FF7 Rebirth

Chapter 14: End of the World Walkthrough

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A walkthrough for Chapter 14: End of the World in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on for a detailed guide of Chapter 14, including item locations, rewards, bosses, as well as useful tips for completing this chapter!

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Chapter 14: End of the World Walkthrough

Chapter 14 Main Objectives
1 To the Forgotten Capital
Boss Battle: Jenova Lifeclinger
Boss Battle: Sephiroth

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To the Forgotten Capital Walkthrough

Advance through the story beats, and then you will be asked to choose gifts for Aerith. Afterward, you need to select a pose for the camera to complete this section.
Which Gift to Choose for Aerith
Note: It doesn't matter which one you pick as a gift. No matter what you choose, you will actually receive a different gift, so you don't have to worry about Aerith liking one item better than the other.
2 Advance through the forest and defeat the Whispers that you will encounter along the way until the interlude ends.
3 Guided by Fate
After waking up, you will find yourself with the party in the Sleeping Forest. Head up north and follow the group until you reach the Forgotten Capital.
4 Altarbound
Continue moving forward and defeat the Whispers that you will encounter at the entrance.
Beyond the Wall
Stand on the platform at the center of the room. It will act as an elevator, bringing you to the Planet's Sanctuary. Head down the staircase, and you will see a Rest Stop to your left.
Tip: Your entire party will participate in the upcoming boss rush in different stages, be sure that everyone ready to fight before proceeding to the next area.
Follow the path heading east to reach Aerith. As you get closer, the whispers will try to stop you, and you will need to occasionally press L2 and R2 to progress.
After the cutscene, you will fight Jenova Lifeclinger. During this fight, there are multiple phases where you will have to use different party members to defeat Jenova Lifeclinger.
▶︎ How to Beat Jenova Lifeclinger
Phase 1: Cloud and 2 random characters
Phase 2: Tifa and Cait Sith
Phase 3: Barret and Red XIII
Phase 4: Cloud and Yuffie
Phase 5: Cloud and 2 random characters
Immediately after the cutscene, you will be in another boss fight against Sephiroth with Zack and Cloud.
▶︎ How to Beat Sephiroth
After defeating Sephiroth, he will transform into Sephiroth Reborn, initiating another boss fight where you control Cloud in a 1-on-1 battle. Attack his body at the base to make him flinch. This will trigger a sequence where you must climb up to his face and attack him to progress in the fight.
Once you deal enough damage, a party of three of your characters other than Cloud (i.e. Tifa, Barret, Cait Sith) will fight Sephiroth Reborn again.
Tip: Sephiroth summon a Bahamut Arisen Whisper to fight you, and when you deal enough damage, Sephiroth will cover Bahamut with its wings giving you a short window to attack him directly.
Continue to fight Sephiroth Reborn as Zack alone.
Tip: Use Firaga to quickly build up the stagger meter in this section.
Another party of three of your characters other than Cloud (i.e. Yuffie, Red XIII, Barret) will fight Sephiroth Reborn for the last time.
Tip: During this phase, each of its Wings will change color to match a specific element. Attack it with the opposite element to deal with them before focusing the Core.
Red: Attack with Ice
White: Attack with Fire
Blue: Attack with Wind
Green: Attack with Lightning
For the final fight, you will battle against Sephiroth for the last time with Cloud and Aerith. Defeat him to complete the final chapter and watch the final cutscenes.
Tip: When Sephiroth plants the Masamune on the ground, use elemental spells on it to stagger Sephiroth.

Post-Game Content and How to Get 100% Clear

Chapter 14 Boss Strategy Guide

Chapter 14 Bosses Guide
Jenova Lifeclinger Sephiroth

How to Beat Jenova Lifeclinger

Jenova Lifeclinger
Location Chapter Unlocked
Forgotten Capital End of the World
Weaknesses Lesser Resistances
Greater Resistances Immunities
Absorbed Elements When Triggered
Pressure Conditions
Unable to read

Found Inside the Planet's Sanctuary

You will fight Jenova Lifeclinger inside the Planet's Sanctuary after approaching Aerith in Chapter 14.

Jenova Lifeclinger Boss Fight Tips

  • Move Away from the Red Light to Avoid the Laser
  • Hit it with Magic During Sanguinary Flames
  • Use Limit Break While Staggered

How to Beat Jenova Lifeclinger

How to Beat Sephiroth

Sephiroth Reborn
Location Chapter Unlocked
Forgotten Capital End of the World
Weaknesses Lesser Resistances
Greater Resistances Immunities
Absorbed Elements When Triggered
Pressure Conditions
Unable to read

Found Inside the Planet's Sanctuary

You will fight Sephiroth inside the Planet's Sanctuary after defeating Jenova Lifeclinger in Chapter 14.

Sephiroth Boss Fight Tips

  • Avoid Attacks and Go for a Counterattack - 1st Phase
  • Use Limit Break and Abilities Once Staggered - 2nd Phase
  • Defeat Bahamut Arisen Whisper First - 3rd Phase
  • Meteor Shots to Stagger and Chain Slash for Damage - 4th Phase
  • Use Magic According to the Element of the Wings - 5th Phase
  • Stop The End is Nigh Move by Staggering - Final Phase

How to Beat Sephiroth

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Banner
Story Walkthrough

All Story Chapters
Chapter 1 Fall of a Hero
Chapter 2 A New Journey Begins
Chapter 3 Deeper into Darkness
Chapter 4 Dawn of a New Era
Chapter 5 Blood in the Water
Chapter 6 Fool's Paradise
Chapter 7 Those Left Behind
Chapter 8 All That Glitters
Chapter 9 The Planet Stirs
Chapter 10 Watcher of the Vale
Chapter 11 The Long Shadow of Shinra
Chapter 12 A Golden Key
Chapter 13 Where Angels Fear to Tread
Chapter 14 End of the World
How Long to Beat? Game Length
Post-Game Content and How to Get 100% Clear


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