FF7 Rebirth

Is FF7 Rebirth Open World?

FF7 Rebirth - Is FF7 Rebirth Open World
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth) is a semi-open world game where players can only access and revisit areas once they've progressed enough in the main storyline. Learn more on the semi-open world feature of FF7 Rebirth, and how the game allows you to explore its many areas.

Is FF7 Rebirth Open World?

FF7 Rebirth Will Be a Semi-Open World Game

FF7 Rebirth - Is FF7 Rebirth Open World
FF7 Rebirth will not be an open world game, meaning that you'll be following the region progression of the main storyline in the game. FF7 Rebirth will more closely feature a semi-open world setting, wherein regions can be unlocked based on how much you progress the story.

As FF7 Rebirth offers vast and unexplored regions to explore, the game will feature semi-open world elements that allow players to expand accessible regions and revisit certain locations once you've unlocked them through story progression.

FF7 Rebirth Offers Vehicles and Chocobos for Exploration

With the vast regions that need to be explored in the game, FF7 Rebirth opens up alternative methods to traveling the scope of its locations. Players can now mount Chocobos to traverse certain locations or terrains. Vehicles are also available for use, such as the Buggy in the original Final Fantasy 7 game.

Chocobo Mounts

FF7 Rebirth - Is FF7 Rebirth Open World Chocobo
Players will rejoice as the iconic Chocobo can now be mounted and used as transport in FF7 Rebirth. There are also different kinds of Chocobos you can mount, such as Ocean Chocobos and Forest Chocobos.

While Ocean Chocobos are great for crossing certain bodies of water, Forest Chocobos are ideal when traveling through forests. In the game, you will have to mount all kinds of Chocobos so you could go across different terrains in FF7 Rebirth.

You could also repair Chocobo Stop Signboards and use them as fast travel points for your leisure.

Vehicle Transports

FF7 Rebirth - Is FF7 Rebirth Open World Buggy
In the Release Date Announcement Trailer, a segment of the trailer showcased the return of the Buggy from the original Final Fantasy 7 game. Aside from the classical Buggy, the game also features Cid's trademark aircraft known as the Tiny Bronco.

Additionally, the game offers a two-wheeled transport called the Wheelie that allows you to take in the scenic route of Costa de Sol.

All New Gameplay Features and Changes

Was FF7 Remake Open World?

FF7 Remake Was Not an Open World Game

FF7 Rebirth - Is FF7 Rebirth Open World FF7 Remake Cloud Aerith

FF7 Remake was strictly linear by design due to the aging hardware of the old PS4 console. Players were restricted from accessing different locations of Midgar and were often confined in compact levels that looked bigger than they actually were.

In order to unlock new areas, you needed to progress the main story. Players who wanted to revisit the old areas would have had to finish the game and replay the level via the Chapter Select feature.

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