FF7 Rebirth Walkthrough Comments


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    9 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    What an awful TERRIBLE guide. The weapons don't even match their materia slots lmao. SKIP THIS THING.

    8 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    For this you need THREE MAGNIFY MATERIA, but the third one you get on the whole game is by completing this challenge...

    7 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    wait, how am I supposed to have three magnify for this build if I get the third magnify by beating this challenge?!

    6 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    horrible guide

    5 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    This guide isn’t well thought out and the team set up is terrible. I lost at least 10 times getting to the final rounds. I beat it first try using PowerPyx’s guide on this from YouTube. I like Game8, but the FF7 rebirth guides are very lacking.

    4 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    I feel like your strategy for White Terror Round 5 is not well defined. It's better to continually cast Stop on it until staggered, this isn't mentioned at all.

    3 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    I'm sorry but this guide is just terrible, this team is just awful for this challenge

    2 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    what setup did you use I am currently trying to do it with cloud,yuffie, and red

    1 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    I did literally the complete opposite of each stage to beat this, trying it the way they lay it out results in a very fast and painful death

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