FF7 Rebirth Walkthrough Comments


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    5 Anonymous12 daysReport

    missed a circlet before you fight ironclad a ledge to the left can drop down theres a box with circlet

    4 IxAMxNIGHTMARE9 monthsReport

    Correcting myself! Soon as you finish the trials you will go from controlling child Aerith to Cloud. Before you even move, turn to the west and you will see a locked door. Go through it and the AP Up will be shining at the end of the corridor.

    3 IxAMxNIGHTMARE9 monthsReport

    If there's an AP Up to be found at any part beyond the chapter 13 no return place, it's because the 1st guy who commented here put it there himself. Yuffie would bet all her materia that he spotted the mistake here and is laughing while sending people off on a wild goose chase.

    2 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Where exactly cause I haven't seen it on any guide or video? I think this is an error.

    1 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    AP Up Materia at West area of Shrine of Trials

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