FF7 Rebirth

Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Guide and Rewards

FF7 Rebirth - Cactuar Crush Top Banner

Cactuar Crush is a minigame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth) that can be unlocked in Chapter 9. Read on for tips and strategies on Yuffie and Aerith's Cactuar Crushes, guides on Hard Mode, how to unlock the minigame, how to play it, and its rewards.

Yuffie's 1st Cactuar Crush Tips

Yuffie Tips

Equip the Speed Demon Keychain

FF7 Rebirth - Speed Demon Keychain

With Speed Demon Keychain FF7 Rebirth - ATB Boosted with Speed Demon Keychain - Cactuar Crush Minigame
Without Speed Demon Keychain FF7 Rebirth - ATB without Speed Demon Keychain - Cactuar Crush Minigame

The Speed Demon Keychain replenishes the ATB gauge whenever the character equipped uses a weapon ability. This will be crucial for letting Yuffie use her ATB skills more frequently and get a higher score.

How to Get Speed Demon Keychain

Use Doppelganger for More Points

Using Doppelganger allows Yuffie to create a clone of herself and do the same actions that she does. The copy deals about half the damage that the real Yuffie does, but is still a boost in damage if the two of them target the same Cactuar.

Get Bird of Prey in Gongaga

Map Location
World Location

To unlock the Doppelganger skill, she must have the Bird of Prey weapon equipped. This can be found inside a treasure chest in Gongaga Inn of Gongaga Village. Players will actually enter said house during the main story, so make sure to pay close attention for the treasure chest.

Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs Walkthrough

Use Basic Attacks vs Gladiataur

FF7 Rebirth - Gladiataur - Cactuar Crush

The basic Cactuars called Gladiataurs are weak to physical attacks. They can be taken down easily with just pressing the Square button to attack.

Attack Magitaur with Ninjutsu

FF7 Rebirth - Magitaur - Cactuar Crush
Magitaur can only receive damage from magic attacks, which is the opposite of the Gladiataur. For Yuffie, her Ninjutsu counts as magic attacks, and throwing her shuriken by pressing Triangle will also damage them.

Crowd Control Enemies with Windstorm

The various Cactuar will spread in different directions during the minigame, so have them stay in one place using Windstorm.

This skill is treated as a Ninjutsu, so this is also very effective against the Magitaur.

Aerith's 1st Cactuar Crush Tips

Aerith Tips

Put Abilities on Shortcuts

FF7 Rebirth - Aerith
To make casting spells easier, set a shortcut to activate them without opening the menu mid-battle. For Aerith's Cactuar Crush runs, it is highly recommended to have Sorcerous Storm, Transcendance and Ray of Judgment as your main spells.

Use Luminous Ward and Shadow Ward Depending on the Enemy

FF7 Rebirth - Luminous Ward and Shadow Ward - Cactuar Crush
There is an enemy in Aerith's Cactuar Crush called the Cacneo that can use a skill called Affinity Switch, switching between Lumi Cacneo and Dark Cacneo. In Hard Mode, the Gigantuars can also use Affinity Switch.

Depending on what their affinity use, make sure to use Luminous Ward (L2) and Shadow Ward (R2).

Use Chrono Aegis to Block

A lot of the Cactuars' damage are dealt from range with projectiles, thus have Chrono Aegis ready to protect yourself.

This stops the Gigantuars from getting too close for its Body Slam attack, and is one way to bypass Aerith's slower normal attacks as it also damages any enemy that comes into contact with the barrier.

Fire Sorcerous Storm When Enemies are Close

While a lot of Cactuar surround you, use Sorcerous Storm to deal massive AoE damage against the Cactuars. This is especially strong against the Magituars, who are very weak to all magic damage.

Yuffie's 2nd Cactuar Crush Tips

Yuffie Tips

Take Advantage of Doppelganger

Similar to the first Cactuar Rush involving Yuffie, the Doppelganger ability is useful for increasing your overall attacks during the minigame. Once your first ATB gauge fills up, use Doppelganger to reinforce your offensive output.

Switch From Physical to Magical

It is recommended that Yuffie switch to both her basic attacks and elemental ninjutsu in order to exploit the weaknesses of both the Gladiatuars and Magituars.

Use Banishment Against Giant Cactuars

Banishment can also be used against the the Gigantuars. Try building up your ATB gauge to fully utilize the effects of Banishment, then use it when the Gigantuar is staggered for maximum damage.

Aerith's 2nd Cactuar Crush Tips

Aerith Tips

Employ Tactics From Aerith's First Cactuar Crush

Similar to the first Cactuar Crush involving Aerith, use the tactics you've employed and take advantage of her abilities such as Chrono Aegis, Luminous Ward and Shadow Ward.

Use Physical Attacks to Destroy Manaward

Some Cactuars will activate Manaward to nullify all magic attacks directed towards them. Use physical attacks to dispel the Manaward, and come back to using magical attacks.

1st Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Strategy

First Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Strategies

Equip Speed Up and First Strike Materia

Materia Effects
Complete MateriaSpeed Up Increases speed
Complete MateriaFirst Strike ATB increase at start of battle

It is recommended that you equip both the Speed Up and First Strike Materia to help you charge your ATB gauge faster. Take advantage of the battle duration, and activate several abilities by quickly restoring your ATB gauges.

Use Doppelganger for Increased Damage

Similar to the earlier strategies you've employed using Yuffie, it is recommended that you use Doppelganger in battle to increase the damage output of your attacks and the overall effect of your spells. Be sure to activate Doppelganger again once the current clone disappears.

Use Windstorm to Attract Enemies

You should also use Windstorm to attract bundles of enemies toward you and dispose of them all at once. Whirlwind is also recommended to get rid of enemies swarming you during battle.

Use Ninjutsu to Exploit Weakness

Gladiatuars and Magituars often appear at the same time during Hard Mode. The Cactuars will be targetting your weapon at some point, so it should ideal to use Elemental Ninjutsu against them to decrease their numbers in battle.

Use Banishment Against Gigantuars

Banishment is a great offensive ability to use when Gigantuars are staggered in battle. Do note that Banishment is much more potent when it's used to its maximum level, so be sure to charge up your ATB and deal Banishment III to unsuspecting enemies.

2nd Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Strategy

Second Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Strategies

Use Chrono Aegis to Block and Damage Cactuars

Similar to how you've handled previous rounds using Aerith, it is recommended that you use Chrono Aegis to defend yourself from enemy attacks while also damaging foes who come into contact with your conjured barrier.

Use Transcendence Against Gigantuars

It is recommended that you use Transcendence against Gigantuars, given that the ability deals significant amounts of damage to these enemies. Charge up your ATB gauges and use Transcendence as soon as Gigantuars enter the battlefield.

3rd Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Strategy

Third Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Strategies

Employ Strategies From First Cactuar Crush Hard Mode

Use the strategies you've previously used from the first Cactuar Crush in Hard Mode difficulty to last through the battle. Use Windstorm to round up enemies and dispose them, and activate your Elemental Ninjutsu to deal with Magical Gigantuars in battle.

Dodge Enemy Attacks to Avoid Losing Points

In Hard Mode difficulty, your score will be deducted if you get hit by enemy attacks. Be sure to stay alert and survey the battlefield in order to know where to dodge and avoid getting hit by Cactuar bombs.

4th Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Strategy

Fourth Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Strategies

Employ Strategies From First Cactuar Crush Hard Mode

Repeat the strategies from the second Cactuar Crush in Hard Mode difficulty to help you reach the end of the round. Activate Chrono Aegis for optimizing both offense and defense, and unleash Transcendence against staggered Gigantuars for maximum damage.

Avoid Enemy Attacks to Avoid Losing Points

Similar to the third Cactuar Crush in Hard Mode, you will need to dodge enemy attacks to avoid having your score from dropping. Move around the battlefield as much as possible, and learn where it is ideal for you to unleash your attack spells.

How to Play Cactuar Crush

Different Points for Different Cactuar

There is a wide variety of Cactuars to be defeated during Cactuar Crush. Each one has different values, with some having their point values worn on them for easy spotting.

Cactuar Points Rewarded
Giftuar 0 Points
Rewards Time Bonus instead
Darktuar/Lightuar 10 points or 100 points
Gladiatuar 10 points or 100 points
Magituar 10 points or 100 points
Cacneo 100 points
Gold Cactuar 100 points
Gigantuar 100 points
Pugilistic Gigantuar 500 points
Magical Gigantuar 500 points
Gold Gigantuar 500 points

Defeat Giftuar for a Time Bonus

The rainbow-colored Cactuar called Giftaur does not provide points when they are defeated. Instead, they increase the timer by ten seconds when defeated, allowing more time to score points and reach the target score easier.

Dodge Gigantuar's Body Slam

Gigantuar. It is bulkier than the rest of the Cactuar, and has no weaknesses. However, it has an attack called Body Slam that when it misses, they are staggered for a while.

Use this to your advantage and deal as much damage while it is down.

Cactuar Crush Locations

Cactuar Crush Locations

There are four versions of the Cactuar Crush minigame; two for Yuffie, and two for Aerith. All of them can be found in the Corel Region during Chapter 9.

Phenomenon Intel 1: Treasure Protector G

FF7 Rebirth - Phenomenon Intel 1 - Cactuar Crush

The first Cactuar Crush can be found during the first Phenomenon Intel. This features Yuffie as the primary character to use.

Phenomenon Intel 2: Kid G's Trial

FF7 Rebirth - Phenomenon Intel 2 - Cactuar Crush

The second Cactuar Crush features Aerith as the playable character, and can be found while doing Phenomenon Intel 2.

Phenomenon Intel 3: Unfriendly Competition

The third Cactuar Crush uses Yuffie as the playable character, and can be found during Phenomenon Intel 3, southwest of Phenomenon Intel 1.

Phenomenon Intel 4: Bladesman of Legend

The last Cactuar Crush uses Aerith as the main character, and can be found during Phenomenon Intel 4.

Hard Mode

Hard Mode for the Cactuar Crushes are unlocked once all Phenomenon Intel in the Corel region are finished. This can be done around Chapter 12, when Phenomenon Intel 3 and 4 become available.

Chapter 12: A Golden Key Walkthrough

Cactuar Crush Rewards


Treasure Protector G Rewards - Yuffie

Score Rewards
1000 Mist Hi-Potion
1500 ・Mega Potions
2500 Crescent Moon Charm
Hard Mode

Kid G's Rewards - Aerith

Score Rewards
1000 Mixed Hi-Potion
1500 Hi-Ether
2500 ・"Item Master" Materia
Hard Mode

Unfriendly Competition Rewards - Yuffie

Score Rewards
2000 Mist Giga-Potion
3000 Cosmotite Ore
4000 Dark Matter
Hard Mode

Bladesman of Legend Rewards - Aerith

Score Rewards
2000 Dry Ether
3000 Cosmotite Ore
4000 Dark Matter
Hard Mode

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2 Joseph Drogarisabout 1 month

This guide helped! I just wanted to say at the end of the article it it says that Phenomenon Intel 3 & 4 unlock at the end of Chapter 12 but you don't actually receive access until the start of Chapter 13.

1 SuperSpellsabout 1 month

Something I learned while doing the first Yuffie Cactuar Crush that might help some people down the line. Her Windstorm ability is key because it can do both physical and magic damage. If you throw her weapon and use Windstorm, then it does physical damage at the location of her weapon. However, if you don't throw your weapon, and she has it in hand, her Windstorm does magic damage around herself. Big help


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