FF7 Rebirth

All Synergy Skills and How to Use

FF7 Rebirth - All Synergy Skills and How to Use

Synergy Skills are a new battle mechanic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth) that provides better teamwork between you and your party members. Read on to find out how to use Synergy Skills and a list of all Synergy Skills!

How to Use Synergy Skills

Hold R1 to Use Synergy Skills

FF7 Rebirth - All Synergy Skills and How to Use - Synergy Skills Menu

To use Synergy Skills in combat, you must first press and hold down the R1 button. Doing so will also have your current character defend against attacks and display all of their available Synergy Skills on the lower left corner of the screen.

This menu will look like command shortcuts in which you need to press R1 and either PS4 - Square Button.png, PS4 - Triangle Button.png, PS4 - Circle Button.png, or PS4 - X Button.png. Press the corresponding buttons to execute the Synergy Skill.

Synergy Skills Do Not Require ATB

FF7 Rebirth - All Synergy Skills and How to Use - Use Synergy Skills Mid-Battle

Unlike most skills, Synergy Skills do not consume ATB charges, which means you can execute them to your heart's content. The only thing that matters to Synergy Skills is your choice of partner. Customization for Synergy Skill commands is also limited.

Specific skills will be tied to certain characters in the game and casting them for the first time improves your relationship with them. Whenever you unlock new Synergy Skills, do not hesitate to execute them!

Synergy Skills and Synergy Abilities are Different

FF7 Rebirth - All Synergy Skills and How to Use - Synergy Skills VS Synergy Abilities

Synergy Skills are not to be confused with Synergy Abilities. Unlike the latter, Synergy Skills can be used freely in the middle of combat without requiring a Synergy Charge and cannot be accessed in the Commands menu.

Available Synergy Skills depend on which characters are in your party. You may find a character's Synergy Skill unavailable to select, and that may be because they either haven't been unlocked yet or the partners for that skill are not in the party.

All Synergy Abilities and How to Use

All Synergy Skills

Active Character
FF7 Rebirth - CloudCloud FF7 Rebirth - TifaTifa FF7 Rebirth - AerithAerith FF7 Rebirth - BarretBarret
FF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIRed XIII FF7 Rebirth - YuffieYuffie FF7 Rebirth - Cait SithCait Sith -

Cloud Synergy Skills

Ranged Blade

FF7 Rebirth - Barret Bullet Batter (Physical)

FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Howling Smash (Magical)
Description Perform a ranged attack with your partner. Activate in sequence to trigger a three-hit combo. Can use while airborne.

Melee Blade

FF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith Power Cleave (Physical)

FF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Spell Blade (Magical)
Description Hold the button to gather strength, then team up with your partner to unleash a charged attack.


FF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIFF7 Rebirth - YuffieFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Team up with your partner in time with an enemy's ranged attack to unleash a counterstrike. Requires precise blocking of an enemy's projectile.

Cloud Best Builds and Weapons

Tifa Synergy Skills

Leaping Strikes

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - Red XIII
Soaring Flurry (Ranged)

FF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - YuffieFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Heavenly Ascent (Launch)
Description Team up with a partner to perform a jumping attack. Either be launched toward an enemy or upwards for an aerial combo depending on your partner.

Slip and Slide

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - YuffieFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Team up with your partner to dodge and deliver a counterstrike. Dodge at the right time to perform a follow-up attack.


FF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - Red XIII
Description Ask your partner to defend you while you move about the field. Renders your partner immobile for a short time.

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons

Aerith Synergy Skills

Spellbound Blast

FF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - YuffieFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Hold the button to gather strength, then team up with your partner to unleash a charged attack. Also receive MP from your chosen partner.

Combat Savior

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - Red XIII
Description Ask your partner to temporarily follow up on attacks. Aerith will raise her staff to indicate that her partner is ready for follow-ups, and her partner will do so after each attack she does.


FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIFF7 Rebirth - YuffieFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Ask your partner to defend you while you move about the field. Renders your partner immobile for a short time.

Aerith Best Builds and Weapons

Barret Synergy Skills

Friendly Fire

FF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Team up with your partner to perform a ranged scattershot attack.

Iron Defense

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIFF7 Rebirth - YuffieFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Team up with your partner to take a strong defensive stance. Renders your characters immobile but impervious to damage.

Mad Dash

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIFF7 Rebirth - Yuffie
Description Team up with your partner to charge forward while guarding against incoming attacks. Activate in sequence to trigger a three-hit combo.

Barret Best Builds and Weapons

Red XIII Synergy Skills

Wild Charge

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - YuffieFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Team up with your partner to charge forward while guarding against incoming attacks.

Iron Defense

FF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - Yuffie
Description Team up with your partner to take a strong defensive stance. Renders your characters immobile but impervious to damage.

Phantom Fang

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Team up with your partner to dodge and deliver a counterstrike. Dodge at the right time to perform a follow-up attack.

Red XIII Best Builds and Weapons

Yuffie Synergy Skills


FF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Hold the button to gather strength, then unleash a charged attack. Use Elemental Ninjutsu to change affinity. Can use while airborne.

Ninja Bazooka

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIFF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith
Description Team up with your partner to dodge and deliver a counterstrike. Dodge at the right time to perform a follow-up attack.

Shuriken Sync

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - Tifa
Description Throw your shuriken and have your partner follow up with an attack. Can use while airborne.

Yuffie Best Builds and Weapons

Cait Sith Synergy Skills

All-Out Assault

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - Red XIIIFF7 Rebirth - Yuffie
Description Team up with your partner to perform a close-ranged attack. Causes Cait Sith to dismount his moogle.

Magic Megaphone

FF7 Rebirth - CloudFF7 Rebirth - TifaFF7 Rebirth - Yuffie
Description Instruct your partner to attack a target of your choice.


FF7 Rebirth - AerithFF7 Rebirth - BarretFF7 Rebirth - Red XIII
Description Ask your partner to defend you while you move about the field. Renders your partner immobile for a short time.

Cait Sith Best Builds and Weapons

How to Unlock Synergy Skills

Unlock Synergy Skills in Character's Folios

FF7 Rebirth - All Synergy Skills and How to Use - Synergy Skills in Folios

Character Folios are where you need to spend Skill Points (SP) to unlock character Skills, Abilities, and stat increases. Gain SP through battles or by purchasing Folio Books, then visit Maghnata Books and speak to the proprietor to customize your Folios.

Some of these Skills, including Synergy Skills, are unique to the Folio's character and will require prerequisites to be met such as reaching a certain weapon or party level, or unlocking a previous Skill.

SP Farming Guide

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Folio Skill Tree

Folio Skill Tree Guide

All Folio Skill Tree Guides

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All Synergy Skills All Synergy Abilities


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