FF7 Rebirth

Shiva Summon and How to Get

This is a guide on how to get the Shiva Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to know more information about the Shiva Materia including all methods on how to get Shiva, AP requirement per level, and its effects.

How to Get the Shiva Materia

Starter Materia for Aerith

The Shiva Materia is automatically equipped to Aerith's weapon at the start of the game. Shiva is one of the three starter summons that you have access to in the game together with Ifrit and Chocobo & Moogle.

Shiva Materia Info and Abilities

Basic Information

Shiva Summoning Materia
Allows you to summon ShivaSummon
Effect Allows you to summon Shiva
Summon Size Medium
Req. Atb required atb.png

Shiva Abilities and Ultimate

Ultimate Attack Diamond Dust
Deals a massive amount of ice magic damage.
Ability 1 Heavenly Strike (2 ATB)
Conjure a great glacier and bring it down upon an enemy's head.
Ability 2 Icicle Impact (1 ATB)
Deal damage to nearby enemies.

Shiva Materia Stats

Max HP - Max MP -
Attack - Defense -
Magic Attack - Magic Defense -
Strength - Magic -
Vitality - Spirit -
Speed - Luck -

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