FF7 Rebirth Walkthrough Comments

Queen's Blood Best DecksComment

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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    7 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Your Tifa Jockey deck mentions Red but he isn't in the deck list, you might wanna fix that one way or the other

    6 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Chapter 6-10 Replace Buff Deck Shows wrong images for names like gigantoad and frightflower. Which is it? Tifa Chocojockey deck also lists 16 cards total. Is counting too hard?

    5 Anonymous@Game810 monthsReport

    Hi, good day! Our apologies for missing that typo. The mistakes have been fixed with the proper labels and cards. Thank you for understanding and pointing out our mistake!

    4 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    this whole guide is a hot mess lmao 2 titan? the guide is completely scuffed

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    it looks good now, but it changed since I left my comment.

    2 Anonymous@Game810 monthsReport

    Hi! I've counted all the decks on the page and I believe they all have 15. Could I ask which one you found that had 16 cards?

    1 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    All of these decks have 16 cards. Allowance is 15…

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