FF7 Rebirth

Odin Sanctuary Locations (Nibel Divine Intel)

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Odin Sanctuaries can be found within the Nibel Region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Check out where to find Nibel Divine Intel locations and the bonuses that they give.

Odin Guides
Boss Guide Sanctuary Locations

Odin Sanctuary Locations (Nibel Divine Intel)

Nibel Divine Intel 1: Odin Sanctuary α

Video Guide
Map Location

Odin Sanctuary Alpha is located just south of the Airstrip Tower. To get to this Sanctuary, and all the other Sanctuaries, you will need to unlock the Nibel Chocobo by capturing it in the Chobo Intel location just southwest of the tower.

Once you can ride the Chocobo, simply head south and you'll find a cave entrance right along the river. When you're inside, you'll just need to Chocojet straight up to the Sanctuary.

Nibel Divine Intel 2: Odin Sanctuary β

Video Guide
Map Location

Odin Sanctuary Beta is located just southwest of the Alpha Sanctuary.

To get to this Sanctuary, head to the location in the video and you'll make a series of Chocojet boosts to get to the area where you can climb up and reach the cave where the Sanctuary is located.

Nibel Divine Intel 3: Odin Sanctuary γ

Video Guide
Map Location

Odin Sanctuary Gamma is found to the west of Nibel Airstrip.

You'll first need to go to the area located in the video where you'll Chocojet into a cave system that will lead you straight towards the Sanctuary.

Odin Sanctuary Bonuses

Enhanced Materia

FF7 Rebirth - Summon Materia Upgrades

2★ Summon Level +1
3★ Summon Level +1
4★ Allfather's Fury learned

Whenever you analyze a Sanctuary belonging to Odin, you will also upgrade their Materia by one level.

At 2 and 3 stars, you will upgrade their summon level by 1. Once you've levelled it up to 4 stars, you will unlock an extra ability that it can use in battle.

List of All Summons

Easier Combat Simulator Fights

FF7 Rebirth - Easier Combat Simulator

By analyzing Odin's Sanctuaries, you will also unlock easier versions of their Combat Simulator fight. If you're having a difficult time beating Odin to unlock their Materia, then go out and analyze their Sanctuaries first to make the fight easier.

How to Beat Odin

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