FF7 Rebirth

Guard Bee Location and Weaknesses

Guard Bee is a Biological Enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to pressure and stagger Guard Bee as well as its weaknesses, resistances, immunities, drops , and possible locations.

Guard Bee Locations

Primary Region
Map Location World Location
Guard Bee Guard Bee
The Guard Bee can be encountered in the My White-Haired Angel side quest.

Guard Bee Overview

Guard Bee Basic Information

160. Guard Bee
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Guard Bee
Insects that mutated due to mako exposure. They travel in swarms, bringing any prey they find back to their nest.
Areas Species Movement
Nibel Region Biological Flyring

Guard Bee Weaknesses and Resistances

Normal: FF7 Rebirth - Fire

Staggered: FF7 Rebirth - Fire
Lesser: -

Greater: -

Staggered: -
Normal: FF7 Rebirth - Poison

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Guard Bee Droppable Items

Drops Common: Exquisite Beast Spine
Rare: Laurel
Ability Yield Steal: Beast Bone
Morph: Laurel

Guard Bee Abilities

Abilities ・Poison Sting

How to Pressure and Stagger Guard Bee

How to Pressure Guard Bee
Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

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