FF7 Rebirth

Gongaga Excavation Intel 2: Wildgrove Ruins Location and Transmuter Chips

This is a guide on how to reach Gongaga Excavation Intel 2: Wildgrove Ruins in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn the intel location, the transmuter chip locations, rewards, and how to unlock this intel.

Excavation Intel 2: Wildgrove Ruins Location

Excavation Intel 2: Wildgrove Ruins Map Location

Map Location
How to Unlock Complete 6 Gongaga Expedition Intel

Found in the ruins southwest of the region.

Excavation Intel 2: Wildgrove Ruins Transmuter Chips

Transmuter Chips Map Locations

Map Location

Transmuter Chip Rewards


Transmuter Chip: Malboro Orb

・Manifestation of the Planet's Splendor

Transmuter Chip: Immunity Accessories

Transmuter Chip: Armor Upgrades 8

・Enhanced Outlaw Bangle
・Enhanced Crocodile Bracelet

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