FF7 Rebirth

Chromite Ore Locations and Crafting Recipes

Chromite Ore can be used to craft new items in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). See all locations for Chromite Ore, as well as items you can craft with it!

Chromite Ore Locations

Basic Info

Chromite Ore IconChromite Ore Rarity
Buy Price Sell Price
700 140
A hard, corrosion-resistant precious ore.

Where to Find

Found In:
Grasslands Junon Region Corel Region Gongaga Region
- - - -
Cosmo Canyon Region Nibel Region Meridian Ocean Northwood Region

◯ = Present in Region
◎ = Abundant in Region

Can Be Purchased After Reaching Cosmo Canyon

After finding the Chocobo Ranch in the Cosmo Canyon region, Chromite Ore can be bought from the Track Store for 700 Gil. New Materials are for sale in each new region you reach, so be sure and check their inventory!

Chocobo Locations in All Regions

Dropped By an Enemy

Chromite Ore is obtained in battle from the following enemies:

Dropped From
Screamer Marquis Valron Nidhogg Two Face
Stone Golem Valron Gi Specter Panthera Protector
Kid G Adjudicator Donberry
Stealable From
Nidhogg Two Face Stone Golem Gigaworm
Morph From
Suevite Disgorgon Disgorgon

Chromite Ore Crafting Recipes

Craftable List
Resplendent Bracer ImageResplendent Bracer Healing Carcanet ImageHealing Carcanet CommanderCommander's Bracer

All Crafting Recipes

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Related Guides

Materials Partial

List of All Materials

List of All Craftable Materials

List of All Craftable Materials
Amethyst Ancient Bark Argent King Zu Feather
Ash Wood Astral Remnant Aureate Horn
Baobab Wood Beast Bone Beast Pelt
Beast Talon Burnished Crown Chromite Ore
Condor Cedar Cosmotite Ore Crimsonite Crystal
Dark Matter Divine Heartwood Emerald
Ether Onion Exquisite Beast Hide Exquisite Beast Spine
Gilded Tentacle Gold Dust Gold Talon
Gongaga Pine Great Malboro Tendril Heavy Jabberwock Horn
Iron Ore Jabberwock Horn King Zu Feather
Laurel Lea Titanium Lustrous Feather
Marjoram Mellow Oak Mindflayer Crown
Mist Seeds Moonstone Moss Agate
Mythril Ore Numinous Ashes Oregano
Pearl Ginger Root Pirate Jetsam Planet's Benison
Planet's Blessing Planet's Favor Planet's Mercy
Planet's Spirit Planet's Splendor Quetzalcoatl Talon
Resplendent Robe Ruby Sage
Saint Luche Leaf Sapphire Sinister Quetzalcoatl Talon
Slimy Malboro Tendril Sycamore Wood Timber
Tonberry King's Robe Tonberry King's Wretched Robe Tourmaline
Vile Mindflayer Crown Zinc Ore


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