FF7 Rebirth

How to Get to Cosmo Canyon Activation Intel 4: Gliding Range Tower

This is a guide on Activation Intel 4: Gliding Range Tower in Cosmo Canyon, its location, how to get to it, and a list of World Intel revealed on the Map after it is activated.

How to Get to Cosmo Canyon Activation Intel 4: Gliding Range Tower

Map Location

Activation Intel 4: Gliding Range Tower

How to Get to and Activate Activation Intel 4: Gliding Range Tower

Climb a ladder, then across and up three yellow ledge walls and activate the terminal.

List of Revealed World Intel

Revealed Intel

Expedition Intel 4: Blustercave Lifespring

Fiend Intel 4: Too Hot to Handle

Moogle Intel: Highlands Moogle

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All Cosmo Canyon Remnawave Towers

All Cosmo Canyon Remnawave Towers
Activation Intel 1: Kamaria's Ranch Tower Activation Intel 2: Crimson Earth Tower Activation Intel 3: Dried Oasis Tower
Activation Intel 4: Gliding Range Tower Activation Intel 5: Spiritwastes Tower Activation Intel 6: Ancient Capital Tower


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