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Unlock the Gold Saucer date events by reaching both Chapter 8 and Chapter 12 of the main story in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn more about the Gold Saucer dates, how to choose your date partner, and what events will play out in both chapters.
Romance Related Guides | ||
Romance Guide | Loveless Guide | Gold Saucer Date Guide |
List of Contents
Your first Gold Saucer date will begin after Cloud has rested on the hotel room during Chapter 8 of the main story in the game. The party member with the highest relationship level will be your date during the event.
Chapter 8: All That Glitters Walkthrough
If you haven't raised the relationship levels of your party members during this point in the game, then Cloud will have no one waiting for him after resting in the hotel room.
The Gold Saucer date during Chapter 12 of the main story will occur after Cloud has rested in the hotel room.
The notable events during this date will be the Loveless Play and the Skywheel Ride, with your Gold Saucer date determined by the member with the highest relationship level.
Chapter 12: A Golden Key Walkthrough
In the event that you haven't raised the romance levels of your party members, you will have Cait Sith as your date throughout the date event on Chapter 12.
How to Increase Romance Levels |
★ Select the Right Dialogue Choices ★ Complete Minigames Related to Certain Characters ★ Complete Side Quests Related to Certain Characters ★ Perform Synergy Abilities with Certain Characters |
Your date for the Gold Saucer will be determined by the member with the highest relationship level in your party.
If you have a date preference, then be sure to choose the right dialogue options, beat certain minigames, and complete side quests that are connected to the character you want to date.
It is also recommended that you ignore the relationship levels of your other party members to ensure that your preference for the Gold Saucer date will be selected.
Romance and Relationship Guide
The Chapter Select feature becomes accessible once you've completed the game. You could use this specific feature to select certain chapters in the game and provide you with an alternative of not having to go through the entire events of the whole game.
You can also choose to skip Zack's cutscene in Chapter 8 once you've gained access to the Chapter Select feature from completing the game. This option can be set on the Extra Settings menu.
Once you've unlocked the Chapter Select feature, you could also choose which date will accompany you on the romantic events occurring on both Chapter 8 and Chapter 12.
The date options will only become accessible once you've gained a relationship level of 44% rating or higher with your party members, so be sure to raise them along the way.
You could also consult the Play Log feature, which becomes available once you've completed the game. This option will allow you to check and gauge the relationship levels of your characters, and what parts you can improve to increase your relationship.
Room Visitor | Rosa Performer |
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The party member who gets to play Rosa will depend on the date that will accompany you during the romantic event of Chaper 12.
Be sure that you've raised your relationship level high enough with your preferred date to ensure that she gets to play Rosa in Loveless.
Do note that if your date happens to be Barret, Red XIII, or Cait Sith, then the one who will portray Rosa in Loveless will always be Aerith.
If you haven't raised any of your party members' relationship levels, then you will have Cait Sith as your romantic date during Chapter 12 of the main story.
How to Get Gold Saucer Date with Cait Sith
Abzu Boss Fight Party | ||
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Chapter 12 Gold Saucer Date |
Your romatic date during Chapter 12 will also be the third party member that becomes available when facing Abzu as a boss fight.
Both Cloud and Yuffie are permanently set as your party members during this boss fight, with the third one being your date.
WARNING! The section below details heavy story spoilers for Chapter 8. Don't read it unless you are really prepared to learn what happens. |
All Chapter 8 Dates |
1 | ![]() Tifa: Hey, how're you feeling? Do you need anything? Some food? Water? Cloud: I'm fine. You were right-just needed some sleep. You alone? Tifa: Yeah, Red's off doing his own thing, and Aerith and Yuffie are taking a spin on the Skywheel. They're only letting couples on tonight. So here I am-the odd woman out. They hit it off quick, huh? Must be nice to make friends t hat easily. Cloud: What, like you can't? Tifa: I don't know... I act like I can. Think I always have...ever since I was a kid. Anyway, you up for a little exploring? With me, I mean. No pressure. Cloud: 'Course I'm up for it. |
2 | ![]() Tifa: Wow, you really can get sucked into this. Can see how people end up in debt. Cloud: Yeah. Let's make sure we don't. Receptionist: Welcome to the chocobo racetrack. Do you currently have a membership with us, sir? Cloud: No. Receptionist: Oh, I'm so sorry... But I'm afraid our services are for members only. Tifa: Oh... That's too bad. Might've been fun. |
3 | ![]() Tifa: Is that how you were back when you enlisted? Cloud: Not quite that green. I hope. |
4 | ![]() Tifa: Cloud. It's Jessie. Back when I was still finding my feet in Midgar, I...ran into some trouble. But she took me under her wing, helped me out... Saved me, really. Cloud: Sounds like her. Tifa: I admired her... She was so cool and confident. Like nothing could bring her down. Cloud: Yeah... I know. Tifa: I owe her so much... Thank you for everything. (Tifa and Cloud enter the theater.) Tifa: Done for the day, I guess. She was always a star, but just imagine her up there. Cloud: Yeah. Tifa: Wish I could've seen it. |
5 | ![]() Tifa: This place looks fun, huh? ...Now we're talkin'! That one's practically calling your name. Bet you'd kill on it. Cloud: But it's for kids... Tifa: You're afraid of a little video game? Cloud: Whatever... Let's see how it stacks up against the real thing. |
5 | ![]() Tifa: Looks fun, huh? (Tifa and Cloud hold hands) |
5 | ![]() Cait Sith: Cloud! Tifa: Is that a cat? Cait Sith: Get to the colosseum! On the double! Cloud: Why? Cait Sith:'Cause between you and mee...there's been a wee shooting in the lobby over there. And the word around the Saucer is that a man with a gun for an arm was the perpetrator. Cloud: What!? Caith Sith: I'll round up your pals for you, alright? Now get goin'; there's not a moment to lose! Tifa: This has to be a mistake. Cloud: Let's go find out. |
1 | ![]() Aerith: Thought I'd come see hwo you were holding up. What? Cloud: Nothing. Never mind. Aerith: You're still under the weather, huh? Cloud: No, I'm fine. Sleep helped. Aerith: So does that mean you'd be up for a little sightseeing with yours truly? Just so happens the Skywheel's running a special for couples. Cloud: For couples? As in...? Aerith: I'll leave that up to your imagination. It's more fun that way. |
2 | ![]() Aerith: This is some kinda race today, folks. In all my years in the booth, only seen a couple this close! So, Cloud, which bird do you think is gonna take home the win? Cloud: Well, Aerith, considering their plumage and breeding, I think the choice is clear. Receptionist: Welcome to the chocobo racetrack. Do you currently have a membership with us, sir? Cloud: No. Receptionist: Oh, I'm so sorry... But I'm afraid our services are for members only. Aerith: Aw man. |
3 | ![]() Aerith: You wanna be a space ranger too? Cloud: Prefer to keep my feet on the ground. |
4 | ![]() Aerith: Wow... Talk about beautiful. Do you know her? Cloud: That's Jessie. She died fighting for the Avalanche. Aerith: You know she was an actress? Cloud: Yeah. She was a good friend. Not that I deserved one. Aerith: Just a friend...? Or a girlfriend? You can be pretty dense when it comes to that kinda stuff. Cloud: She gave as good as she got-never cut me any slack. And yeah, just a friend. Aerith: Sure it was that black-and-white? Cloud: I don't follow. Aerith: You, youngman...still have a lot to learn. Right? (Aerith and Cloud enter the theater.) Aerith: Guess they're done for the day, huh. Bummer... Just think... your friend used to perform in this very stage. Cloud: Yeah... Aerith: Would've been fun to see. |
5 | ![]() Aerith: I spy something a certain all-action mercenery might like! Wanna try? Cloud: But it's for kids... Aerith: That's what all the old fogeys say. Whatever... Let's see how it stacks up against the real thing. |
6 | ![]() Aerith: C'mon, let's get in line. |
7 | ![]() Cait Sith: Cloud! Aerith: Aw! Hi, little guy! Cait Sith: Get to the colosseum! On the double! Cloud: Why? Cait Sith:'Cause between you and mee...there's been a wee shooting in the lobby over there. And the word around the Saucer is that a man with a gun for an arm was the perpetrator. Cloud: What!? Caith Sith: I'll round up your pals for you, alright? Now get goin'; there's not a moment to lose! Aerith: That can't be true, can it? Cloud: Let's go find out. |
* | Barret will not be available to date for this chapter. |
1 | ![]() Cloud: Weird. Walk oughta clear my head... |
2 | ![]() Regular scenes play for Chocobo Square, Speed Square, and Battle Square. |
3 | ![]() Cloud: Jessie... Hey... Still waiting on that pizza. (Cloud enters the Event Square) Cloud: Her old stomping grounds. I should take a look. |
4 | ![]() Cloud: More of a couples' thing... |
5 | ![]() Cait Sith: Cloud! We've got trouble. Cloud: Cait Sith? Cait Sith: Get to the colosseum! On the double! Cloud: Why? Cait Sith:'Cause between you and mee...there's been a wee shooting in the lobby over there. And the word around the Saucer is that a man with a gun for an arm was the perpetrator. Cloud: What!? Caith Sith: I'll round up your pals for you, alright? Now get goin'; there's not a moment to lose! |
1 | ![]() Yuffie: Oh, good, you're up, Perfect timing!I need someone to keep me company while I check out the park. This place is actually kinda lame when you're on your own. Cloud: Try the others? Yuffie: Aerith and Tifa went on the Skywheel together-just the two of them. Talk about rude, leaving the new girl behind. Cloud: Forgot you were ''the new girl.'' Sure don't act like it. Yuffie: It's my superpower. I slide in, buddy up, and then-yoink!C'mon! Less talk, more walk. |
2 | ![]() Receptionist: Welcome to the chocobo racetrack. Do you currently have a membership with us, sir? Cloud: No. Receptionist: Oh, I'm so sorry... But I'm afraid our services are for members only. Yuffie: Ugh, what? Lame. . |
3 | ![]() Yuffie: Oh man, that sounds awesome! I wanna join! Cloud: Be my guest. |
4 | ![]() Cloud: She was a friend. Yuffie: What? No way. I didn't think you had friends. Cloud: Might've been just screwin' with me. Yuffie: Yeah, well, you're lucky she even did that! Cloud: I know. Yuffie: I swear, Cloud... It's like you're destined to be surrounded by smokin'-hot chicks. Cloud: Lucky me, huh? Yuffie: This way, babe magnet. Cloud: Coming. Still waiting on that pizza. (Yuffie and Cloud enter the theater.) Yuffie: Aw man, they're done for the day... Kinda cool to think this is where that girl used to perform. Cloud: Yeah... Yuffie: Well, let's go... |
5 | ![]() Yuffie: I've died and gone to gaming heaven! Where do we even start? Oho, that motorcycle I spy over there? Y'know, Aerith and Tifa talked your skills up... said you really knew how to stick it to the man! So hop on and show me whatcha got! Cloud: Wha-? That's for kids. Yuffie: Too tough for Mister Cool, huh? Cloud: Whatever... Let's see how it stacks up against the real thing. |
6 | ![]() Yuffie: Oh, man, we gotta get in line quick. |
7 | ![]() Cloud: Cloud! Yuffie: Did it just... Cloud: What is it? Cait Sith: Get to the colosseum! On the double! Cloud: Why? Cait Sith:'Cause between you and mee...there's been a wee shooting in the lobby over there. And the word around the Saucer is that a man with a gun for an arm was the perpetrator. Cloud: What!? Caith Sith: I'll round up your pals for you, alright? Now get goin'; there's not a moment to lose! Yuffie: It's not our gun-armed guy, right? Cloud: Let's go find out. |
WARNING! The section below details heavy story spoilers for Chapter 12. Don't read it unless you are really prepared to learn what happens. |
All Chapter 12 Dates |
1 | ![]() Tifa: Doze off? Cloud: No... Tifa: Those pillow marks say different. Cloud: Yeah, yeah... You got me. Tifa: Anyway, wanna broaden your artistic horizons? Loveless is playing here. And...I got us tickets. Cloud: Sure. Tifa: After that...we could ride the Skywheel. Cloud: Right. We missed out on that before... Tifa: Yeah...but not this time. Let's go. |
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![]() Announcement: Attention, Event Square guests. Could ''Maycomb Blume''-that's ''Maycomb Blume''... please speak to a member of the staff at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Tifa: C'mon. Announcement: Attention, Event Square guests. Could ''Maycomb Blume''-that's ''Maycomb Blume''... please speak to a member of the staff at your earliest convenience. Thank you. |
3 | ![]() (After Jessie's Scene) Tifa: I've never seen her look more beautiful. Cloud: Yeah... She's a real star. Announcement : Today's performance takes audience participation to the next level. With our revolutionary technology, you will become the hero of the story. Only you can fell the Dragon King and win the princess's heart. (LOVELESS Minigame starts) |
4 | ![]() (After seeing LOVELESS) Tifa: Wow... That was amazing. I can't wait to start bragging-''I'm friends with a famous singer!'' Cloud: Well, maybe next time, you could take the stage. |
5 | ![]() Tifa: You ready for this? A gondola's here! Well...after you. Cloud: You first. Tifa: Uh...Cloud? |
6 | ![]() Tifa: Think we can steer with this? Cloud: Worth a try. Tifa: Here goes! Tifa: Wow... Cloud: Nice save. Tifa: Hey, over there. See that? Being a jockey looks so fun. Cloud: That's definitely not what the races are like. Tifa: I guess I'll just have to see for myself. |
7 | ![]() Tifa: It's beautiful. Cloud: So...have you talked to Aerith? Tifa: Hey, um, Aerith? (Aerith and Tifa flashback) Tifa: I talked to Cloud. He said he remembers Zack. How they were friends five years ago. Aerith: What? (End of flashback) Tifa: Not yet. Cloud: Right... Touchy subject, huh? She must still have feelings for Zack. Tifa: I think it's a little more complicated than that. Tifa: Hey. It's kinda weird-us being here like this, isn't it? Cloud: Is it? I mean... I guess it is. Kinda. Tifa: Ever since we left Midgar on this crazy journey... Ever since we were kids, even... I can't remember a time like this. A time when we were this close. Or am I getting ahead of myself again? Cloud: Again? Tifa: Yeah... Again. Cloud: Not one bit. (Cloud hugs Tifa and shares a kiss.) |
8 | ![]() Tifa: We should prob'ly head back to our rooms. Cloud: Yeah... Prob'ly. |
1 | ![]() Aerith: Those are some pillow marks. You must've been out like a light. You know, there's a showing of Loveless about to start... and I've got two tickets to it. We should go. Plus, you and I have unfinished business. Cloud: Wait. What? Aerith: The Skywheel, silly. Remember, we didn't get to ride it before. Cloud: What about the others? Aerith: Forget about them. For now, anyway. C'mon! |
2 | ![]() Announcement: Attention, Event Square guests. Could ''Maycomb Blume''-that's ''Maycomb Blume''... please speak to a member of the staff at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Aerith: C'mon, c'mon! Announcement: Attention, Event Square guests. Could ''Maycomb Blume''-that's ''Maycomb Blume''... please speak to a member of the staff at your earliest convenience. Thank you. |
3 | ![]() (Aerith rushes to the entrance.) Usher: Congratulations! Would you like to sing it? Aerith: Me? |
4 | ![]() (After Jessie's Scene) Cloud: Damn... She was a star. Huh? Announcement : Today's performance takes audience participation to the next level. With our revolutionary technology, you will become the hero of the story. Only you can fell the Dragon King and win the princess's heart. (LOVELESS Minigame starts) |
5 | ![]() (After seeing LOVELESS) Aerith: What an experience... Could even call it life changing. Cloud: Guess so. Maybe you oughta go pro? Aerith: Y'know. I justmight. Skywheel Attendant: Attention! The Skywheel will be closing soon. Please line up and have your ticket ready! Aerith: Uh-oh, we gotta hurry! |
6 | ![]() Aerith: Hurry up! Aerith: Okay! So, shall we? Aerith: What do you think this does? Wow... This is incredible! |
7 | ![]() Cloud: Chocobo racing's nothing like that. Aerith: Well, you would know! Aerith: It's all... so much... isn't it? Aerith: You surprised me at first. You were just like him, and... It wasn't your face or your clothes-it was you. The way you walked...the way you carried yourself... Whenever I looked at you...I saw him. But you're not him. And that's okay. Because right now, I wanna be with you. And I'm trying so hard to find you. Cloud: But I'm right here. Aerith: Yeah, you are, but... |
8 |
![]() (Aerith and Tifa flashback) Tifa: I talked to Cloud. He said he remembers Zack. How they were friends five years ago. Aerith: What? (End of flashback) Aerith: I don't think so? At least, not about anything important. Cloud: Aerith? Aerith: Just till the ride's over. (Cloud holds her hand.) |
9 | ![]() Aerith: Hey-thanks for tonight. Cloud: You're welcome, but... I didn't do anything. Aerith: Wall Market Warriors, you and me! We'll show 'em tomorrow. Cloud: Yeah. |
1 | ![]() Barret: Hey. Barret: Well, well. I wake baby from his nap? Cloud: Everything okay? Barret: They're putting on a production tonight. Loveless. And I happen to have these tickets. I thought it'd be nice to see one of the plays Jessie was in...and I thought you might feel the same. Know you're not busy, so...wanna come with? Cloud: Just you and me? Barret: Oh, just think of it as one of your jobs, merc. Cloud: Fine-but it'll cost you. |
2 | ![]() Announcement: Attention, Event Square guests. Could ''Maycomb Blume''-that's ''Maycomb Blume''... please speak to a member of the staff at your earliest convenience. Thank you. (After Jessie's Scene) Barret: Gonna need you to clap for both of us. (Cloud claps.) Announcement : Today's performance takes audience participation to the next level. With our revolutionary technology, you will become the hero of the story. Only you can fell the Dragon King and win the princess's heart. (LOVELESS Minigame starts) |
3 | ![]() (After seeing LOVELESS) Barret: Helluva show, huh... Skywheel Attendant: Attention! The Skywheel will be closing soon. Please line up and have your ticket ready! Barret: Well, you heard him. Last chance to ride the Skywheel. Wanna end this on a high note? |
4 | ![]() Cloud: We really doin' this? Barret: Could use some peace and quite. Couldn't you? C'mon. Barret: What's this? Whoa... Get down! Cloud: Hey. You tryin' to break it? Barret: Just messing with ya. Barret: In-kweh-dible! |
5 | ![]() Barret: When I was about your age....I decided I'd had enough of the mines... Wasn't much interested in any kind of work. I was young and wanted to enjoy my youth. And then I met a sweet girl named Myrna. Knew right away she was the one. But Myrna, she wasn't buyin' what I was sellin'. Told me she was in the market for a man, not a selfish boy. If I was gonna win her heart, I had some growin' up to do. Otherwise, she'd never give me the time of day. Funny enough, our first date was at a theme park. Nowhere near as big as this place, of course- just a travelin' fair with a handful of rides. We ended up ridin' these wooden chocobos round and round, laughin' our asses off. Barret: Look at me, boring you with my old stories. Cloud: Wouldn't be the first time. Don't worry. I'm used to it. Barret: Yeah, well... the lesson here is once you find your soulmate, you never let 'em go. So, who is it? Hmm? Cloud: Who's what? Barret: You know damn well what I'm talking' about. Why do you always have to overthink things? That ain't no way to live! You gotta just go for it sometimes. Cloud: You mean, like you do all the time? Barret: Touché. You could say we balance each other out. Cloud: Yeah. Barret: I mean it, though. If you do have feelin's for someone, tell 'em straight out. Don't wait till it's too late. Cloud: Right. |
6 | ![]() Barret: Thanks for comin' out tonight. I appreciate it. (Cloud shrugs.) Barret: Tomorrow, we're gonna go to town on those suckers. Cloud: Yeah. |
1 | ![]() Yuffie: Yo! Cloud: Hey... Yuffie: You... just wake up? Cloud: No. Yuffie: I heard about this really cool play goin' on. Got a couple tickets. Wanna see it together? Cloud: I'm not the only one who's got a big day tomorrow. You oughta to get some rest. Yuffie: Yeah, I know... But I'm too excited to sleep. I need to do something to let out all this pent-up energy... like see a play or ride the Skywheel. Cloud: That so? Yuffie: Heh heh heh... Plus, you've been frownin' so much I figured you forgot how to smile. That's where I—the amazing Yuffie—come in. C'mon! |
2 | ![]() Yuffie: Come on, let's find our seats. Announcement: Attention, Event Square guests. Could ''Maycomb Blume''-that's ''Maycomb Blume''... please speak to a member of the staff at your earliest convenience. Thank you. (After Jessie's Scene) Yuffie: She was amazing. Cloud: Yeah... Way better than me. Announcement : Today's performance takes audience participation to the next level. With our revolutionary technology, you will become the hero of the story. Only you can fell the Dragon King and win the princess's heart. (LOVELESS Minigame starts) |
3 | ![]() (After seeing LOVELESS) Yuffie: Mark my words: next time, I'm gonna be the leading lady. Cloud: And sing the materia song? Yuffie: Just you wait. Skywheel Attendant: Attention! The Skywheel will be closing soon. Please line up and have your ticket ready! Yuffie: Alright! Sounds like it's Skywheel time! |
4 | ![]() Cloud: Practice for what? Yuffie: For when the real thing comes around! Hey! (Cloud enters the Skywheel) Yuffie: Aren't you forgetting someone!? Yuffie: Okay... Uh-huh, Uh-huh...(turns the wheel.) Haha! That's so cool. Yuffie: Let's take a break. Cloud: Good idea. Yuffie: Un-freakin'-believable! |
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![]() Yuffie: So, I heard you and Tifa go way back. Cloud: Yeah. Yuffie: I also heard she used to have a pretty big crush on you. Cloud: ...That so? Yuffie: Well, not at first. Apparently, even as a kid you had that ''weird loner'' vibe. But then, one day...bam! She caught the love bug. Were you into her? Cloud: Don't remember. Yuffie: Really? Though I guess that makes sense. Tifa said she was so busy after the move to midgard that she forgot all about you, too. Dunno what it is about you guys, but...I get it. I had a thing for a SOLDIER once. Least I think he was a SOLDIER. I wanted to prove myself so I hit him with my best moves. Sih, sih, hah! Hmph. Was like I was firin' energy blasts! After a few salvos he shouted ''Ya got me''-and at the time I totally bought it. Of course, he was just playing along for a dumb kid. And once I realized that, I was pissed I couldn't stop thinkin' about him. I swear to myself that one day I'd blast that jerk for real! Did some hardcore training so I could give him a beatdown. But eventually it dawned on me: he was just being nice. Like, he was a really nice guy! And the more I thought about it, the more I realized-wow-I liked him. Y'know Maybe it's because of those feelings that I still can't fire energy blasts. Cloud: I can help. Yuffie: With the energy blast? Or my feelings? Cloud: The former. Feelings ain't my thing. Yuffie: Think we both kind of suck at that department. (Yuffie kisses Cloud on the cheeks.) Yuffie: I-I mean, th-that is the sorta thing you're supposed to do in these situations- It was just practice. So...so don't go thinkin' it means anything, okay!? Say something! You're so annoying. Hey, if I ever see that guy again what should I do? |
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![]() Cloud: That's up to you. But if it were me... I'd let him have it. Yuffie: Tell anyone about tonight and you're a dead man! |
1 | ![]() Red XIII: Hey. is this a bad time? Cloud: Hey, what's up? Red XIII: Nothin'. Couldn't find anyone. Thought they might be her. Cloud: Just me. Red XII: Actually, there's this play I wanna see, and...would you mind coming with? I already have the tickets, but...look at me, there's no way I'm getting in by my myself. Cloud: I got you. Red XII: You do? Great! |
2 | ![]() Announcement: Attention, Event Square guests. Could ''Maycomb Blume''-that's ''Maycomb Blume''... please speak to a member of the staff at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Red XIII: Let's go! Announcement: Attention, Event Square guests. Could ''Maycomb Blume''-that's ''Maycomb Blume''... please speak to a member of the staff at your earliest convenience. Thank you. (After Jessie's Scene) Red XIII: Man, that lady was beautiful. Cloud: Yeah, hell of an actor too. Announcement : Today's performance takes audience participation to the next level. With our revolutionary technology, you will become the hero of the story. Only you can fell the Dragon King and win the princess's heart. (LOVELESS Minigame starts) |
3 | ![]() (After seeing LOVELESS) Red XIII: That was something else, huh? And Aeriith' song? I got a little misty-eyed there! Skywheel Attendant: Attention! The Skywheel will be closing soon. Please line up and have your ticket ready! Red XIII: ...Okay, then that's settles it. We've got to ride the Skywheel before it's too late, Cloud. |
4 | ![]() Red XIII: C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! Cloud: Cool it. Red XIII: How can I? It's- I got this! Pretty good, right? Cloud: Hey, you're going to drool on the seat. Red XII: Close call. ![]() Red XII: All right this doesn't leave the ride, okay? It might sound crazy, but back in Midgar, Aerith and and I could both see the future. Cloud: Well that would explain a lot. I'm guessing you can't anymore, though? Red XIII: Nope. Not even a bit. Whatever we had I think the Whispers took it from us when we left. Cloud: Huh? Red XIII: Seems ''arbiters of fate'' can do whatever they want. Cloud: So, you told us. Red XIII: Oh, did I? Huh... I wonder if this means we'll eventually forget the even exist. Cloud: We'd be better off if we did, frankly. There's no point in wasting our time worrying about fate... if we can't change it. |
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![]() Red XII: You're right. Still...there is one thing I need you to remember. You have to keep Aerith safe. I mean it Cloud. I don't remember what's supposed to happen but, I do know she's in danger. Cloud: What? Red XIII: Shake on it. Cloud: They are soft, Red XIII: Huh? Cloud: Nothing. Forget it. |
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![]() Red XIII: I'm glad that we could speak in private, Cloud. Cloud: Yeah. Red XIII: You're good company. Thanks. |
1 | ![]() Cid: Y'all leave the flyin' to me! Cait Sith: It doesnae work like that. Cid: So we just sit here and spin? Coulda at least thrown in a joystick! Cait Sith: That seems joysticky. Cid: Oh? Some dumb kids' toy. Cait Sith: Come on... At least we can enjoy the scenery. Cait Sith: Just look! You've got a space battle unfoldin' right before your eyes! Tell me that doesnae send a chill down your spine! Cait Sith: Oh no! Evasive Action. Cid: Hard to port! Cait Sith: Made it by the skin of our teeth! Cait Sith: Y'know, people sometimes ask me to predict who will win a race. ''Ach, come off it,'' I tell 'em! If I could do that, I wouldnae still be workin' here, now would I? |
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Cait Sith: Talk about a breathtakin' spectacle! Seriously, are you lads seein' this? Cait Sith: To hell with ya, ya wee scunners! Barbarians! I provide entertainment in spades and all I get is crickets! Cid: Can't we go any faster? This is torture. Cloud: Cait. Zip it. Cait Sith: Why're ya takin' his side!? I'm the one trying to make this fun! Cait Sith: Open the doors! Let me offa this thing! Cid: Well, I'll be in the stands rootin' for ya tomorrow. Knock 'em dead. (Cait Sith sighs.) |
Romance and Relationship Guide
General Romance Guides | |
Loveless | Bad Date |
Gold Saucer Date Guide | - |
Character Romance Guides | |
Aerith | Tifa |
Barret | Red XIII |
Yuffie | - |
Gold Saucer Date Guide and How to Choose Your Date Partner
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Wuthering Waves Walkthrough & Guides Wiki
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Avowed Walkthrough & Guides Wiki
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Persona 3 Reload Walkthrough & Guides Wiki
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) Walkthrough & Guides Wiki
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred Walkthrough & Guides Wiki
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Walkthrough & Guides Wiki
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