FF7 Rebirth Walkthrough Comments

How to Unlock and Beat GilgameshComment

Showing 1-11 of 11 entries


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    11 jd14 daysReport

    You dun need lv 70 to beat it, i beat it at lv 50 with cloud tifa n aerith on dynamic difficulty. Not need to block or perfect parry or use all the combination of spells as well you just need the right materia and acc, by spamming high limit. Use cloud with enhanced expeditionary medal, steadfast block, have elemental on fire weapon, tifa with again same, with enhanced draconic ring. aerith magnify heal and magic focus heal, hermes shoes. all 3 characters need to have heal, 2 need rivival.

    10 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I don't see it mentioned anywhere that you not only need to obtain the materia, you also need to have them all fully leveled, meaning you have to do all the divine intel for each region.

    9 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    it doesn't it available after you get points in that region. Once you get points you can then purchase it from Charley.

    8 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    You have Phoenix listed as Cloud's summon materia even though the "Summon Materia" in the reason why it's used part lists Bahamut Arisen

    7 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Why does it say to use swiftcast materia when you dont unlock that until after you defeat Gilgamesh???

    6 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    sorry my bad its a craft :)

    5 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Killed him did not get the equipement.. did not drop gloves... WTF

    4 Anonymous@Game812 monthsReport

    Hello, it seems like we've placed the Materias under the wrong column and it has now been fixed. Thank you for your feedback!

    1 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Linking Elemental Materia in the Armor slots does not give Fire attacks, it just reduces/ignores/absorbs fire damage

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