FF7 Rebirth

All Gongaga Phenomenon Intel (Gongaga Protorelics)

FF7 Rebirth - Gongaga Protorelic Location

Gongaga Phenomenon Intel is a series of side quests that involves fighting in a VR combat simulator to unlock the Gongaga Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn more about the Phenomenon Intel in Gongaga including their locations, rewards, and how to complete them.

Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 1

Phenomenon Intel 1: Training Facility V-B

Steps to Complete Intel
1 First, you'll need to get to the Cliffside Storehouse cache location. Find this road and follow it south until you get there.
From the entrance, turn right until you see a fenced area. Enter this room and take the stairs down to reach the facility.
Approach the button and begin the training exercise. This will initiate a battle that comes in 3 waves.
4 After winning the battle, open the chest in the back of the room which will contain 3 Mist Mega Potions.

Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 2

Phenomenon Intel 2: Training Facility A-D

Steps to Complete Intel
Start from Activation Intel 2 and head directly north. Climb up a slope to your right to find the hole with a rope leading down. Head down and enter the cave below to reach the facility.
2 FF7 Rebirth - Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 2 Start Training Exercise
Approach the button and begin the training exercise. This will initiate a battle that comes in 3 waves.
3 FF7 Rebirth - Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 2 Chest
After winning the battle, open the chest in the back of the room which will contain 2 Hi-Ethers.

Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 3

Phenomenon Intel 3: Training Facility W-T

Steps to Complete Intel
If you already have the Gongaga Port fast travel point unlocked, start from there and head south. Otherwise, follow the sandy path towards Gongaga Port and turn south after reaching the port. Bounce on the mushroom to reach the facility.
2 FF7 Rebirth - Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 3 Start Training Exercise
Approach the button and begin the training exercise. This will initiate a battle that comes in 3 waves.
3 FF7 Rebirth - Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 3 Chest
After winning the battle, open the chest in the back of the room which will contain 1 Eilxir.

Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 4

Phenomenon Intel 4: Training Facility B-T

Steps to Complete Intel
First, you'll need to reach Activation Intel 4 if you haven't yet, which can be difficult to find in itself. Follow the steps shown in the map guide above to find the tower.
From Activation Intel 4, go north into a temple and turn left. Look right to find a door with a Chocobo Chick; follow it into a cavern and it will lead you to a Chocobo Stop. Go north from the Chocobo Stop to find Phenomenon Intel 4.
3 FF7 Rebirth - Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 4 Start Training Exercise
Approach the button and begin the training exercise. This will initiate a battle that comes in 3 waves.
4 FF7 Rebirth - Gongaga Phenomenon Intel 4 Chest
After winning the battle, open the chest in the back of the room which will contain 1 Prayer ★★★ Materia.

Gongaga Protorelic Rewards

Obtain Turks' Protorelic and Trophy

FF7 Rebirth - Gongaga Protorelic

Honorary Turk TrophyBronze Honorary Turk
Obtain a protorelic in the Gongaga region.

Obtain Turks' Protorelic and the trophy, Honorary Turk, after completing all the Phenomenon Intel in Gongaga.

Collect all the protorelics from each region to unlock a Phenomenon Intel that lets you fight and get the Gilgamesh summon.

How to Unlock and Beat Gilgamesh

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Protorelic Partial
All Protorelic Locations (Phenomenon Intel)

All Phenomenon Intel Regions

List of All Phenomenon Intel by Region
Grasslands Junon
Corel Gongaga
Cosmo Canyon Nibel
Meridian Ocean

All World Intel Activities

FF7 Rebirth - World Intel

World Intel Guide and Rewards

All Types of World Intel
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