockey Deck


Chapter 11-14 Tifa Jockey Decklist
FF7 Rebirth - CidCid
FF7 Rebirth - Crystalline CrabCrystalline Crab
FF7 Rebirth - SpearhawkSpearhawk
FF7 Rebirth - Twin BrainTwin Brain
FF7 Rebirth - TifaTifa
FF7 Rebirth - DisgorgonDisgorgon
FF7 Rebirth - TitanTitan
FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo JockeyChocobo Jockey
FF7 Rebirth - MalocerosMaloceros
FF7 Rebirth - GriffonGriffon
FF7 Rebirth - Gi NattakGi Nattak
FF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIRed XIII

Gameplan and Mulligan

While Chocobo Jockey is absurdly strong, it receives further support through Tifa and Cid with their abilities to set up two-pawn lanes. The game plan of this deck remains the same of dominating a lane to get 5-10 additional total points but is made better with newer cards.

Hard-mulligan for Tifa and Disgorgon for early two-pawn setups. Titan and Cid are also good starters, but having either Maloceros or Chocobo Jockey is key to the game plan!


Step Description
1 Play Tifa on the top-left corner
2 Play Red XIII on the bottom-left corner

This combo settles your two cost cards such as Titan and Chocobo Jockey ahead to pressure two lanes with bonuses at once.


Card Explanation
FF7 Rebirth - Insectoid ChimeraInsectoid Chimera ・ Retakes stolen pawns on push
・ Safety measure
FF7 Rebirth - Mythril GolemMythril Golem ・ Commonly wins lanes due to power output
・ Walls opponent's push attempt

Since some of your key cards can lack push power or if you do not have Gi Nattak, having Insectoid Chimera to replace cards for pawn placement is handy. If you desire to guarantee a lane, slamming down Mythril Golem is sure to do that.

Chapter 11-14 Bahamut Destroy Deck


Chapter 11-14 Bahamut Destroy Decklist
FF7 Rebirth - ArchdragonArchdragon
FF7 Rebirth - Death ClawDeath Claw
FF7 Rebirth - CidCid
FF7 Rebirth - ToxiratToxirat
FF7 Rebirth - DisgorgonDisgorgon
FF7 Rebirth - TitanTitan
FF7 Rebirth - Anuran SuppressorAnuran Suppressor
FF7 Rebirth - BahamutBahamut
FF7 Rebirth - DyneDyne
FF7 Rebirth - Gi SpecterGi Specter
FF7 Rebirth - YuffieYuffie

Gameplan and Mulligan

Destroy decks make an impactful return with late-game cards such as Bahamut and Dyne supporting its game plan of removing enemy cards from the board and threatening to take all of the opponent's board space.

Hard-mulligan for Cid and Disgorgon for early 2-pawn setup into the bottom and top lane. Having Deathclaw, Anuran Suppressor, or Titan gives you options after this combo.


Step Description
1 Play Cid on the bottom-left corner
2 Play The Tiny Bronco at the top left corner
3 Play Disgorgon next to The Tiny Bronco

This combo sets up mid with two pawns along with three pawns in the bottom for Dyne or Bahamut. The middle set-up is safe from steals if you have Gi Specter and replace Disgorgon.


Card Explanation
FF7 Rebirth - Great MalboroGreat Malboro ・ Can wipe a column full of enemies
・ Gives pawns to the column in front of it
FF7 Rebirth - SephirothSephiroth ・ Guarantee kills opponents above and below it
・ Cross pawn placement

If you do not have Bahamut or Dyne, Great Malboro and Sephiroth are options that lack range but guarantee their affected zones with the amount of damage they inflict.

Chapter 11-14 Yuffie Bomb Deck


Chapter 11-14 Yuffie Bomb Decklist
FF7 Rebirth - Sandhog PieSandhog Pie
FF7 Rebirth - HeatseekerHeatseeker
FF7 Rebirth - VincentVincent
FF7 Rebirth - BombBomb
FF7 Rebirth - Bahamut ArisenBahamut Arisen
FF7 Rebirth - Insectoid ChimeraInsectoid Chimera
FF7 Rebirth - GigantoadGigantoad
FF7 Rebirth - GrandhornGrandhorn
FF7 Rebirth - YuffieYuffie
FF7 Rebirth - Gi NattakGi Nattak

Gameplan and Mulligan

The game plan of this deck is to take advantage of a replace deck's ability to power push mid-lane using fodder cards. This strategy is to set up a Bomb deep in the board and then use Yuffie to board-wipe and clear space for Bahamut Arisen's Elementals!

Hard-mulligan for Vincent and Heatseeker for early mid-push while getting pawns for the top and bottom lane. Having Yuffie and a Bomb will also ensure the combo, but consider getting replace cards for contesting mid!


Step Description
1 Play Vincent in the middle
2 Play Heatseeker next to Vincent
3 Replace Heatseeker with any card

This combo sets up mid with two pawns middle and an additional one-cost card in your hand. The middle setup is meant for the Bomb and Yuffie combo, so keep contesting with your replace cards.

The moment the board space is free, replace Vincent in the middle then play Bahamut Arisen to get Elementals.


Card Explanation
FF7 Rebirth - Bahba VelamyuBahba Velamyu ・ Strong discard fodder
・ Enfeebles a column of enemies
FF7 Rebirth - Diabolic VariantDiabolic Variant ・ Can destroy Elementals without taking space
・ A suitable replace card

If you want to add a different replace fodder, you can replace Sandhog Pig with Bahba Velamyu for a more aggressive approach. If you would prefer a high-risk/high-reward card, opt to change one of the replaced cards with Diabolic Variant.

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

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Queen's Blood Card Locations and Guide

All Queen's Blood Guides

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Best Cards Tier List Best Decks Tier List
Card Carnival How to Win the Queen's Blood Tournament
How to Beat and Get to the Shadowblood Queen All Queen's Blood Players and Rewards
All Gold Saucer Queen’s Blood Challenges -


7 Anonymous11 months

Your Tifa Jockey deck mentions Red but he isn't in the deck list, you might wanna fix that one way or the other

6 Anonymous12 months

Chapter 6-10 Replace Buff Deck Shows wrong images for names like gigantoad and frightflower. Which is it? Tifa Chocojockey deck also lists 16 cards total. Is counting too hard?


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