FF7 Rebirth Walkthrough Comments

Cactuar Crush Hard Mode Guide and RewardsComment

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    2 Joseph Drogarisabout 1 monthReport

    This guide helped! I just wanted to say at the end of the article it it says that Phenomenon Intel 3 & 4 unlock at the end of Chapter 12 but you don't actually receive access until the start of Chapter 13.

    1 SuperSpellsabout 1 monthReport

    Something I learned while doing the first Yuffie Cactuar Crush that might help some people down the line. Her Windstorm ability is key because it can do both physical and magic damage. If you throw her weapon and use Windstorm, then it does physical damage at the location of her weapon. However, if you don't throw your weapon, and she has it in hand, her Windstorm does magic damage around herself. Big help

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